September 3, 2008, - 4:55 pm
Sleeping With Adel Al-Jubeir & Dan Senor: The Foreign Policy “Experience” of Campbell Brown v. Sarah Palin
By Debbie Schlussel
The McCain campaign canceled a scheduled CNN appearance by John McCain on the show hosted by the world’s most inane and annoying interviewer, Larry King. They did so because of a rude interview by Dale Alma Campbell Brown a/k/a Campbell Brown with McCain spokesman Tucker Bound.
The obnoxious interview–posted below–was four minutes of repeated interrupting, smirking, and faces a 2-year-old would make, all on the part of Dale Alma Campbell Brown. It focused on Brown’s contention that McCain Vice Presidential choice, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, doesn’t have foreign policy experience.
But there are a couple of inconvenient truths that struck me:
1) By serving as concubine to Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir, Campbell Brown has a whole lot more “foreign policy experience” than Sarah Palin.
Would you want her to be Vice President?
Yup, as I’ve repeatedly noted Brown “dated” (euphemism) then-Saudi spokesman and current Saudi Ambassador Al-Jubeir, accompanied him to Saudi Arabia, and even whored out her news coverage at NBC for him. As I’ve also repeatedly noted, at the time she was covering George W. Bush and, when Saudi then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah visited the Bush ranch in Texas, she refused to report on the Saudi prohibition of women from the Waco Airport tarmac and air traffic control tower. She never disclosed to NBC Nightly News viewers that she was, ahem, “dating” Al-Jubeir.
Again, with this relationship, Brown has more foreign policy experience than both Palin and Obama combined. Still wouldn’t want her to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

2) Dale Alma Campbell Brown’s husband Dan Senor had zero foreign policy experience, and yet he was one of the two top guys running Iraq as the right-hand man and press spokesman to Paul Bremer.
Sorry, but I would rather have had Sarah Palin running things in Iraq than Senor. Senor and Bremer de-Baathified the Iraqi government, removing all Sunnis and handing the whole country over to Iran-backed Shi’ite extremists. GUH-reat job. The disasters bgan with Senor and Bremer.
But did Brown question why a guy, Dan Senor–whose sole previous experience was serving as press secretary and advisor to pro-Hezbollah/Arafat Senator Spencer Abraham and working at the Bin Laden Carlyle Group–was allowed to run Iraq at a time when it was our number one foreign policy involvement. Did Dale Alma, er . . . “Campbell,” question her hubby’s lack of foreign policy experience? Nope. And she wasn’t even sleeping with him at the time.
Running Iraq when our troops were being killed was arguably far more important than a Vice President who attends funerals and high school grand openings. And Dan Senor was never vetted. There was no Campbell Brown smirking and making faces and interrupting ad nauseam, about him.
Even with his “experience,” Senor is still clueless. For example, he recently wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece praising Argentinian President Carlos Menem for being against Iran, Islamists, and terrorism. But, on the contrary, Menem accepted $5 million from Iran to cover up Hezbollah”s/Iran’s involvement in the Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center bombing and delayed for years the investigation into it. Senor is a complete ignoramus. Yet, not only was he allowed to run Iraq (and screw it up, big-time), but was considered to become White House Press Secretary.
Really, if I were the McCain people, I’d have thrown all of these things into obnoxious, pretentious Brown’s face.
And I would have asked her about her father’s experience serving time in a federal prison and what she knew and when she knew it.
This woman is a skank and needs to be put in her place, and not just by the Saudi who was bedding her.

oh noes tough questions lets get all butthurt about it 🙁
so much for the straight talk express
lolwut on September 3, 2008 at 5:27 pm