Debbie Schlussel: Morgan Spurlock & Idiotic Former Minuteman on Immigration

By Debbie Schlussel

Who is the imbecilic former Minuteman hanging out with left-wing illegal alien supporter Morgan Spurlock?

Remember Spurlock? He's the phony "documentarian"--really fake-umentarian--who lambasted McDonald's in his "Supersize Me" silver screen screed. Then, last summer, he did a silly "30 Days" series on F/X. Unfortunately, it's ba-a-a-a-ack.

Spurlock and his peeps tried to recruit me to be on two of the episodes, including one in which his airhead best friend was indoctrinated by Islamofascists. I wrote about my experience with Spurlock's Islamo-sympathizing people in this "Wall Street Journal" column. More about it here. And more on how Spurlock was hailed by Islamofascist groups who didn't seem to care about his use of Mohammed cartoons, here. And don't forget how he recently used obscenities and ridiculed the disabled and minimum wage workers at an absurd high school speech.

Morgan Spurlock: Supersized Creep Helps Illegal Aliens

Now, an idiotic former Minuteman, Frank George, is in the season premiere of season two of Spurlock's "30 Days" show, Wednesday Night. He's living for 30 days bunking with a family of illegal aliens so he can "feel their pain."

I know plenty of patriotic Minutemen, none of whom would be this gullible. Surely, they are upset at the silly way this wayward former Minuteman sold them out for the $30,000 Morgan Spurlock pays "contestants" in each of his phony, pre-determined "30 Days" shows.

We have a good idea for a Morgan Spurlock show you'll never see--an illegal alien lives for 30 days as an unemployed, homeless man whose wages he lowered to unlivable levels and whose job he took.

Posted by Debbie on July 25, 2006 10:20 AM to Debbie Schlussel