Debbie Schlussel: Extreme Kudos: Diligent ICE Agent Puts Iranian Arms Dealer Behind Bars

By Debbie Schlussel

On this site, we're quite critical of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) management.

But that doesn't diminish one iota our respect for the patriotic, hard-working thousands of rank-and-file ICE agents around the world who are trying to do their job protecting America, notwithstanding their incompetent, selfish, PC higher-up desk jockey bosses.

One of those great agents is ICE Special Agent Brian Bucaro based in San Diego. He is a finalist for a 2006 "Sammie"--Service to America award for Justice and Law Enforcement--for putting an Iranian arms dealer behind bars. This is especially important in this day when Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and its arms cache and reach is felt in Israel's attempts to defend itself against Hezbollah.


Here are the details from Federal News Radio:

For more than 20 years, Arif Ali Durrani illegally trafficked U.S. military weapons and components. One of his biggest clients was the Iranian government, which he supplied with missile and aircraft parts.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Brian Bucaro led the investigation that put this internationally renowned arms dealer in jail.

Bucaro discovered that Durrani was operating out of Mexico and was acquiring U.S. military parts by using American front-men. By January 2005, Bucaro had identified and located Durrani's two key co-conspirators.

Over two years, Bucaro was able to build an airtight case against Durrani. Then, with a tip that Durrani would be in the United States for a connecting flight at L-A-X, Bucaro and his team were able to nab the elusive arms smuggler.

Thanks to Brian Burcaro, this criminal is behind bars and his smuggling network has been dismantled.

Right on, Agent Burcaro. We salute you and hope you get the Sammie award that you much deserve. (A list of all finalists is here.)

If only people like this were running ICE.

Posted by Debbie on July 26, 2006 03:12 PM to Debbie Schlussel