Debbie Schlussel: Chutzpah, Inc.: Litigious Arab Group Seeks Asylum for All Palestinian, Lebanese ILLEGAL ALIENS!

By Debbie Schlussel

Just what we need . . . more Palestinian and Lebanese Muslims who support Islamic terrorism getting asylum in the U.S. and roaming free. And they're illegal aliens in custody, to boot.

That's what FBI award revokee and "former" terrorist Imad Hamad and House Banking Scandal convict Mary Rose Oakar--both officials of the Islamofascist American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)--want.

Monday, they sued the U.S. government on behalf of whining Lebanese Hezbollah supporters whose travel out of Lebanon U.S. taxpayers covered. Now, they're seeking instant asylum and release from illegal alien detention for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese illegal aliens on our shores. Is there ANY end to their cache of chutzpah? Answer: NO!

"Former" Terrorist Imad Hamad, Convict Mary Rose Oakar Seek Asylum, Release For Palestinian, Lebanese Illegal Aliens
(Hamadafat artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

The Lebanese-American (and we use the term "American" very loosely in her case) Oakar, a convicted criminal, is used to taking advantage of American citizen taxpayers. She bounced a lot of checks as a Congresswoman--and taxpayers paid for thousands to cover them--in the 1990s House Banking Scandal. She also laundered and faked campaign contributions, had ghost employees on her Congressional payroll, etc. etc. ad nauseam. (And she lied to the FBI, too.) She should have been a convicted felon behind bars (she faced 40 years hard time and $1.75 million in fines), but got a sweet plea deal allowing her to plea to two misdemeanors and get no jailtime.

Will she and her organization continue to get the bend-over-backwards treatment they've been getting from the Department of Homeland Security for the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens for whom they are seeking asylum? G-d help us.

Here are the details:

On July 25, 2006, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) requested that the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State designate Lebanon and the Gaza Strip for Temporary Protected Status due to the severe humanitarian crisis caused by Israeli attacks on those areas. Temporary Protected Status would allow nationals of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip to remain in the United States on a temporary basis to ensure that they are not returned to an area rife with violence, with dwindling access to water, medical and food supplies.

"Unfortunately these people have been caught in limbo between the US and a war torn country that they have no means of being transported to," states ADC Regional Director Imad Hamad. "From a humanitarian standpoint, it is inconceivable to keep these people in detention, especially those who have no record, or pose any safety concerns."

Cry me a river.

These illegal aliens should be headed outta here, along with Hamad, a "former" Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist whom the government fought to deport for years (but Clinton and Janet Reno gave up).

Posted by Debbie on July 26, 2006 04:52 PM to Debbie Schlussel