Debbie Schlussel: Another Picture That Speaks 1,000 Words: Hezbollah Teaches Kids Nazi Salute

By Debbie Schlussel

To all those supporters of Hezbollah at rallies around the country holding signs equating Israel and Jews with the Nazis, we say look at this pic below for a view at who the real Nazis are. This is the same salute my grandparents saw when they were shipped off to the concentration camps.

We were sent the photo by one of our favorite Israeli journalists--Jerusalem Post star reporter, Michael Freund. His work is must reading, as is a daily visit to his blog, Fundamentally Freund on the Arutz Sheva/Israel National News site. Go to his blog to read the full story behind Hezbollah kids' Nazi salute and where he got the photo.

Hezbollah: The New Nazis
This Equals This

Posted by Debbie on July 27, 2006 12:49 PM to Debbie Schlussel