Debbie Schlussel: Honoring Hezbollah: Feds' Friends' Moment of Silence "For the Martyrs" in Dearbornistan, Yesterday

By Debbie Schlussel

DEARBORNISTAN, U.S.A.--Sometimes, the best laid plans go awry. And so it was, yesterday, regarding the pro-Hezbollah rally at Dearborn City Hall, sponsored by the extremist Congress of Arab American Organizations, but attended and endorsed by most Islamic leaders in town. I was there and got a lot of great pics. But, unfortunately, by a fluke in trying to transfer them to my computer, all the images were lost to oblivion.

Still, there was a lot that happened and that I saw which I'll describe here. To note the tone of the event, check out the pin below, which was being sold there. The woman in the photo appears to be Layla Khalid, a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist involved in the 1970 hijacking of three planes, one of which was an American flight (her code wordd to start the hijackings were "Labnah Sandwich"). We've written about Ms. Khalid, holder of the dubious "honor" of being the first known female Islamic terrorist. Read all the details about her here.


Pins featuring Khalid were appropriate fare, since--among the complete cast of Islamofascist characters--one of the officials we saw at the event was Khalid's "former" PFLP terrorist cohort, Imad Hamad--now, Midwest regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and an FBI award revokee. As we've repeatedly noted, Hamad is a very close friend and confidant of Brian Moskowitz a/k/a "Abu Moskowitz," the Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Perhaps Abu M might want to tell him to drop the silly black gangster hat--a bizarre, fashion faux pas.

U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III and ICE SAIC Brian Moskowitz:
Their Buddies Held Moment of Silence for Hezbollah/HAMAS "Martyrs"

Also there and a speaker at the event was Osama Siblani, editor and publisher of the Arab American News. He asked all those in attendance to have a moment of silence "for the martyrs." No translation needed. Siblani's open support for Hezbollah (and all other terrorist groups) is notable because of his close friendship with U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a "Abu Porno," the Justice Department's chief official in the heart of Islamic America.

As we've noted, Murphy invites Siblani to meet with him on a monthly basis. Is there a benediction "for the martyrs" before those meetings? And, as we've also noted, Murphy and Siblani have openly spoken of their lunch dates and joked around about Hezbollah, saying it is just a charitable organization and not a terrorist group. Incredibly, President Bush has nominated Siblani buddy Murphy for a judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals. Hmmm . . . maybe Murphy will allow Islamofascist crony Siblani to open a session of the court with one of his moments of silence "for the martyrs."

Hezbollah Rally's Jihadist Speakers & Officials:
Imad Hamad, Osama Siblani, Nasser Beydoun
(Hamadafat artwork by Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

Other speakers included Nasser Beydoun, who was at the Hezbollah event, Sunday, at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center. As we've noted, Beydoun, Chairman of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, pretends to be a moderate and was touted as a U.S. Senate candidate by Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis.

But his speech yesterday was not the speech of a Senate candidate to the U.S. Senate. Maybe to the Lebanese Parliament or Hezbollah's highest ranks. Beydoun, whose father lived in a mansion in Hezbollah stronghold Bint Jbeil (until U.S. taxpayers paid to get him out of Lebanon and helped him return here), Lebanon delivered a fiery anti-American, pro-Hezbollah speech. And he didn't just attack Americans, he specifically attacked the Republican Party and Michigan Republican officeholders (many of whom shamelessly pander to this jihadist).

This event wasn't just to support Hezbollah. It was to promote Palestine . . . "all" of Palestine. We saw many protesters wearing the scarf famously donned by has-been singer Ricky Martin at the Arab Children's Conference in Jordan, last year. It features the map of hate--the entire state of Israel as a map of "Palestine." Get it? Ethnic cleansing of all Jews from all of Israel is the hope. The scarf also features a photo of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the namesake of Palestinian terrorist faction, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

Map of Hate/Al-Aqsa Martyrs Scarf: Garb of Choice @ Hezbollah Rally

We saw lots of interesting signs: "U.S. is a terrorist state." "Yes to Hezbollah. Yes to Hamas. No to Israel. No to America." "Bush is a terrorist." (Lots of those.) Etc., Etc., Etc.

But our favorite one, held by one Muslim teenaged girl, was: "Give Me Liberty or Give the U.S. Death." Yup, these are real loyal, patriotic Americans. Aren't they? Patrick Henry is turning over in his grave.

Finally, we note the security in place. We counted about 20 of Dearbornistan's finest guarding these jihadists. We noted that among them was Officer Daniel Saab. After 9/11, Saab was hailed and glorified in USA Today and a gazillion other mainstream media outlets (like CNN and the New York Times) as a superhero Muslim Arab community police officer who is a moderate. But he was recently convicted of charges related to threatening, harassing, and stalking a Michigan legislator. We're surprised, given that, he's still on the force. But, hey, he's a Muslim Arab. And anything goes in Dearbornistan.

Posted by Debbie on July 28, 2006 09:56 AM to Debbie Schlussel