Debbie Schlussel: Who's Funding "The Kingdom" (Or, Rather, How Much Did Saudi Arabia Pay)?

By Debbie Schlussel


I'm forbidden from reviewing the big-budget, action box office "thriller", "The Kingdom" (Film website, with trailer, here), before its release at the end of September. But who is behind this mysterious film is as important as what's in it.

I asked the question back in February, and now having seen it, I ask again:

Who is funding "The Kingdom"? Which Saudis gave Universal Pictures the major coin to put this out?


Since the heroes of the movie are the Saudis, and since those fighting against terrorism with Americans are Saudi police, princes, and other Kingdom officials (I didn't need to see the movie for that, since this plot is described in detail in the advance press release and I already wrote about it earlier this year), you'd have to guess that this propaganda, starring Jennifer Garner and Jamie Foxx, is Saudi-funded.

I've already written that the movie's official Arabic and Islam consultant is a Saudi student here in America on a Saudi-funded scholarship, who will return to a government job in Saudi Arabia. When I e-mailed him questions, and he noticed I'd written about his involvement in the movie, he clammed up.

Here is what I wrote about him in February:

The question that should be asked here is obvious: Who is funding this movie? How much Saudi or Muslim money is going into this propaganda film? Would love to know, but the credits don't tell you that kind of info. What they do show is that two Saudis, Yamen Al-Hajjar and Ahmed Al-Ibrahim (who also co-stars in the movie), are listed as consultants on Arabic, Islam, and Saudi Arabia. Al-Hajjar is a Saudi National who is a student at Boston University and says he will return to the Kingdon of Saudi Arabia after graduation to work for Saudi Aramco oil company. I'm sure they're not biased at all in favor of their native land and "peaceful" religion.

And here's another clue the movie is pure propaganda: Jennifer Garner, as an FBI agent, wears a tight t-shirt with ultra short sleeves and does not cover her hair while roaming all over the streets of Saudi Arabia. Right. Like that would EVER happen. I dare any woman to try it there and live to tell about it, without a gazillion State Department agents trying desperately to secure her release from Saudi prison. **** UPDATE: Another hint: Jason Bateman, playing a Jewish FBI agent, is told it's no big deal by Saudis when he reveals that he has Israeli stamps on his passport and an Israeli grandmother. Repeat chorus: Right. Like that would EVER happen. ****

Stay tuned for my complete review in late September.

Until then, ask yourself: How much Saudi money went into this? Clearly they're spending a lot, since a lot of free, advanced promotion screenings are being held for this. And why are Mrs. Ben Affleck, Jamie Foxx, and (the Jewish) Jason Bateman such whores that they are willing to sell out America and sell themselves to the Kingdom of Hate and Repression . . . and 15 of the 19 hijackers?

I give the Saudis credit for clever tactics. A heavily promoted Hollywood movie is the best way to brainwash Americans that the Saudis are "our friends" and "working with us" to fight terrorists, instead of what they are really doing--helping the terrorists.

And Hollywood execs are all too happy to help. They're definitely the best living examples of Vladimir Lenin's prediction of capitalists willing to sell the rope on which they'll be hanged.

Regardless, this should be the movie poster for "The Kingdom" (not the one they chose, above):

Saudi 9/11 Flag by David Lunde/Lundesigns

Like I said, stay tuned for my review in September. Read my original piece on this movie from back in February. You'll learn a lot and nothing positive.

Posted by Debbie on August 21, 2007 02:32 PM to Debbie Schlussel