Debbie Schlussel: HAMAS Krystallnacht USA 2008: Yet Another American Synagogue Attacked

By Debbie Schlussel

I think this is the fifth attack on a synagogue or Jews around the world (outside Israel) that I've written about this week. This time the target is the same as the one of the targets in Mumbai.

I've written about the tremendous works of the Lubavitch Chassidic sect of Orthodox Judaism. Even though they faced a tremendous tragedy at the hands of Islamic terrorists in India--where a Rabbi, his wife, and four or five others were sexually assaulted, tortured, and then executed at the Lubavitch Chabad House in Mumbai.

But Lubavitch is a strong organization, which is the most growing segment of Judaism both in America and around the world. And it continues its tremendous work, including these tremendous good deeds in helping Israeli soldiers on the front lines (look at these great pics).

Now, however, Chabad is under attack again, likely from Muslims who support HAMAS (a redundancy):

CHARLOTTE, NC [CHI] — Wednesday morning, the Shluchim [DS: that's Hebrew for messengers, representatives, or delegates] to Charlotte, NC found their their Chabad House vandalized. Windows were shattered, objects were broken and tossed about. The Lubavitch Education Center of North Carolina, run by Rabbi Yossi and Mariashi Groner, had apparently been vandalized overnight. The situation doesn't seem to be serious, however the incident was reported to the Police, who don't suspect any anti-semitism, 'just teenagers'.

PUH-LEEZE. Were these O.J. jurors in another life?

We know who did it. The so-called "Religion of Peace."

Posted by Debbie on January 7, 2009 04:02 PM to Debbie Schlussel