Debbie Schlussel: Hey, American Muslims a/k/a HAMASniks, King Was Pro-Israel

By Debbie Schlussel

Muslims a/k/a HAMAS supporters around America are using today--Martin Luther King, Jr. Day--to help promote their terrorist causes. Today, for example, Detroit-area Muslims are holding an MLK protest "in solidarity with the people of Gaza" a/k/a HAMAS. The pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah American Arab Anti-Discrmination Committee (ADC)--headed by "former" Islamic terrorist, FBI Award revokee, and marriage fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad--is hosting a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day even using young children and making them pretend they know what's going on to show their "solidarity with the children of Gaza."

But here's a tip to the Muslims, a tip I have to remind you of every single year. Martin Luther King, Jr. was openly pro-Israel and equated anti-Israel sentiment with anti-Semitism.

Here's an excerpt of what I wrote on King Day, last year:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Down w/the Jewish, Israeli Struggle
Every year, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I write about how various Muslim and Arab groups (mostly dominated by Muslims) invoke the name of Martin Luther King, Jr. for their various whines about alleged oppression and trumped-up discrimination, coupled with their various hate-filled diatribes against Israel. And every year, on Martin Luther King Day, I have to remind them, that if they want to own the King legacy, they have to own it all . . . including his love for Israel as a Jewish state. And including his views that you--the haters of Israel--are, in fact, anti-Semitic.

While the oft-cited "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend" may be fabricated, King's record and views on Israel are clear in his documented words and actions. As I wrote in 2005, in "Radical Islam Wishes You a Happy MLK Day":

King was adamantly opposed to the views of [Islamists including Imad] Hamad and ADC [American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee]. At a 1968 Harvard appearance, King rebuked a student who attacked Israel. "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism," King said.

(Although an oft-cited "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend," purportedly by King, may be fabricated, his Harvard quotes are well-documented, in Seymour Martin Lipset, "The Socialism of Fools-The Left, the Jews and Israel," Encounter, (December 1969), p. 24.)

Hey Muslims, we know you like to hijack things. But quit hijacking Martin Luther King, Jr.'s name for your terrorist causes. We know how you really feel about Blacks, whom you call "abeed" (slaves), and we know how King felt about you (anti-Semites). And we know how he felt about Israel. He supported it.

* ALSO READ: "Radical Islam Wishes You a Happy MLK Day"

Posted by Debbie on January 19, 2009 11:00 AM to Debbie Schlussel