December 31, 2009, - 3:32 pm
The Predictable Muslim Response There Is v. The One There Should Be (But Never Happens)
In response to the Islamic terrorist attack on Northwest Flight 253 by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the usual suspects are holding press conferences fertilized with the usual, predictable, empty condemnations of Al-Qaeda, while they refuse to condemn Hezbollah, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, and pretty much every group and person who has murdered and continues to attempt to murder U.S. citizens as part of the Al-Qaeda Network.
In Detroit, Dawud Walid a/k/a Delano Anthony Willis, Jr. (a man with a significant criminal rap sheet), Executive Director of CAIR-Michigan, told the media that Muslims are “worried about backlash” and, “People in the community are just frustrated.” Whatchoo Talkin’ ‘Bout Willis?! That’s chutzpah, but we let him get away with this outrageous response. So he continues with it.
When will the day come when Muslims are “worried about Americans being murdered by their fellow co-religionist” and when “People in the community are just frustrated”–not to mention, embarrassed–by that? NEVER.
Instead, the Islamic community is uppity, indignant, and self-righteous about this BS “backlash” that never has happened, and unfortunately, never will. If only there was “backlash,” we’d have less of these attacks and less whining-with-no-basis Muslims. But we simply don’t have the guts. We don’t even have the guts to yank a guy’s visa, when his own Muslim father says he’s a terrorist.
Nope, they’re not embarrassed in the least that one of their co-religionists–that MANY, MANY, MANY of their co-religionists–seek to mass murder Americans and that several have succeeded. Instead, it’s yet another boon to putting them in front of the cameras and complaining. 300 Americans might have died? Who cares–it’s all about the “real victims,” Muslims.
Yesterday, Walid/Willis held one of these phony baloney news conferences, which was so predictably eaten up like cotton candy by all of the Detroit mainstream media. But Walid has, in the past, when I’ve questioned him in public forums, defended the Hezbollah mass murder of over 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy officials in Beirut. His condemnations here–with regard to Flight 253–are meaningless and empty. And that’s especially the case, when you consider that this cretin and his cohorts spend every waking minute moaning and bitching in order to make it nearly impossible to catch and prosecute the Abdulmutallabs of the world before they murder or nearly do so, failing only because their undies failed to ignite correctly.
His organization, CAIR, is the force behind the Flying Imams’ behavior and resulting lawsuit. So, if Abdulmutallab’s bomb had gone off, he’d share the blood of nearly 300 passengers on his hands.
Tags: Abdulmutallab, backlash, CAIR, co-religionists, Dawud Walid, Delano Anthony Willis Jr., Flight 253, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorist, Muslim, Muslim whining, Northwest Airlines, NWA, shame, STFU, Umar Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
If American Muslims really opposed jihad, they themselves would be the first to enlist in the fight against it. Talk is cheap.
NormanF on December 31, 2009 at 3:40 pm