November 10, 2006, - 10:12 am
More Bad News: Dems to Make Nice w/ Cuba?
By Debbie Schlussel
It’s well known that the Democrats are in the forefront of the push to restore relations with Castro Communist Cuba. And unfortunately, now that they are in the leadership, rumors are that this will be pushed through.
Here’s the latest from today’s Wall Street Journal “Washington Wire“:
ACTIVISTS SEEKING end to Cuban trade embargo say Democratic control of Congress improves chances. Twelve groups seeking new policy write Rangel and Sen. Baucus, incoming chairman of Senate Finance Committee.
Disturbing, as with basically everything else, now that Pelosi/Reid are running the show.

Tags: Congress, Cuba, Debbie Schlussel It, incoming chairman, Senate Finance Committee, Senator, Wall Street Journal
It looks like Jimmy Carter’s wet dream is coming true.
So, want to bet that we import more than we export to Cuba?
Avatar on November 10, 2006 at 1:08 pm