November 14, 2006, - 5:45 pm
I Did Know Jack: The Abramoff Scandal and Jihad Grover (Norquist)
By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve written before, I knew Jack Abramoff–not well–but never liked or trusted the guy and always warned people to stay away from this phony blowhard. I told anyone and everyone about my suspicions of Jack’s involvement with the mob. They didn’t want to believe me, and as with many things, I turned out to be right.
As soon as I knew that Sen. John McCain and his committee were investigating Casino Jack, I told them everything I knew about his nefarious dealings with the casino gambling company, the mysterious murder, and the extremist Muslims with which he and his money-laundering bud, Grover Norquist, were cavorting and doing biz. Jack and Grover were Islamofascist Sleazebag-a-Palooza, Inc.

Jack is entering the fed big house, tomorrow. Did he give the feds the info they required about Jihad Grover? Sure hope so.
My dad, a C-SPAN junkie, told me that an interesting guest was on C-SPAN’s crappy morning show, yesterday: Grover Norquist. He was amused and said I would be, too, with the many vicious questions Norquist rightly received from C-SPAN’s cantankerous, gerontological callers. Many asked him why he wasn’t in jail. Great question. Anyone else in his shoes would be–and certainly would be too ashamed to be on C-SPAN or anywhere else.
It’s well known that Norquist, extremist Muslims’ best buddy in the GOP, used his Americans for Tax Reform a/k/a “Arabs for Tax Reform,” to launder money for many donors to political groups. He took a cut of money from those giving money to political groups which were not tax-deductible, and gave them a tax deduction in return. Anyone else doing this would be behind bars by now, but anyone else isn’t best buds with Karl Rove.
Yes, far from being an American for Tax Reform, Jihad Grover (a flamboyantly effeminate fellow–if you know what I mean–is married to a beard, er . . . has a beard, and is married to a Palestinian Muslim woman) is an American for Tax Fraud on the rest of us Americans. You see, we pay for those tax deductions he gave to people. And for that, he got paid.
Norquist skimmed over $1 million dollars from Abramoff’s Indian Tribe clients, even though he provided no service to them other than illegal money laundering and a tax deduction. It’s well known that Norquist does this for a lot of conservative donors to non-tax deductible conservative groups, something that should put him in the slammer, but, oddly, hasn’t.
Then, there’s that little issue of his Islamic Free Market Institute group that got Muslims who are strongly tied to terrorists key jobs in the White House, Homeland Security, the Dept. of Transportation, etc. By the way, know of any Islamic Free Markets? Neither do I.
And finally, why is tax defrauder, money-launderer, and Islamofascist tool Norquist still on the national board of the NRA–the National Rifle Association? You gotta ask Wayne LaPierre why he’d welcome a terrorist-aiding, money-laundering, tax-defrauding, fashionably flamboyant (“not that there’s anything wrong with that”) bizarro bearded man on the board of his hallowed organization.
I do know this: Norquist must have incriminating photos of LaPierre because I was once disinvited as a speaker at the NRA national convention because Norquist was mad about my writing on the terrorist activity of Sami Al-Arian and the support Congressman Darrell Issa gave to Hezbollah. I was “too outspoken against terrorism,” this loser employee chick of the NRA phoned to tell me. I suppose I’m too outspoken against child molestation and murder, too. The nerve.
I was re-invited after I told the NRA I’d talk about it on a nationally syndicated radio show, the next day. And that’s the only reason I was re-invited. I learned a big lesson about the NRA from that episode:
Yes, the NRA is apparently a one-issue organization. But the issue ain’t the 2nd Amendment. It’s terrorists’ (and Grover’s) interests above NRA members’ and America’s.
Time for Jihad Grover to do time. And for the NRA to have the testicles to say Sayonara, Grover Norquist.
Tags: America, Americans for Tax Reform, Darrell Issa, Debbie Schlussel As, Hizballah, Islamic Free Market Institute, Jack Abramoff, Jihad Grover, John McCain, Karl Rove, National Rifle Association, Palooza Inc., Republican Party, Sami Al-Arian, speaker, USD, Wayne LaPierre, White House
Explosive post. Never saw his name linked to Islamic financial schemes before.
Jeremiah on November 14, 2006 at 8:52 pm