September 4, 2010, - 8:53 pm
“Labor Day”: Obama Used Illegal Aliens to Clean The “Other” Oil Spill
** bumped up from 09/03/10 @ 5:36 p.m. **
While, for months, you heard about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, you probably haven’t heard much about the one in mid-Michigan, which happened in July. What I find interesting–no, outrageous!–is that while Michigan has a near-15% unemployment rate, the jobs cleaning up the spill that sent 820,000 gallons into a Kalamazoo River tributary went to . . . illegal aliens.
Sorry, but I just don’t buy that cleaning up oil spills is “the work that Americans won’t do.” In fact, I know plenty of hungry, desperate, able-bodied Michigan men who would have loved a job like that. But they weren’t hired by Phillip Hallmark and Hallmark Industrial. Nope, that guy wanted work on the cheap. And so did, apparently, Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency, which oversaw the spill clean-up. It’s nauseating. Some oversight. The people of Michigan are victimized once by the oil spill. Then, they are victimized a second time when the clean-up jobs go to those who are here illegally and living off of the benefits and services funded by those who are here legally and break their backs, hoping to get jobs like these. It’s ironic, as we approach Labor Day, that actually the major labor unions in America protect this kind of job predation by illegals, and it’s part of the death of those unions.
A group of 42 people believed to have taken part in the cleanup of the July oil spill in mid-Michigan were in federal custody in Houston on Thursday, accused of being in the U.S. illegally.
They are in the process of being deported, said Carl Rusnok, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
On Wednesday, the Chambers County Sheriff’s Department was contacted about two buses unloading workers in Winnie, a small city east of Houston. Of 59 initially detained, 42 were found to be lacking proper identification, Sheriff Joe LaRive said.
LaRive said the buses were from Michigan and had been chartered by Phillip Hallmark, who runs Hallmark Industrial. The company had been a subcontractor on the cleanup of the spill along Enbridge Energy Partners’ Line 6B near Marshall, until it was dismissed this week.
The line ruptured in late July, sending about 820,000 gallons of crude oil into a tributary of the Kalamazoo River.
LaRive said about 40 people from the buses got away. He said that although he doesn’t have independent knowledge that the people were working on the spill, given that the buses were from Michigan and Hallmark had been a subcontractor, he could “surmise they were the workers” on the spill.
These contractors had to know these men were here illegally, since they were lacking the proper paperwork (and probably had foreign accents if they could speak English at all). We’re talking about 82 people, if you include the 40 people who got away. That’s quite a few illegals. They had to know that these were not people here legally and working here legally.
But watch. The companies will get away with it because Barack Obama has ended workplace enforcement operations. Bush, to his credit, at least did do a decent amount of workplace enforcement, even if he was an amnesty advocate. Barack Obama and J-No ended it. And, again, you can also blame Obama’s EPA, which, as I noted, apparently didn’t care enough to insist on the employment of American workers for the job. Think about that on Monday, when you hear of Barack Obama praising America’s labor, er . . . labor unions.
America, Desperate, But NOT Serious.
Tags: Barack Obama, Carl Rusnok, cleanup, Enbridge Energy Partners, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, Hallmark Industrial, Houston, ICE, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Janet Napolitano, Kalamazoo River, Labor, Labor Day, labor unions, Michigan, oil, oil spill, Phillip Hallmark, Sheriff Joe LaRive, Texas, Winnie
Okay seriously… I am not complaining, just explaining… I am 50 years old, female, have been laid off in the state of MI for 18 mths..Finding full time work is a full time job and believe me I am up to the challenge. This is the first time in my life I have been on unemployment..(good news is I am beginning to finally get calls for interviews) I know good people that are laid off… there is no way in hell that the people in MI would not do that job…..The people would have lined up to clean up that mess… This country is sick with the political BS.
sharon on September 3, 2010 at 11:13 pm