December 13, 2006, - 3:29 pm
Immigration OUTRAGE: ICE’s Peppermint Patty Gets $45,000 Bonus(!)
By Debbie Schlussel
So, ICE arrested a few hundred illegal aliens at meat packing plants, yesterday. That’s great. But it still leaves the number of illegal aliens arrested at U.S. employers at only a few thousand in an entire year. That’s a speck of dust in comparison to 20 million illegals here and still working with impunity–taking jobs away from Americans. And that’s because the people atop ICE aren’t serious about immigration enforcement.
Given that millions of illegal aliens are roaming free throughout our country, we wonder why Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director of Investigations Marcy Forman-Friedman a/k/a “Peppermint Patty” just received a $45,000 bonus from our tax money, doled out by her boss, ICE chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess.” (It gives new meaning to the song, “Sisters are Doing it for Themselves.”) Forman is, after all, the woman who wrote this memo telling ICE agents that they should release illegal aliens with no criminal record into the Great American Abyss–never to be seen again (until they murder someone or commit another serious crime).

$45,000 is more than many Americans make in an entire year. It’s more than many Americans working on Wall Street in the private sector get for Christmas bonuses, and many of them actually made money for their clients. In this case, we’ve got a woman who’s lost a lot of illegal aliens for us due to shoddy choices in investigative pursuits in immigration enforcement. And she’s getting a bonues for that?! The fish rots from the head down. And in this case, the rotten fishhead just got rewarded with $45,000 for the rapid rot.
Given this, we wonder who else received tens of thousands of dollars in our tax money from the incompetent, wasteful ICE Princess. How much did The ICE Princess dole out to ICE’s wasteful, evil version of George Costanza, John P. Torres (in addition to the thousands he wasted on a Tommy Lasorda speech and a week-long party in Kansas City)? We also wonder why Myers has $45 K to dole out to Peppermint Patty but not enough money for ICE agents to have oil changes on their government cars, adequate bed space for illegal aliens, and more agents to enforce immigration laws.
We’re not the only ones wondering. So are many outrage, hard-working ICE agents–who are far more deserving of bonuses than these inept so-called “managers” and directors at ICE. Here’s what one of several wrote us:
I work at ICE and would like to report that Marcy Forman, our great investigations director, received a $45,000 bonus for her “outstanding service to ICE”. It is ironic that she is getting a bonus when ICE is at an all time low in morale, our budget is in shambles and agent retention is at an all time low. Not to mention many SACS [DS: Special Agents in Charge] out in the field did not get SES [DS: Senior Executive Status] bonuses and they deserved them. [DS: Hardly. Not Abu Moskowitz and several other incompetent SACs, so I beg to differ here.] Makes me wonder what the bench mark is for getting a bonus. Also, as we are in a budget crunch and can not afford vehicles, travel and many other things, our investigations director gets a bonus?
Good grief. The whole thing is, frankly, disgusting. Bonuses are supposed to go to those who did their job well.
Tags: Christmas, Debbie Schlussel So, Director of Investigations, great investigations director, ICE, investigations director, John P. Torres, Julie L. Myers, Kansas City, Marcy Forman, Marcy Forman-Friedman, oil changes, Patty Gets, Princess, Senior Executive, United States, USD, Wall Street
Salary bonuses, and pay increases for all appointed Civil Service Positions should be subject to a Citizen Review Board. IT’S OUR MONEY!
Yiddish Steel on December 13, 2006 at 4:00 pm