January 18, 2007, - 11:08 am
EXCLUSIVE: Dhimmi Behind Northwest Airlines’ Cave to Muslims Enabled Terrorist, Anti-Semitic Hatefest @ University
By Debbie Schlussel
Meet Andrea Fischer-Newman, Vice President of Government Relations for Northwest Airlines.
She’s also the airline’s Dhimmi-in-Chief, a role she also plays as a very liberal Republican Regent at the University of Michigan. She’s the reason why I knew immediately that Northwest would give in to Hezbollah-supporting whining Muslim Hajjis who arrived late for their flight and threatened a boycott of Northwest. This week she’s busy holding meetings and phone conferences with the extremist Muslims to whom she just caved, CAIR and all.

You see, I’ve known Andie Fischer for a few years now as a woman who will always capitulate to extremist Muslims, no matter how trumped up their complaints. In 2002, when The University of Michigan hosted the Divestment (from Israel) Conference at which Islamic Jihad terrorist Sami Al-Arian was the keynote speaker, she was at the forefront of protecting his “freedom of speech.”
When she was made aware that the organizer of the Divestment Conference, Palestinian Muslim Fadi Kiblawi, wrote in a student newspaper that he wanted to “strap on a bomb and kill” Jews, she did nothing to protect the safety of students. It’s the free speech, stupid, was basically her mantra.
No matter that she and the other Michigan Regents don’t care as much about the freedom of speech of Michigan’s non-terrorist students, who were banned at basketball games from taunting a convicted rapist basketball player at another Big Ten school with “No Means No” chants.
In contrast to Ms. Newman’s do-nothing, see-nothing, hear-nothing, defend-everything-for-Islamists mode, the following year, Rutgers University’s courageous regents refused to allow the same Palestinian Students’ Divestment Conference to take place on their campus.
I was the lawyer for Jewish students at Michigan who were upset with Ms. Newman’s defense of a terrorist’s “right” to endanger students on campus–when that terrorist, Al-Arian’s right to free speech on his own campus was taken away by his employer, University of South Florida’s President.
Because I attacked Ms. Fischer-Newman’s outrageous defense of Al-Arian and her enthusiasm for allowing a convention at which “Annihilate the Jews” was chanted by participants, she had Republican U.S. Congressman David Camp personally call me at home (of whom I was a fan . . . until that call) and leave an intimidating message asking why I was attacking his “friend,” “Andie.”
I’ve been following Ms. Fischer-Newman’s career at Northwest Airlines, and it’s marred by constant pandering to Islamists. She is the person behind regular free tickets to “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad and his terror-supporting group. When I asked her why, after whining by Hamad, Muslims were rehired by the airline after they were fired for lying about sick days they took off to go to a wedding, she couldn’t give me a satisfactory answer, but confirmed that the policy of firing employees for lying about sick days will not be changed (except if you’re Muslim, apparently).
I knew Andrea Fischer-Newman would be the force behind an immediate Northwest Airlines cave-in to the latest extremist Muslim whining–by Muslims who came late to their flight and should have faced the same consequences as everyone else, but now will not.
Ms. Fischer-Newman can always be counted on to do the wrong thing, never the courageous thing. As a Regent at Michigan, she’s steadfastly supported affirmative action and the University’s current efforts to avoid abiding by Michigan voters’ overwhelming decision to get rid of it (the same Michigan voters who elected her in a much smaller margin), the rights of terrorists, even an Islamic student who announced in a student newspaper that he is willing to become a homicide bomber against Jews anywhere–which, presumably includes Ms. Newman and Jewish students on campus.
So why did Michigan Republicans nominate this liberal with no backbone for election to the University of Michigan Board of Regents? It goes back to her extraordinarily close relationship with former Michigan Governor John Engler (which is also the reason for her Northwest Airlines job).
But after raising taxes on the people of Michigan and giving us one of the highest gasoline taxes in the country, Engler is gone, and conservatives in Michigan have finally tired of Fischer-Newman’s liberalism. And, one day, soon she will likely not be renominated to the Michigan Board. Or she may be voted down in Michigan elections.
That day cannot come soon enough.
While the spineless Fischer-Newman cannot be defeated in election from her position as chief dhimmi at Northwest Airlines, one thing’s for certain.
Her and her airline’s capitulation to terror-supporters’ every whine, her airline’s special treatment of Muslim employees and passenger customers at every turn is starting to be noticed by the rest of us.
While Muslims in Michigan (where they have their greatest North American concentration) really wouldn’t be able to carry out their threatened boycott of Northwest, since it controls most flights out of Detroit Metro Airport, plenty of Infidels around the country certainly can.
And they will vote against Northwest with their pocketbooks. People are beginning to realize what I’ve known for a while now.
Northwest is not just bankrupt financially. It’s bankrupt, morally, too.
Don’t forget US Airways still hasn’t caved to whining Islamists who threatened a boycott over the Six Flying Imams. Vote with your pocketbook and pick the airlines that stick to your safety over the whining of the “Religion of Peace.”
Here in Detroit, I don’t have that choice in most cases. But you do.
Tags: airline, Andrea Fischer-Newman, basketball, Caver, chief dhimmi, convicted rapist basketball player, David Camp, Debbie Schlussel Meet, Detroit, Detroit Metro Airport, Fadi Kiblawi, Governor, Hizballah, Imad Hamad, Islamic Jihad, Israel, John Engler, keynote speaker, lawyer, Meet Andrea Fischer-Newman, Michigan, Michigan Board, Northwest, Northwest Airlines, official, President, Rutgers University, Sami Al-Arian, terrorist, The University of Michigan, the University of Michigan Board of Regents, United States, University of South Florida, US Airways, Vice President of Government Relations
Andrea Fischer-Newman is an enabler of evil. Fools like her will be the death of us. Keep fighting her ilk, Debbie. Thanks for exposing her. The Mainstream Media will never let the American people know what is going on. They’ll just report the next 9/11 style attack and wonder why it happened.
FreethinkerNY on January 18, 2007 at 12:24 pm