January 30, 2007, - 11:53 am
“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Indicted, Another Guilty for Death Threats Against Schlussel
By Debbie Schlussel
As readers of this site know, among the vast pinata of hate-mail I get, I have received death threats from four diverse members of the “Religion of Peace,” threatening to murder me and my family members, after raping and torturing me. And I take them very seriously.
Last week, one of them–Robert Mustaq John–pled guilty in the U.S. District for the Eastern District of New York, and the previous week, another–Wasil Burki–was indicted in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. I’ve posted the court documents associated with both, herein, as well as a reposting of their death threats.

— Wasil Burki wasilburki@yahoo.com wrote:
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 00:06:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wasil Burki wasilburki@yahoo.com
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
You fucking jewish whore I feel like firing up one of those old gas chambers and just burning up your fucking bigot pussy! I am coming for you bitch and I am gonna fuck you GOOD. You fucking cunt! Move to fucking Isreal and leave us in peace you god damn bitch.
You all fucking jews deserve each other, fucking cunt.
Unfortunately, with John, he was allowed to plead to a misdemeanor, even though his crime was a felony. And we’ll see what the judge metes out in terms of a sentence. I’d like to see jail-time. If his victim were a Muslim, that would be guaranteed. Will this guilty plea affect Mr. John’s immigration status, as he seeks to become a U.S. citizen? If it had been a felony, I’m told it would have for sure. This is not the kind of guy who should be in our country, let alone get citizenship. With Burki, since he is not believed to be in America, if he ever comes back, he’s supposed to be arrested and stand trial. We’ll see.
It’s important to note that justice for me did not come nearly as easily as it comes for American Muslims who get action from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice, upon the whine about a hangnail. Mr. John sent his death threat to me almost 3.5 years ago. And I am only now finally getting justice, after going through a lot of baloney. I also believe that were it not for my having a loud and influential voice on this site and elsewhere in the media, nothing would have happened at all.
I compare this to the lightning speed that FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers moved in indicting and convicting two New York men who sent largely benign, anti-Muslim e-mails to extremist, hate-mongering Imam Hassan Qazwini, on the weekend of Nicholas Berg’s televised beheading. Within a month of their e-mails, FBI agents raided both men’s homes, and they were indicted shortly thereafter. Unlike my cases, they were not given plea deals. One of the men, Michael Bratisax, is a quadriplegic veteran in a wheelchair. (As I’ve written, the USDOJ has a special affirmative action prosecution program for Muslim “victims”–you and I aren’t equal to them in “Justice”‘s eyes.)
Neither of these two men–John or Burki–ever got FBI raids at 6:00 a.m. as the wheelchair-bound Bratisax did. 3.5 years ago, when I complained to the FBI immediately after seeing Robert Mustaq John’s threat accompanied by Daniel Pearl photos in mid-beheading, I received a call from FBI Special Agent John Oullet, the Bureau’s own Inspector Clouseau. That he was assigned my case, I later learned, was illustrative of the FBI not taking my case seriously. The case should have been assigned to the FBI’s civil rights agents in Detroit. It was, instead, sent to Ouellet, a lackluster agent in a satellite office.
Agent Ouellet told me that I remind him of his daughter who was in a University of Michigan sorority and who hated the Jewish sororities (for the record, I’ve never been in one). He elaborated on “the Jews” at Michigan. If I were Muslim, that conversation never would have taken place. Agent Ouellet went on to do nothing. After 6 months of him not investigating the case, he informed me that he gets death threats every day and I should just deal with it, hanging up on me. I guess he was just too busy writing his book about “right-wing” Michigan militias to actually investigate this death threat I took very seriously.
I complained to Agent Ouellet’s supervisor, Bill Edwards. Agent Edwards was not much more help. He first told me that the e-mailer was a woman, that FBI agents in Brooklyn had “her” driver’s license and located her. Eventually, “she” was a he, and in fact agents really hadn’t seen the driver’s license or done any work on the case until that point. Then, Agent Edwards called and told me that Robert Mustaq John “didn’t really mean it,” promised not to harm me, and could I just drop this and move on.
He told me that it would be too hard, costly, and unfair to have John have to come here (to Detroit) from New York to face charges and be arraigned (didn’t seem to be a problem for the New York-based defendants in Imam Qazwini’s case, even though one was a wheelchair-bound quadriplegic). He said that Federal Marshals would have to be paid to accompany John to Detroit–a complete lie.
Agent Edwards also told me the case was being overseen by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sheldon Light. To date, I’ve never spoken with Light because he never returned a single phone call (he was too busy prosecuting the men who e-mailed Imam Qazwini). He transferred the case to Brooklyn, where it would languish for over three years, and that was the point.
I since learned that U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno” personally opposed prosecuting any death threats involving me and recused himself and his entire office from the cases for two reasons: 1) He didn’t like what I wrote about him and his strange “liaisons” with the most extremist members of Detroit’s Islamic community, including a “former” terrorist; and 2) it would get in the way of his office’s relations with Muslims to actually prosecute them for hate crimes. He didn’t want to relinquish his role as the Fed’s chief Pander Bear to Islamists in town. Incredible.
President Bush nominated Murphy to the U.S. Court of Appeals in the last session of Congress, but that nomination expired. Hopefully, Bush will have the good sense not to repeat that mistaken nomination.
Fortunately for me, when I got a death threat from a second Muslim, Burki, a hard-working, skilled, dedicated FBI civil rights agent in Detroit, Mike Glennon (and his partner, Mike FitzGerald), got assigned my case. He managed to get the case of Mr. John back, too, and investigated and pursued both. I was tough on him, frustrated by FBI stonewalling of the past, but he handled it with aplomb and professionalism and also investigated two more death threats (see below).
But it doesn’t end there. Because U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy refused to prosecute Muslims who sent death threats, the U.S. Department of Justice had to send civil rights attorneys from Washington, at taxpayer expense, to Detroit to handle my cases every step of the way–whatta waste! First, last February, an attorney named Lisa Krigsten met with me and assured me a federal grand jury would be convened immediately and justice would be served.
No such luck. Eight months later, she hadn’t returned a single phone call from me. But she had FBI agents call me and ask me about my attendance at public meetings, whether I asked questions and whether I had a tape recorder. Apparently, those are now crimes in America, worthy of death threats by Muslims in the USDOJ’s view.
After that, finally, late this summer, my cases were taken over by Justice Department civil rights lawyer Jeffrey Blumberg. A bright, skilled attorney, this is a guy who is on top of things. It’s because of Agent Glennon’s (and FitzGerald’s) and Blumberg’s hard work, that I finally got justice against two of the four death threat senders. If you’re not an aggrieved Muslim in America, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to finally find princes in the FBI and the USDOJ. If you ever get death threats or civil rights violations committed against you, hope you get guys like these three on your case. Many thanks to them.
It should be noted that so-called “leaders” in the Detroit Jewish community and a Detroit Jewish newspaper refused to lift a finger on these death threats. They refused to condemn and/or report on them, and failed to demand that the Muslim community condemn them. These little inconvenient death threats might get in the way of their pandering “relations” to those who openly hate us.
Here is information about those who’ve sent me those threats, including Messrs. John and Burki. I think you’ll find their “diversity” very interesting and enlightening about the problems we face in extremist Muslims flooding into our country, unchecked. Converts, aliens seeking citizenship, aliens here on special talent visas doing things Americans have the talent to do, etc.:
* Robert Mustaq John: an alien resident of Brooklyn New York and Muslim convert from Jamaica who is seeking to become a U.S. citizen;
* Wasil Burki: a Pakistani Muslim who lived in the U.S. on an HB-1 Visa while working for Sun Microsystems and is now believed to be back in Pakistan (he has family living here, who I’m sure are as extremist as he is);
* Lola Elzein: a hip-hop (yes, being into hip-hop doesn’t preclude you from being extreme), Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim from Dearbornistan Heights and University of Michigan-Dearbornistan student, who is a member of U of M-D student government and was an officer of the Arab American Political Action Committee (Read her multiple rape, torture, and death threats against me, my parents, and grandparents, coupled with Holocaust denial); and

* Mohammad Fouad Abdallah: a Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim supporter of Hezbollah living in Dearbornistan. Read his rape and homicide bombing threats.
Two down, two to go. Hopefully, justice is in the pipeline for Elzein and Abdallah. I’d recommend they plead guilty now or become convicted felons later.
Sometimes you can get justice in America. But if you’re not Muslim, it’s slow and less likely–unless you have a loud voice and some level of influence.
Not a good omen for America’s future.
Robert Mustaq John Federal Guilty Plea Documents:

Wasil Burki Federal Indictment:

Tags: America, Arab American Political Action Committee, attorney, Bill Edwards, bright, Brooklyn New York, Bush, chief, civil rights lawyer, Congress, Daniel Pearl, Dearbornistan Heights, Department of Justice, Detroit, e-mailer, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Reserve System, gas chambers, Hizballah, Imam Hassan Qazwini, Jamaica, Jeffrey Blumberg, John Federal, John Oullet, judge, Lisa Krigsten, Lola Elzein, member, Michael Bratisax, Michigan, Mike FitzGerald, Mike Glennon, Mohammad Fouad Abdallah, Nicholas Berg, officer, Ouellet, own Inspector, Pakistan, Pander Bear, President, Robert Mustaq John, satellite office, Sheldon Light, skilled attorney, Special Agent, Stephen Murphy, Stephen Murphy III, Sun MicroSystems, supervisor, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, United States, University of Michigan, Washington, Wasil Burki, Wasil Burki Federal
You go, Deb! Here’s hoping they get the jail time they deserve and that they’re really “popular” with their cellmates.
Stealthkix on January 30, 2007 at 2:51 pm