November 7, 2007, - 2:24 pm
“Beware of Israelis Booing @ Soccer Games & Making Posters”: Does Christiane Aman-Whore Also Work at AP?
By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . let’s see. On the eve of the latest attempt by the U.S. to shove a new terrorist state down Israel’s throat and its incompetent Prime Minister Olmert’s attempt to conspire in it, the press needs to find some Israeli terrorists (and so does Olmert). They need to create some non-existent extremist fervor among Israeli Jews in order to morally equivocate them with the latest of a host of non-stop Palestinian terrorist plots (a plan to kill Jews in Tel Aviv is the latest, etc.) and rocket shellings.
So, here’s the best that self-hating Jewish Associated Press “reporter” Matti Friedman can come up with–courtesy of Olmert:
AP, Israeli PM Olmert Claim This Poster Means Israelis Are Extremist Killers . . .

“Releaser of Terrorists” (Top Line); “Shimon Peres” (Middle Line); “President of the Arabs” (Bottom Line) . . .
The JOOOOOS booed the mention of late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin’s name at a soccer game. It was an attempt by the public announcer to honor the man who sold his country out for a Clinton/Albright handshake. More than a decade of bloodshed and terrorist attacks on Israelis ensued after Rabin’s Oslo Accord “Peace” Treaty was signed. Can you blame the fans in attendance for booing? Frankly, it’s more than 12 years well past time. This is a good sign that they’re finally getting it.
This is extremism? Booing? Heaven help us if Matti Friedman and the cadre of other AP reporters visit a Chicago Bears-Green Bay Packers or Michigan-Notre Dame game. I mean, by his logic, we should be worried that hundreds of thousands of fans who boo people are about to assassinate them. Remember all the people who booed Hillary Rodham Cankles and hubby Slick Willie at the concert to raise money for firemen and police just after 9/11? Uh-oh, a bunch of assassins in our midst.
Oh, and oh no, some Israelis actually had the gall to put up posters of Israeli President Shimon Peres in a kefiyeh–the Arabic headdress, over the words, “Peres, President of the Arabs.” Well, he sure acts like he is. He was the architect of Oslo and of the Gaza pull-out, and the Palestinian State, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.
This, too, according to AP’s Matti Friedman, means an extremist wave has taken over Israel. Really? Has he ever watched Palestinian Authority TV?
What Friedman doesn’t tell you is that the posters are in response to Peres releasing terrorist murderers of Innocent Israelis. Frankly, a poster of Peres in a kefiyeh is a VERY tame response by a group of Israelis:
The movement’s chairman, Baruch Marzel, told Ynet that the posters were hung on the streets of Jerusalem “in response to wholesale release of terrorists by the president.”
He added that “over the past few weeks Shimon Peres has turned into a rubber stamp for the release of terrorists, and we won’t forget how he commuted the sentence of the murderers of Danny Katz.
“This is only the beginning of the campaign, and we will be sure to remind the residents of the State of Israel that we have a president who operates in favor of the Arabs.”
Friedman calls the soccer match booing of Rabin and the pics of Peres, the “hate-mongering of more than a decade ago” when Rabin was assassinated. The boos, to him, are “a public show of disrespect that would have been unthinkable not long ago.”
Oh, no, booing at a sporting event. Yeah, that also makes me think Israelis will assassinate their President and Prime Minister.
And, of course, the Islamo-Pandering Detroit Newsistan ran with this article. They grab any chance they get to please their Islamofascist Dearbornistan (and beyond) audience.
Exit Question: Does Christiane Amanpour’s alter ego dwell in the body of Matti Friedman?
If she doesn’t, then Jayson Blair might. Or Jessica Seinfeld. The Friedman AP article is basically a very plagiarized repeat of an article in Israeli left-wing newspaper Yediot Achronot.
Tags: architect, Baruch Marzel, Chairman, Chicago Bears, Christiane Amanpour, Danny Katz, Debbie Schlussel Hmmm, Gaza, Green Bay Packers, Hillary Rodham Cankles, incompetent Prime Minister, Israel, Jayson Blair, Jerusalem, Jessica Seinfeld, Jewish Associated Press, left-wing newspaper, Matti Friedman, Michigan, Olmert Claim, Oslo, Palestinian Authority, President, President and Prime Minister, President of the Arabs., Prime Minister, public announcer, reporter, Shimon Peres, soccer, Tel Aviv, United States, Yediot Achronot, Yitzchak Rabin
If you read and understand Hebrew – try reading this:
A sober opinion about the Rabin Month in Israel. Of all places – it was published in Haaretz/Walla , the craziest looniest far lefty news outlet in Israel.
Basically it gives background to this Incident. The Rabin memorial month (instead of a day) has been played over at the Israeli media as a hate festival against conservative and right wingers. In the very latest years they tried to downplay his actual legacy – false hope of peace – which had only brought sorrow and terror.
The Beitar Jerusalem Fans are notoriously far right wingers. It is extremely hypocritical that the lefties chose to raise their voices against this issue and not a variety of other ones (racist incidents). They just jumped on the opportunity.
The owner of the team was right to proclaim that the minute of silence for Rabin was nothing but a provocation. Gaidamek – the Multimillionaire has invested time and money to change the team as much as to improve the fans behavior. He has diligently attempted to recruit an Arab player to the team despite of the fans and has financially endorsed an Arab team while taking ownership of Beitar.
The political darts at Beitar have everything to do with the complex Israeli political scene. Gaidamek is attempting to place himself on the political arena and it is no coincidence that Olmert has jumped on the condemnation wagon against Beitar Jerusalem.
The only surprise here is the participation of the international news wire service in this internal Israeli propaganda blitz. In Hebrew it is called “Aleyhoom”. But hoopla is a good adjective to describe this as well.
ShawarmaMayor on November 7, 2007 at 3:14 pm