November 9, 2007, - 4:49 pm
Marcel Khalife, Islam’s Wagner: Singer/Composer/Playwright of Islamic Terrorists Hosted by Tax-Funded Arab Museum/Social Agency
By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Richard Wagner? The European composer was not only a well-known anti-Semite, but the Nazis played his music while they murdered hundreds of thousands of the 6 million Jews whose lives they snuffed out. He is not only considered an early proponent of the Holocaust decades before it began, but his influence over the Nazi National Socialist Party was enormous.
Now, there is an Arab, pan-Islamist version of Wagner. His name is Marcel Khalife. His plays and songs have served as inspiration for Hezbollah, Lebanese Communist, and Palestinian terrorists in their slaughter of innocent Israelis and Lebanese, including members of the South Lebanese Army (SLA) which fought off Hezbollah for many years. He praises “the Resistance”–yes, that resistance: Islamic terrorists–in everything he writes and performs.
Ironically, he is a “UNESCO Artist for Peace.” That means our U.S. funds that subsidize the United Nations go to this cretin to inspire more terrorist killings. But there’s more. He’s now on our shores.

Last night, this muse for barbarians was hosted at a meet and great at the tax-funded, Muslim-run, anti-Israel National Arab American Museum in Dearbornistan. Tonight, he is performing in concert at a tax-funded concert hall in Dearbornistan. And tomorrow night, he will perform in the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor.
In addition to the tax-funded propaganda museum, Khalife is also being hosted here by the tax-funded Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS–which gets millions in federal tax funds), and a number of other Muslim-dominated Arab organizations.
My peaceful, moderate Lebanese friends here in town are mortified and outraged. And they are shocked. How could a country that claims it is fighting the War on Terror, they ask, welcome this inspirer of terrorism onto our shores?
They point to one very stark example, among many others: Soha Beshara, a Lebanese Communist terrorist murderer and Hezbollah supporter who impersonated an aerobics instructor in order to get in close enough proximity to shoot Antoine Lahd, head of the South Lebanese Army. In late 1988, she shot him (but failed to kill him). She was in the Israeli-supervised El-Khiam prison, where she was scheduled for execution. Beshara told Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram that she was inspired by Marcel Khalife:
When asked about her last wish before her execution, she said that she would “sing a song by [Lebanese singer] Marcel Khalife, a song that glorifies the Resistance.”
Ironically, the article about her from Al-Ahram is reprinted on the Dearbornistan-based Bint Jbeil website (as I’ve repeatedly noted, Bint Jbeil is the Hezbollah stronghold in South Lebanon where most of the Shi’ite Lebanese Muslims in Dearbornistan come from).
Unfortunately, the Israelis released Soha Beshara from prison after 10 years. But, at least, she is not here on our shores . . . for now.
Disturbingly, the man who inspired her violent acts is. And you are helping subsidize Marcel Khalife with your taxes.
As one Lebanese friend of mine remarked:
I am wondering who invited Marcel Khalife to Michigan. He is to perform two concerts, one in Ann Arbor and one in Dearborn. He is well known in Lebanon and I know as others that he is a member of the Communist party and all of his songs and plays were in the support of terrorist groups against the SLA and Israel. Funny world!!!!!
Yes, and not just funny. Frightening.
Tags: aerobics instructor, Al-Ahram, Ann Arbor, Antoine Lahd, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, Artist for Peace., Communist Party, composer, Dearbornistan, Debbie Schlussel Remember, Funded Arab Museum, head, Hezbollah stronghold, Hizballah, Israel, Israel National Arab American Museum, Israeli-supervised El-Khiam prison, Lebanon, Marcel Khalife, member, Michigan, National Socialist Party, Richard Wagner, singer, Soha Beshara, South Lebanese Army, United Nations, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, United States
I hate Ann Arbor and Dearborn(istan).
samurai on November 10, 2007 at 1:13 am