November 12, 2007, - 1:08 pm
Detente: CENTCOM/Army Unblock
By Debbie Schlussel
Good news coming out of Iraq. Aside from the current declining violence over there, Central Command–which had been blocking this website there in Greater Shia-stan–has now unblocked
The former high-ranking federal agent/current contractor in Iraq–who originally informed us that CENTCOM had blocked access to this site–notes:
Strangest thing, I have my access to Schlussel back effective about an hour ago.
That was sent on Thursday morning. Glad to hear it. Not sure why they blocked me in the first place.
This . . .

Is No Longer This . . .

Tags: Censor Command, Central Command, contractor, Debbie Schlussel Good, former high-ranking federal agent/current contractor, Iraq
Good job Debbie!
A little political pressure goes a long way.
Boycott Watch on November 12, 2007 at 9:19 pm