December 12, 2007, - 12:57 pm
Shocker: Jodie Foster Outs Herself
By Debbie Schlussel
Gee, whatta surprise. Far-left actress Jodie Foster–who recited the high-brow work of poet laureate Eminem at a U-Penn graduation rant against America; who praised Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl; who defended Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitism; who defamed flight attendants and federal air marshals as terrorist hijackers–has made it official:
After guarding her private life fiercely for 15 years, Hollywood actress Jodie Foster has publicly acknowledged her lesbian partner.
The Oscar-winning actress thanked “my beautiful Cydney” after winning an award at the Women in Entertainment Power 100 breakfast in Los Angeles.

She went on to praise Cydney Bernard, saying the film producer “sticks with me through all the rotten and the bliss.”
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that. . . .”
Normally, I’d say “TMI” (Too Much Info). But, in this case, it’s more like, “Who cares?” After 2,366 pantsuits, 150 pairs of “sensible” shoes, and two deliberately father-less sons, who’d ever have guessed?
Waiting for Hillary Rodham Cankles to follow suit.
Tags: actress, America, Debbie Schlussel Gee, Eminem, far-left actress, film producer, Hillary Rodham Cankles, Hollywood actress, Jodie Foster, Jodie Foster Outs Herself By, Leni Riefenstahl, Los Angeles, Mel Gibson, poet, the Oscar
Jodie gooed, “My beautiful CydneyÖ”
(Reflex to hurl. Stop.)
Cydney looks like she could be Jodiís mother.
And there isnít anything beautiful about that old hag.
Jodi youíre a hurtiní unitÖ
Pity Jodieís unsuspecting kids that will be raised by these two ______ of nature. Kids can be cruel and all the social engineering in the world will never change that.
Buckle up kids; Mommyís happy, but youíll never be~
The Canadien on December 12, 2007 at 2:00 pm