December 19, 2007, - 3:26 pm
Muslims Lie To, Tease Girls @ U.S. Muslim School
By Debbie Schlussel
In the Detroit-area, where a festering and metastasizing Muslim minority has managed to co-opt the media, every time a Muslim hiccups, it makes the news. And every time kids at a Muslim school celebrate a holiday, that makes the news, too. Christmas parties at a Catholic or Evangelical school, who cares?
And a lot of these stories are–predictably–meant to impress upon us various areas of disinformation, such as how pro-female Islam is or how peaceful.
Take, today’s Detroit Free Press. Resident Islamist “reporter” Niraj Warikoo covers the hajj celebration at a local Muslim school The Muslim American Youth Academy is affiliated with and located on the Dearbornistan campus of the pro-Hezbollah, pan-Iranian Islamic Center of America, North America’s largest mosque.

The reader is treated to various pics of Muslim girls in hijabs practicing walking around a replica of the Kaaba, the black cube Muslims worship in Mecca during the hajj. The girls are smiling, laughing, and, hey, they’ve been practicing for a month. (Not sure why you need to practice walking in circles for a whole month, but what do I know? This is Islam, after all, not known for its intellect and ingenuity in recent centuries.)
Problem is, in Mecca–at the real hajj–women, including these girls, will never get anywhere near the Kaaba. They’re simply not allowed. That’s for the men. The women are several football fields distance away in the large trampling fields of hajj activity. I suppose they should be happy that they are far from the eye of the trampling, in which hundreds are stomped to death. But, it’s not exactly the equal rights they want you to believe it is, in the local papers.
Yup, they don’t want you to know that, here in the Detroit-area Mainstream Media. That would confirm what we already believe–and know–about Islam: That it really isn’t too good to women. And they want us to believe otherwise. So we’re shown this disinformation.
Well, no-one said Taqiyyah (Islam-sanctioned lying to the infidels) wasn’t a principle of Islam.
Tags: America, Christmas, Dearbornistan campus, Debbie Schlussel, Detroit, Detroit Free Press, Hizballah, Iranian Islamic Center of America, Mecca, Muslim American Youth Academy, Niraj Warikoo, North America, North America's largest mosque, reporter
It’s getting so you can’t even discuss slavery and the caliphate.
John Cunningham on December 19, 2007 at 3:54 pm