January 7, 2008, - 10:41 am
EXCLUSIVE – Aunt of Dallas Muslim Honor Killings to Schlussel: THIS WAS AN HONOR KILLING, Blames ISLAM; Girls DID NOT Want Muslim Funeral; Brother Lured Girls Back to Dad
By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, I was the first blog to write about and call the murder of two girls, Sarah and Amina Said, by their father, Yaser Abdel Said, an honor killing. I also correctly guessed that it was likely about their infidel dating habits.
Last night, their aunt, Gail Gartrell, wrote me this e-mail. She concurs with what I wrote. Also, for those who read press accounts of the words of their brother, Islam Said, who says this is not about Islam, read what she says about him and how he lured the girls back to their Muslim father and their deaths. Sounds like he may have been in on it.
This is truly tragic. Do we want more of this? Keep issuing more visas and citizenships to Muslims and we will get more of it.:
From: Gail Gartrell
Date: Jan 6, 2008 7:30 PM
Subject: Pertaining to the Said Family
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
I am an aunt to these two beautiful girls! I am from the mother’s side. YES! This was an honor killing! You nailed it sweety! My sister tried to get those baby’s away years ago and you know…she was never allowed to see them again…well, they were brought to the hospital…only after she was comatose! My sister was punished for trying to tell the world what was going on! She died four years ago! But, these girls had no honor in life and no honor in death! Amina and Sarah both, told their mom if their dad killed them…they DID NOT WANT A MUSLIM funeral! Well, they had one anyway! Yeah, there was a “baptist” funeral before the muslim funeral….PLEASE, get out the word it was a farce! They were placed in a Muslim funeral home. The son, Islam…he walked out and went to get the Imam to stop it! My nephew got up and took him outside! The funeral proceeded but, many spoke and all but one…was a MUSLIM!

The Muslims who ran the funeral home…they had us all in a room a little larger than my walk-in-closet! The friends from school…..they could not fit in that room so, they lined them up, against the wall, and in front of the freezers for dead bodies! When it came time for the first song…we sat, sat, and finally, my husband told them he had a system just like theirs and would run it himself…OH…they miracuously got the music going! Then, they set it up so that they same song would play, instead of the other two. My hubby caught this and demanded it be paused, so that the other songs would play!!
As soon as the funeral was over, there was trouble, outside with the brother of Amina and Sarah, ISLAM, is his name! He got into it with one of his aunts and was telling her…get the f —, out of here and then started running through the parking lot yelling….this f-ing funeral is over ….LEAVE!
Yes, this was an honor killing and I believe with all my heart that ISLAM, the brother, is just as guilty as his dad. Why? Because Amina would not go back home! He went over, where she was staying and was crying. “Please come home Amina and talk things out with Dad! He will not hurt you, I give you my word! I promise, you will be safe!” She trusted those words and went with him. Not an hour later….Sarah made that infamous call! She died immediately after she called as he took his time killing her. In fact, all we have been told is, “she had multiple gunshots”…..I still have no clue how many bullets he fired at her. I do know she fought for her life as there is a bruise on her forehead which shows that she did not go out without a fight…one this precious and beautiful girl lost…to a man she knew as daddy!
Please feel free to contact me as I want their story told. They could not tell it but, Aunt Gail is making sure they are honored….even if it is by mere strangers!
“Religion of Peace”?
Tags: Amina Said, bruise, comatose, Debbie Schlussel Last, Gail Gartrell, Islam, Sarah Said, Yaser Abdel Said
Horrible, horrible.
I hope the mother speaks out one day. I hear she married at 15–was she a Muslim too with an arranged marriage?
PJ on January 7, 2008 at 11:19 am