January 28, 2008, - 5:09 pm
“First Black President” Utterer Won’t Vote for His “Bony-Assed White Bitch” Wife
By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Toni Morrison? She’s the best-selling author who said that Bill Clinton was America’s “First Black President.” She said it during the whole Monica hubbub and Slick Willie’s Impeachment trial. And Clinton played the “Black guy” and the race card through the whole impeachment process, using a Black woman as his lawyer, having her argue that his grandfather sold hardware to Black people (as if that somehow made it that he didn’t lie under oath), etc.
At the time, I was on “Politically Incorrect” with Clinton impeachment defense team member Alan Dershowitz (whom Joan Rivers and I kicked to the curb, thank you very much). The topic at hand was Dershowitz’s book about how America was assimilating and that pretty soon, there would be no ethnic culture left (anyone see a danger of that happening?–go to your local mosque or barrio). I said that would be a great thing, since then we could end affirmative action and race/ethnic preferences and quotas and we could see an end to sleazy defense attorneys playing the race card in O.J. and Bill Clinton trials. (Dershowitz was on both “teams.”)

Dershowitz went ballistic, claiming they never played the race card in either trial. Joan Rivers shrieked and moved her chair away, and I cited all the things I cited above on Clinton’s impeachment. Bill Maher said I was full of it, that Morrison didn’t say that Clinton is the “First Black President” (she, in fact, did) and that no-one believed Clinton played the race card in the Impeachment hearings. He asked members of the audience to clap if they agreed with “her [my] insanity.” Many audience members clapped, so he told them they were insane, too.
Well, apparently, the clock has struck Midnight, and Bill Clinton has turned back into an evil, old, fat White man. Because, today, Toni Morrison, endorsed the opponent of “The First Black President’s” wife. Morrison endorsed Barack Hussein Obama.
And, no, she didn’t say, “I ain’t gonna vote for the First Black President’s Bony-Assed White Bitch.” But that’s basically what she was saying. She’s not goin’ for the Interracial Presidential Marriage thing. The “bony-assed White bitch” part is the racial epithet I’ve not too infrequently been called in certain stores and areas in and around Detroit. And I figure that’s what she’s thinking, as are a lot of Black women who are turning away in droves from the woman they’d previously supported with no other choice. And I think that’s how they look at her.
They just won’t be honest about it, the way far too many have deigned to be so honest about it with me.
So, sorry, First Black Prez, you almost have to get impeached again and find another Monica, or you can kiss the Sistas good-bye.
Well, maybe they can look for another Black authoress to hail the Clintons. I hear the author “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” is available. But, then, she has an illegal alien gay hubby problem . . . which could work out for the Clintons, since that actually captures a lot of Democratic constituencies.
Yes, the Clintons are now playing the race card, but so is Obama, although in a much more subtle and polished way than the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world. His talk about “overcoming all boundaries” and the like is quite clear in its meaning.
Tags: Al Sharptons, Alan Dershowitz, America, author, Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Clinton, Bill Maher, Chair, Debbie Schlussel Remember, Detroit, first Black President, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, impeachment defense team member, Joan Rivers, lawyer, Politically Incorrect, Stella Got Her Groove Back, Toni Morrison, Toni Morrison Now Bestows, Won't Vote
Nice neck on this disgusting lib. I hate lib hypocrites with a passion. Whats with this calling a white idiot the first black pres? Just because he cheats and lies. Nice label. That says a lot doesn’t it? Wouldn’t claim Reagan though. He honored his marital vows and loved his countries military. Unlike bj Bill Clinton. The first black president. Nice neck. She could at least slap a scarf on her flabby neck to save my lunch from coming back up.
samurai on January 28, 2008 at 7:10 pm