February 11, 2008, - 9:58 am
Meet the Black Hillary
By Debbie Schlussel
We’ve already had one husband-wife lawyer co-President team in the White House. Now, if either of the Democrat frontrunners wins in November, we will have another.
But the latest lawyer wife running the show and stage-managing every move isn’t Hillary. It’s a woman who will more likely get away with it because she is 1) a minority, and 2) way better looking than Hillary (and good-looking women get away with far more bossiness than the Cankles Class).
Meet the Black Hillary–Michelle Hussein Obama:
On a conference call to prepare for a recent debate, Barack Obama brainstormed with his top advisers on the fine points of his positions. Michelle Obama had dialed in to listen, but finally couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“Barack,” she interjected, “Feel — don’t think!” Telling her husband his “over-thinking” during past debates had tripped him up with rival Hillary Clinton, she said: “Don’t get caught in the weeds. Be visceral. Use your heart — and your head.”
The campaign veterans shut up. They knew that Mrs. Obama’s opinion and advice mattered more to their candidate than anything they could say.
With the Democratic presidential race wide open, Mrs. Obama, a 44-year-old Princeton- and Harvard Law-educated hospital executive, is assuming the same dominant role in Sen. Obama’s public life that she has in his private life. At home, she expects a lot of every family member, from having her 6- and 9-year-old daughters set their own alarm clocks to insisting her husband pick up his dirty socks. Her most recent directive to him: Stop smoking.
On the campaign trail, she has emerged as an influential adviser whom aides watch as a barometer for how both they and the candidate are doing. They watch for “the look” between her and Mr. Obama, on stage or in private moments, as an indication of his mood.
Inside the campaign, she’s been dubbed “the closer” because she often pushes harder to seal the deal with voters than he does. But worries about her sarcastic humor being taken the wrong way have forced her to cut back some of her public candor. . . .
“We’re two well-versed lawyers who know each other really well,” Mrs. Obama says in an interview.” . . .
She has met with every department in the campaign from the new-media unit to the ground organization, and she got the campaign to form a women’s outreach initiative. . . .
Sometimes her approach can backfire. When she told audiences that her husband is “snore-y and stinky” in the morning, doesn’t put the butter back in the fridge and one morning “put on his clothes and left” while she juggled her own schedule to deal with an overflowing toilet, some voters and observers cringed that she was emasculating her husband. . . .
In her senior thesis in 1985, Mrs. Obama wrote that her college experience “made me far more aware of my ‘Blackness’ ” than ever before, adding, “I will always be Black first and a student second” on campus. At Harvard Law, Mrs. Obama, involved in the Black Law Students Association, pushed hard to improve the low numbers of African-American faculty and students.
“We got into big debates on the condition of black folks in America,” says Harvard classmate Verna Williams. “She’s got a temper.” . . .
She says when her husband makes it home — for only 10 days in the last year — he assumes his usual household tasks. “When Barack’s home he’s going to be part of this life,” Mrs. Obama says. “He doesn’t come home as the grand poobah.”
Her all-female staff works hard to protect her on the stump and she’s protective of her aides as well. Last week when a TV reporter physically moved Mrs. Obama’s press secretary out of his way, she stopped him cold: “Did you place your hand on my staff?” Mrs. Obama demanded. “You do not touch my team.”
OUCH! And you thought Hillary wore the pants in the family. Methinks Michelle Rodham Hussein Obama may be even scarier . . . wile far more stealthy.
I love how Mrs. Obama also whines, in this article, and to women on the campaign trail about struggling with family finances and to pay off students loans, but then this:
A striking woman who’s as tall as her husband when she wears her Jimmy Choo heels
Um, Jimmy Choo shoes cost, on average, $900 per pair. PUH-LEEZE . . . . If this woman can afford those, she ain’t strugglin’ at all. And can hardly relate to the average working women for whom that pair of shoes is the monthly rent.
Spare us the “I’m Every Woman” crap. It’s even far less believable than when Chaka Khan and Whitney Houston sang it.
Tags: America, Barack Obama, Black Law Students Association, Chaka Khan, co-president, family member, Harvard, Hillary Clinton, husband-wife lawyer, influential adviser, Jimmy Choo, Law-educated hospital executive, lawyer, Michelle Hussein Obama, Michelle Rodham Hussein Obama, Press Secretary, TV reporter, USD, Verna Williams, White House, Whitney Houston
Debbie I agree with everything you say, but I’m sorry, Mrs. Obama is not more attractive than Hillary. I’m not a fan of Hillary’s policies, and despite her cackle, I will concede that she has an attractive smile. She’s not as ugly as people make her out to be. Michelle Obama on the other hand is not attractive and comes across as someone who is arrogant.
Check her out in this youtube click.
She looks swollen. It’s almost as if she needs her wisdom teeth removed. I’d much rather see Cindy McCain in the white house than this stuck up queen who thinks her husband is entitled to be president.
djones on February 11, 2008 at 10:37 am