February 13, 2008, - 3:51 pm
EXCLUSIVE Info on Dead Monster Imad Mughniyeh (Now w/ the 72 Dark-Eyed Ones)
By Debbie Schlussel
One of my sources in Lebanese intelligence has a lot more info on now-dead Hezbollah monster Imad Mughniyeh, blown up in a car bomb in Syria. It’s stuff you won’t see or read elsewhere:
Imad Mugniyeh was born on 7/12/1962 in the Nab’a suburb which was in the eastern section of Beirut. His family is originally from Tayr Debba in the area of Tyre in South Lebanon (the area of Nabih Ayad}. His father was a religious Muslim but had no political activities and his mother was an activist in Islamic women’s work after she was influenced by the Iraqi Shi’a Al-Da’wa party and from where she taught and influenced her three sons, Imad, Jihad and Fouad Mugniyeh.

After two years of civilian war in Lebanon, the Mugniyehs moved to the area of Chiyah. Imad joined the terrorist group Fateh and trained by them and became a member of their security system or what was called the “Force 17” at that time. He became a Haj, the title conferred on Muslims who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca. He studied Islam in Qum in Iran after Khomeini’s revolution. He carried an Iranian passport.
After the Palestinians were kicked out from Beirut by the Isreali Defense Forces, Imad Mugniyeh became one of the guards of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah. His brother, Jihad Mughniyeh, replaced him and was killed in 1985 in an attempt to kill Fadlallah. His brother, Fou’ad Mughniyeh, was killed in an explosion in his furniture store in Beirut. The bomb was planted by Ahmad Hallack and some others for Imad but missed him. (Ahmad and his cell worked with pro-Western forces and the South Lebanese Army).
Before 1982 Imad met the ex Iranian ambassador in Syria, Ali Akbar Muhtashemi, who recruited him to start working on the project of forming the terrorist group Hezbollah, continuous to Hezbollah in Iran. The first to be involved were Mustafa Badr Al-Deen (a brother-in-law of Imad Mughniyeh), Ibrahim Akeel a/k/a “Tahseen” (a terrorist involved in numbers of explosions in France), Hussein Al-Mosawi (ex-member of Amal movement who formed the Islamic Amal), and Abbas Al-Mosawi (an Islamic “Sayeed”–a prestigious Islamic religious title–who became a member of the Mugniyeh-Muhtashemi project and after a while the head of the terrorist group and was killed by the IDF).
In addition to all of the terrorist attacks against Americans and Jews for which Mughniyeh gets “credit,” he helped perpetrate the assassination of the French ambassador in Beirut, Luis Du Lamar, and the American and French Embassies in Kuwait with the help of the Iranian Al-Da’wa Party. Mughniyeh was also behind the hijacking of a Kuwaiti air plane in 1984 in which two Americans were killed before the plane landed in Tehran.
Some sources say that with the help of the brothers Abd Al-Hadi and Abbas Hamadie, Mughniyeh kidnapped over fifty westerners in Lebanon and used them as hostages for the sake of the politics of Syria and Iran.
He lived undercover, shuttling between Syria, Iran and Lebanon like his terrorist friends Hasan Izz Al-Deen and Ali Atwi. Some sources confirm that he was the Seventh name in the “Shoura Al-Quarar”–the political leadership of Hezbollah, which consists of seven members.
He was in charge of the security and the coordinator or the liaison officer with the Islamic revolutionary guard in Iran and HAMAS in Gaza and the West Bank.
As my source notes, given all these murders and bombings of Americans, Frenchmen, etc., why did no-one else do anything about Mughniyeh except (likely) the Israelis, who appeared to have assassinated him?:
Nobody is doing nothing about him except mostly Israel. Is anybody doing anything about the Mugniyeh family, relatives and friends here (In Dearbornistan)? I hope so, but I doubt it.
Sadly, he is correct. We are, as I keep saying . . .
Desperate But Not Serious in the War on Terror.
Tags: Abbas Al-Mosawi, Abbas Hamadie, Abd Al-Hadi, Ahmad Hallack, Al-Da'wa, Ali Akbar Muhtashemi, Ali Atwi, Amal, ambassador, ambassador in Syria, Awami League, Beirut, brother-in-law, coordinator, Fateh, Force 17, Fou'ad Mughniyeh, Fouad Mugniyeh, France, Gaza, guard, Hamas, Hasan Izz Al-Deen, head, Hizballah, Hussein Al-Mosawi, Ibrahim Akeel, IDF, Imad Mughniyeh, Imad Mugniyeh, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Jihad Mughniyeh, Jihad Mugniyeh, Kuwait, Lebanon, liaison officer, Luis Du Lamar, Mecca, member, Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, Mustafa Badr Al-Deen, South Lebanese Army, spiritual leader, Syria, Tehran, terrorist group, the French ambassador in Beirut, West Bank
“….why did no-one else do anything about Mughniyeh except (likely) the Israelis, who appeared to have assassinated him?”
That is the big question, isn’t it? I am always glad when the Israelis blow one of these scum bags up. Let’s hope they keep the roll going for a while getting many more. Obviously, no one else will do sh–, as they pretend to fight the GWOT.
BB on February 13, 2008 at 7:32 pm