February 13, 2008, - 4:38 pm
Guess the Religion: Detroit Newspapers Shield Islamic Names in Hezbo Food Stamp Ring
By Debbie Schlussel
As soon as I learned that 27 people from eight Detroit-area stores were arrested and facing charges for illegal trafficking in food stamps, I just knew they were from the “Religion of Peace.” This crime satisfies way too many of the precepts of that moon-god cult to be anything other than perpetrated by one of its members: cash easily transferred to terrorists, ripping off Infidel American taxpayers, laughing at the great American satan at the ease with which they can pull off this scam.

And I was right. But I had no idea I was right by reading today’s Detroit Newsistan AND Detroit Free Press. While both had big stories on the food stamp ring–which ripped off taxpayers to the tune of over $1.5 million–neither story would publish the names of the defendants even though they were in the press release. Why?
Well, naming them would let readers know that all of the individuals in this ring are Muslim Arabs, Shi’ites from Lebanon. And many of them are from prominent Hezbollah families: Beydoun, Chami, Berro, etc. Gee, what a shocker. Most of these individuals live modestly. So what happened to the money? How quickly was it funnelled to Hezbollah back home in Lebanon? And where the heck is the FBI–the LEAD agency in investigating terrorism? Famous But Incompetent is NOT interested. Another shocker.
This isn’t the first time I’ve written about Muslim Arabs in America conducting food stamp fraud and likely benefitting Islamic terrorists. Sadly, it won’t be the last. Most food stamp fraud rings across America are Muslim.
Read both Detroit Newsistan and Free Press stories. Not a hint about who these people are. I guarantee you if they had names like Steven Grant or John Smith, their names would have appeared in these papers with a pro-Islam PC agenda. Since they won’t print the names and addresses of these pan-Hezbollah scam artists, I WILL:
* Citgo, 8351 Woodward, Detroit, Michigan
Nabil Shamel, owner
Jamal Chami, employee
Waad Fawazi, employee
* Livernois Gasoline, 7645 Livernois, Detroit, Michigan
Hafaid Musleh-Mohmood Alkahif, owner
Abdul Fattah-Mohmood Alkahif, employee
Dheyab M. Alquhaif, employee
Ammar Mahmood Gobah, employee
Mustafa Mohamen-Ahmed Alqohaif, employee
Yousef Mohamed-Ahmed Alqohaif, employee
* U&I Petro, 8820 Wyoming, Detroit, Michigan
Saleh Algathaithi, owner
Saif Ahmed Alghathie, employee
Hassan Ali Hussein, employee
* C&M Mini Mart, 18420 James Couzens, Detroit, Michigan
Abdo Mahfouz, owner
Ali Abdo Mahfouz, employee
Tarek Moshen Baderddine, employee
* Rowan Party Store, 7000 Rowan, Detroit, Michigan
Saeb Abdul-Ghani Abdul-Ghani, owner
Joseph Soliman Elrubi, employee
Maher Diab, employee
* Big Al’s Marathon, 3910 Grand River Detroit, Michigan
Hussien Kamel Beydoun, owner
Ali Hussein Beydoun, employee
* Van Dyke Petro, 19030 Van Dyke Detroit, Michigan
Taha Ahmad Dika, owner
Nizar Ali Nazha, employee
Michael Maher, employee
Bassel Ibrahim-El-Sayed-Sleim Hachem, employee
* Schaefer & Puritan, 15901 Schaefer Detroit, Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Adel Mohamad Kobeissi, owner
Khaled Abid Al-Bonijim, employee
Moahamad [sic] A. Berro, employee
As I’ve noted, Mohamad Berro’s cousin, Ibrahim Hussein Berro, was the Hezbollah homicide bomber who blew up the Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center and murdered about 100 innocent civilians.
Why is this kind of crowd living here in America to suck at the American teat and fund their jihad through their rip-offs?
I’m only asking you rhetorically what only the President and his employees “Serpenthead” Chertoff, Emilio T. Gonzalez, and Julie L. Myers can answer, but never do.
Tags: Abdul Fattah-Mohmood Alkahif, Abdul-Ghani Abdul-Ghani, Adel Mohamad Kobeissi, Ahmad Dika, Ali Abdo Mahfouz, Ali Hussein Beydoun, America, Ammar Mahmood Gobah, Big Al, Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center, Chertoff, Detroit Newspapers Shield, Dheyab M. Alquhaif, Emilio T. Gonzalez, Federal Bureau of Investigation, food stamp fraud, food stamp fraud rings, food stamp ring, food stamps, Free Press, Hassan Ali Hussein, Hizballah, Hussein Beydoun Gets Busted, I WILL, Ibrahim Hussein Berro, Ibrahim-El, Jamal Chami, John Smith, Joseph Soliman Elrubi, Julie L. Myers, Khaled Abid Al-Bonijim, LEAD, Lebanon, Maher Diab, Michael Maher, Moahamad, Mohamad Berro, Mustafa Mohamen-Ahmed Alqohaif, Nabil Shamel, Newsistan AND Detroit Free Press, Nizar Ali Nazha, owner, Party Store, President, Rowan, Saeb Abdul-Ghani, Saif Ahmed Alghathie, Saleh Algathaithi, Steven Grant, Tarek Moshen Baderddine, USD, Van Dyke, Waad Fawazi, Wyoming, Yousef Mohamed-Ahmed Alqohaif
Again, I say that this kind of bullshit makes me see red!! Our government is pulling out all stops to defeat the American people. How is it that nobody has to answer to anyone over their non-action? The current crop of Presidential candidates assure us that we will continue on the same course regardless of who is elected.
The bottom line is that nothing will happen to any of these vermin. Nothing ever happens and that’s the problem!
The American public has been targeted as the next batch of slave labor. We are being forced at the point of a gun to sit back, be quite and just pay the bill. I’m tired of paying the bill. I could care less about outreach to moozlums or mexicans or anyone else!!!!
We must stand up against the socialists, marxists, nazis, communists, bums, illegal aliens, open borders, gun grabbers.
newinnewark on February 13, 2008 at 6:58 pm