February 19, 2008, - 11:20 am
Shahar the Shanda*: Israeli Tennis Champs are Pimping for Anti-Semitic Gulf States
By Debbie Schlussel
Female Israeli tennis player Shahar Pe’er is ranked 17th in the world.
But her reign towards the top of women’s tennis hasn’t prevented her from acting like a desperate lowlife, just wanting to be loved.
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, until yesterday Peer couldn’t set foot in any of the Gulf states. She was not allowed to play in the Dubai Open or the Qatar Open.

That’s because all of the Gulf states not only officially boycott Israel and don’t recognize its existence, but they openly state on their websites that those with Israeli passports or stamps from Israel on their passports will not be allowed into the countries. While that’s the official policy, exceptions are routinely made for Muslims with Israeli passports or stamps on their passports. That’s how so many Muslims from Israel are able to make the hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Because only Muslims with Israeli passports and stamps are allowed in–and not Jews–it’s quite clear that the idea is to exclude Jews from the Gulf states. The policy is anti-Semitic and, frankly, a form of anti-Jewish apartheid.
But now Doha, Qatar wants to host the Summer Olympic Games and is bidding for the 2016 version. It would be hard to imagine the International Olympic Committee (IOC) allowing the Games to take place in an apartheid-ruled South Africa in the ’80s. But racism is treated differently by the politically correct IOC than is the more “palatable” anti-Semitism. The Munich massacre was not the beginning of Olympic anti-Semitism, nor was it the end.
And the Gulf States, with their anti-Semitic apartheid, are acceptable to left-wing celebs, where South Africa’s apartheid was not. Rockers joined for the song, “I Ain’t Gonna Play Sun City.” But, today, George Clooney is posing in anti-Israel Dubai to tout his new role as an honorary UN Ambassador. (Dubai continues to trade with and recognize Sudan, the country which gang rapes, tortures, and mass murders its Black population, an issue about which Clooney claims to care deeply about.)
Now, there is Shahar Peer. Despite her travel to Qatar and her participation in the Qatar Open being prohibited for years, yesterday, she played in the Qatar Total Open. Her match there is being called “historic.” It merited a full-page, complete with color pictures of her in traditional Qatari dress, in today’s USA Today Sports Section. Not a single word in the entire page of the story, though, about why Peer never played there before or why, as the story noted, she is “the first Israeli to compete in a professional tour event in one of the Persian Gulf States.” Not a single mention of Qatar’s visitor visa policy, which remains in place, except for star Israeli tennis players who will willingly pimp out their country and their fellow co-religionists for a chance at publicity and tennis riches.
Instead, we are treated to glowing quotes from pandering Israeli tennis players who also want to play a role at zonah (the Hebrew word for prostitute). 27-year-old Israeli doubles player Andy Ram–who won Australian Open, last month–says:
If the Sheik of Dubai will accept to give us a visa, I don’t see a reason why not to go.
Well, here’s a reason–several reasons: Dubai won’t trade with Israel, period. It won’t do business with any companies who do business with Israel. And it won’t allow any Jew holding an Israeli passport to enter, save a few tennis stars. Even if the Israeli Olympic Team is allowed to play in Qatar, average Israeli Jews won’t be allowed to enter or do business there or Dubai or anywhere else in the gulf. Nor will tourists with a stamp from Israel in their passport. And the country won’t even recognize Israel’s right to exist.
Peer and her fellow Israeli tennis players are akin to the few Jews, like the diamond-trading Oppenheim family, who were immune to Nazi policies toward Jews. Their presence at Qatari tennis tournaments is like the phony “model” concentration camps the Nazis showed the world.
And they don’t seem to get it.
As I also noted on this site, a few years ago Ms. Peer’s doubles partner, Sania Mirza, dumped Ms. Peer for another partner in the Bangalore Open. Why? Because Muslims in India protested that the Muslim Indian Ms. Mirza was playing with an Israeli Jew. And yet, despite this, Ms. Peer remains a doubles partner and friend to Ms. Mirza. Would you remain friends with someone who bows to anti-Semites and temporarily dumps you to appease them? Ms. Peer sees no shame in that.
It’s a weird perversion of Grouch Marx’s joke that he wouldn’t want to be a member of a group that would allow him as a member. Ms. Peer and her fellow Israeli tennis players desperately want to be a member of a group that only wants them to host an Olympics.
For the record, Shahar Peer won her match, yesterday, against Andreja Klepac of Slovenia. But it’s a selfish, personal victory, not a win for Israel or freedom-loving Westerners around the world who oppose Islamo-fascism.
On the contrary, Shahar Peer’s tennis appearance in Qatar is a huge defeat for her country, for Jews, and for pro-Westerners all around the world.
And that is, indeed, “historic.”
* “Shanda” is a Hebrew and Yiddish term for embarrassment, shame, scandal, etc.

**** UPDATE: Check out the website for the U.S. Embassy of Qatar, which states:
All invoices should have a non-Israeli clause clearly mentioned.
And don’t forget that this is the country whose rulers created and fund Al-Jazeera.
Tags: 27-year-old doubles player, ambassador, Andy Ram, Australian Open, Debbie Schlussel, Doha, doubles player, George Clooney, India, International Olympic Committee, Israel, Israel Dubai, Mecca, Munich, official, Olympic, Olympics, Oppenheim, Qatar, Ram, Sania Mirza, Saudi Arabia, Shahar Pe'er, Slovenia, South Africa, Spokesmodel, Sudan, tennis, tennis player, the Qatar Open, the Bangalore Open, the Dubai Open, the Qatar Total Open, the Summer Olympic Games, Tom Jew Play, U.S. Embassy of Qatar, United Nations, USA Today
She must be totally self-absorbed and has no concept of the day before yesterday. Actors and athletes think they’re so above it all.
John Cunningham on February 19, 2008 at 12:37 pm