March 5, 2008, - 12:05 pm
Guess the Religion: 33 Children Missing from British Town, Sent By Families into Arranged Marriages
By Debbie Schlussel
I’m so jaded about the “Religion of Peace” that nothing its “peaceful” members do shocks me anymore. But this latest story is kind of like an episode of “The Twilight Zone.”
33 kids are missing from a Muslim-dominated Muslim city in the United Kingdom and it’s believed the kids were sent by their families to forced arranged marriages. And there are 14 other British cities where the same thing has happened.
So, if there families sent them, how were they reported missing? Well, they simply stopped going to school, and school officials reported their truancy. And the kids weren’t at home, either. You do the math.
Thanks to reader Sean for the tip. He points out that a certain two words are missing from this story, “Islam” and “Muslim”:

Dozens of children are missing from school amid fears they have been forced into arranged marriages, it was revealed yesterday.
In Bradford, 33 children remain “unaccounted for” after being off school for at least two months with no explanation.
The Government is also concerned about another 14 areas of the country where it is feared children under 16 could also be missing from school rolls.
The figures were disclosed yesterday by Children’s Minister Kevin Brennan during evidence to the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, which is investigating the controversial issue of forced marriages.
He revealed the results of worrying inquiries by officials in Bradford, a city with a substantial Asian population [DS: Euphemism for Muslim; Hello . . . ?]
Children’s Minister Kevin Brennan: disclosed the figures yesterday
Mr Brennan said Bradford City Council lost track of 205 youngsters last year.
Further inquiries had established the whereabouts of 172 – leaving 33 unaccounted for. . . .
Committee chairman Keith Vaz, a former Labour minister, said . . . “The figures you have given us quite frankly have shocked members of this committee just in relation to Bradford.”
He added: “There are 14 other areas where there are missing children. This is totally unsatisfactory.” . . .
The national Forced Marriage Unit was set up three years ago to tackle the problem regarded as “an abuse of human rights and a form of domestic violence”.
Laws coming into force this summer will allow victims to obtain court injunctions against anyone trying to force them to marry. . . . .
A spokesman for the local education authority in Bradford played down any fears, saying parents may have simply failed to register their children at another school since moving house.
“Nothing to see hear, move along.”
Since this goes on in America, too–there are many Muslim girls in Dearbornistan who’ve been forcibly married, under-age, against their will–how long ’til America sets up a National Forced Marriage Investigation Unit?
Answer: Never. The Michigan and Federal authorities have looked the other way in cases of forced marriage and statutory rape involving Muslims.
Don’t expect any change until it is far too late.
Tags: America, Bradford City Council, Chairman, Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, Debbie Schlussel, Forced Marriage Unit, Keith Vaz, Kevin Brennan, Labour, Michigan, Minister, National Forced Marriage Investigation Unit, spokesman, The Twilight Zone, United Kingdom
I’ve got mixed feelings about this. One hand you have the abuse of children. On the other you are temporarily getting rid of the ENEMIES KIDS. Kids that end up murdering us either when they are still kids or when they grow up, reproduce AGAIN and add more holy warriors to their ranks. Maybe the brits will awaken in time to restrict the continued flow of trash in and out of their island. Islam, the hits keep coming.
samurai on March 5, 2008 at 12:34 pm