March 29, 2011, - 10:01 pm
All Movied Out, Especially By Islam
Sorry for the very light posting today, but I was at an all-day movie screening session for critics. Yup, a gorgeous, sunny day with a bright blue, crystal clear sky wasted inside dark theaters. But I liked 2.5 of the four movies I saw. You can tell the power Muslims are gaining in the theater, as two out of the four movies I saw today were about them. Here’s what I spent my movie coma day checking out. Can’t post my reviews until the day they debut in Detroitistan, but based on the trailers below, can you guess which ones I liked and didn’t like? The two foreign language films were in languages I understand, so it was interesting to see how well the subtitles matched what was actually said.
Here’s What I Saw . . .
* “Of Gods and Men“:
* “Miral“:
* “Hanna“:
* “Soul Surfer“:
Tags: movie, movie coma, movie marathon, Movie Reviews, movie screenings, trailer, trailers
Hi Debbie,
Here are my guesses.
This first one is easy. You hated “Miral.” I had an early heads-up because some readers here have previously condemned this movie as a pro-Islamic/anti-Israel propaganda film. After watching the trailer, I can definitely say that it indeed is, and that I certainly hate it. I can’t remember when I saw a trailer that was so painful to watch and listen, so you have my sympathy in having to view the whole movie for the 1 1/2-2 hours of your life that you will never get back. It is a must watch only for those who want to believe in anti-Israel fantasies–which rules you, me, and most readers here out. For those who want to know the truth about anything concerning Israel, a must-skip. Also, Vanesssa Redgrave is in it–need I say more? I can see only two possible ratings for this movie: either Four Marxes, a Bin-Laden, and an Arafat, or just plain Four Arafats.
You liked “Soul Surfer”–a story of a girl surfer who was comes back after having been a victim of a shark attack. An inspiring story. My prediction rating: Two or more Reagans.
After seeing the trailer and the IMDb link for “Of Gods and Men” I think that you liked this one too. It portrays the Muslim leadership in Alegeria as being a menacing threat to the Monks–which is in accordance with real life. My predicted rating: Three Reagans.
The leaves the movie “Hanna” as the half-movie that you liked. Liked it because the father teaches his daughter self-reliance and self-defense, not liked it/hated it because of a feminist message that this movie sends (or so I suspect). Predicted rating: A Wash–neither Reagans nor Marxes.
I look forward to seeing your reviews. Thank you for reviewing the movies including enduring the horrible ones, so that you can tell us which ones are worth watching and which ones we should skip.
JeffE on March 29, 2011 at 11:54 pm