April 2, 2011, - 10:42 pm
It’s Official: Charlie Sheen’s Detroit “Concert” a Disaster; Calls Sarah Palin a “Whore”
First, I’m glad to note that Charlie Sheen’s claim that he is Jewish is FALSE, phony, a fantasy. Thank G-d. And, well, the reviews are in for America’s most famous nutjob’s attempt at a “one-man show.” Charlie Sheen is a disaster on the Detroit stage of the Fox Theater, just as he is in real life. Anyone who thought this spoiled jerk manchild had “good people” behind him who would write him a good show, well, they thought wrong. And I’m glad he continues to self-destruct. 15 minutes almost up. Entertainment Weekly’s James Hibberd does the play-by-play of a bomb bigger than Hiroshima. Best summation of what Sheen told the booing, idiotic audience who paid to hear him continue his unhinged, self-destructive decline:

Pot. Kettle. Black: Charlie Sheen Calls Sarah Palin a “Whore” in Detroit “Live Concert”
9:20 — People start booing. Sheen yells, “I already got your money, dude!”
Morons. And he’s laughing at them all the way to the bank.
Oh, and Sheen calls Sarah Palin a “whore.” “That whore Palin.” As readers know, I’m no fan of Sarah Palin, but a “whore”? In Sheen v. Palin, I’m solidly on Team Palin, no question. Uh, look in the mirror, Charlie . . . and at every disease incubator female you’ve been with.
Read the rest here, if you have too much time on your hands and nothing worthy to do with it. And even then, there are still a gazillion and one better things to do.
To all the suckers and idiots who–on top of wasting $25 to $80 a ticket to see Sheen self-destruct on stage–bought “Winning” and “Tiger Blood” T-shirts, how long ’til those become household cleaning rags? 3-2-1 . . . .
Tags: bomb, Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen attacks Sarah Palin, Detroit, disaster, Entertainment Weekly, Fox Theater, Fox Theatre, I already got your money dude, James Hibberd, Jewish, Not Jewish, review, Review of Charlie Sheen Detroit show, reviews, Reviews of Charlie Sheen Detroit, Sarah Palin, That whore Palin, Torpedo of Truth, Torpedo of Truth Tour, Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour, whore
He hasn’t shown he’s a class act with four letter words.
Your April Fools’ spoof was true to life… unlike many jokes that aren’t.
Charlie Sheen will never be Chaim Levine. Not in this life!
NormanF on April 2, 2011 at 10:51 pm