March 17, 2008, - 9:27 am
To My Irish-American Friends & Readers, Happy St. Patrick’s Day; Old Irish Joke No Longer Funny–Your Homeland is Becoming Muslim
By Debbie Schlussel
**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE: An Irish Reader Tells us of the Muslim Expansion Among only 5 Million Irish ****
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to my Irish-American friends and readers. You drink green beer today. Some of us (not me) eat green bagels.
I have always had so many friends who are proud of their Irish heritage. After Hispanics, Blacks, and Germans, those with Irish heritage are the fourth largest ethnic group in America, numbering in the tens of millions. They’ve overcome what was once an “Irish Need Not Apply” ethos at the beginning of the last century to become Presidents of the U.S., CEOs, and the summits of every field.
And there has always been a special calendar relationship between this holiday and a Jewish holiday, Purim. They usually occur close in time. And while you drink today, on Thursday Night and Friday, the Jewish holiday of Purim, Jews are commanded to drink so much that they cannot tell the difference between the hero, Mordechai, and villain, Haman, of Purim.

There have been several Jewish Irish politicians, including a former Mayor of Dublin. And while I don’t celebrate the disappearance of the Jewish people, statistics show that Jewish intermarriage in America is most commonly to Irish Catholics. (One of my closest lifelond friends, Beth, is the daughter of an Irish Catholic who converted to Orthodox Judaism.) Famous Irish American composer George M. Cohan, a philo-Semitc, sympathized with Jewish Americans when he was once refused a hotel room because his surname caused him to be mistaken for a Jew.
But while today celebrates that St. Patrick drove out all of the snakes from Ireland, he has a new enemy to slay, a new giant snake that is growing in Ireland. I used to tell this joke to my Irish friends, but sadly it’s no longer a joke, but becoming true (here’s the much shortened version):
A tourist is on a tour of Ireland. He’s told not to stray from the group in the midst of the war between the Catholics and the Protestants. But while he’s taking photos, the tourist soon finds himself lost from his group in a back alley.
Soon, a man from a distance away is running towards him. It’s clear the man running is some sort of soldier or terrorist. He’s armed with a machine gun and a lot of bullets. The armed man asks, in his Irish accent, “Who are you? State your name and your religion, or I’ll kill you.”
The tourist doesn’t know what to do. If he says he’s Catholic and the armed figure charging toward him is Protestant, he’ll die. If he says he’s Protestant and the armed man is Catholic, he’s also a goner. So, as the armed man continues demanding the tourist’s identity and gets closer and closer to shooting range, the tourist figures out how to save his life.
Tourist: My name is David O’Houlihan Horowitz. I’m a Jew.
Armed Man: Glory Be! I’m the luckiest Palestinian Muslim in all of Ireland!
Like I said, that used to be funny. But, now, Islam is in the stages where it will slowly dominate Ireland. Right now, the numbers are still minute, but in a few generations, St. Patrick might be known as St. Fouad. Islam is the fastest growing religion in Ireland.

KISS ME, I’M IRISH: Irish Muslim Abiola Egbeyemi w/Niqab “Enhanced” By David Lunde
Muslims are immigrating to Ireland in greater numbers and the ones already in the Emerald Isle are putting on niqabs (full face veils) and burqas (the full Ninja) where they once did not. An example is this Irish woman, Abiola Egbeyemi of Carlow, Ireland, who went from clubbing and drinking to wearing a niqab and becoming an extremist Sunni Muslim. Prominent Irish magazine/website Metro Eirann has a special section for Islam. “Current Affairs,” “Business,” “Sports,” “Arts & Culture,” “Islam.”
Although Shi’ites claim only 2,000 Shi’ite Muslims in Ireland, there are far more–tens of thousands–Sunnis there. And both groups are dominated, in Ireland–as in the rest of the world, by extremists. A visit to Irish Sunni site IslamIreland shows giant mosques sprouting up all over, extremist Islamic schools for kids and seminars.
While the Harvard gym bows to Muslims here, there are enough Muslims in Ireland to merit their own “ladies only” gyms. Oh, and the mosques? Well, just like here in America, giant monstrosities, like the Islamic Cultural Center of Ireland (ICCI), are funded by the Gulf states. In the case of the ICCI, it’s funded by the UAE’s Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s Maktoum Foundation.
This is all possible because, like America, the Irish have been far too tolerant, far too welcoming of Islam. That’s why Ibrahim Tahir, a devout Muslim bookseller from Singapore, wrote this on his blog, about his time living in Ireland:
I was once asked to come on county radio to talk about Islam during Ramadhan ‚Äî this was in 1996. One of the questions asked by the host was, “Have you ever been a victim of bigotry here in Ireland because you’re a Muslim?”
I famously replied, “No, in fact people are nicer here than they are back home!”
Yes, too nice.
So, to my Irish American friends and readers who today are celebrating their homeland and heritage, remember that while today you drink beer that is the green of Ireland, tomorrow, or in a not to distant future generation, you will not allowed to drink beer in your homeland. But it will still share the color of the Irish. Green, after all, is the color of Islam (a reason why it dominates the Saudi and HAMAS flags, and that of other not so nice Muslim groups).
Once the Muslims (the Spanish Moors) came to your island homeland and left behind them the “Black Irish.” Today, they are on the Irish Isle not to leave anything behind.
But to dominate and take over.
Blarney = Looking the Other Way as Islam Invades Ireland.
**** UPDATE: This is from a loyal Irish reader and frequent correspondent:
You forgot to mention we are just about 5 million and if these people keep breeding we will be overwhelmed in a very short time.
We suffer from Elites and I mean Elites. It took us 800 hundred years to be free from England and now we are about to spend etentity serving animals.
May God and St. Patrick help us from these Devils.
Keep up the good work. May God protect you.
Tags: Abiola Egbeyemi, America, Carlow, composer, David Lunde Muslims, David O'Houlihan, Debbie Schlussel, Dublin, Emerald Isle, George M. Cohan, Glory Be, Hamas, Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum, Harvard, Ibrahim Tahir, Ireland, Irish Isle, Islamic Cultural Center of Ireland, Mayor, Ninja, Purim, reader and frequent correspondent, Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum's Maktoum Foundation, Singapore, St. Patrick's Day, UAE, United Kingdom, United States
St. Patricks is a religious holiday in Ireland, they used to close pubs in that country for this holiday, now tonight many Americans will get drunk and go to the roads and possibly kill a family or someone or might drink so much and die from alcohol poising. Lucky me I have my religion which is Islam and it tells me not to drink because I actually follow the religion. Debbie, what a funny joke, NOT! Thanks for the smarocks with crescent moons inside them, Ill save those and put on my site later. Thanks for the laugh because you sound soo ridicoulus. So go ahead, act Irish today, drink it up, and go behind the wheel and maybe, just maybe you be spending your night in jail.
Dont drink and Drive be responsible.
Message from someone that cares about life no matter your race, color, ethnic background or RELIGION!
Muslim man on March 17, 2008 at 12:17 pm