May 6, 2011, - 3:20 pm
WTF?! San Diego Rabbi Sad for Bin Laden, “a Human Being”
My good friend (and reader of this site), Phil Raimi (yes, cousin of director Sam Raimi), is now looking for a new synagogue to attend. That’s because his rabbi, Rabbi Michael Berk of Congregation Beth Israel of San Diego is thinking maybe we should be sorry that Osama Bin Laden is dead. This synagogue is part of the “reform” branch of Judaism . . . or as I call it, “in ten years, it’ll be a gay vegan church powered by its members’ own fecal material after bicycling.” Yup, Rabbi Berk is one of the Jewish Hellenists the Maccabees slaughtered in droves, back in the day. Or, maybe, he’s channeling the ghost of one of the 80% of Jews who chose to remain slaves in Egypt. Last night, a rightfully disgusted Phil sent me this e-mail from Rabbi Berk, with his response:
Rabbi Michael Berk: Bin Laden Was a “Human Being.” Uh, No, Dumbass, He Wasn’t.
From: Rabbi Michael Berk
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 4:10 PM
Subject: An Invitation from Rabbi Berk
Rabbi Berk’s (soon-to-be former) congregant Phil Raimi’s reaction:
Get a load of this moronic rabbi. I can’t believe I’ve stuck at this hyper-liberal Reform temple for so long; if it wasn’t for our havurah [DS: Hebrew for “group of friends”], I would have been out of there long ago. Time to find an orthodox shul [DS: Yiddish for “synagogue”] to belong to.
Can you believe this – we’re supposed to be SAD because a supposed “human being” (OBL) who was responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent people was killed by our brave U.S. military?
Give me a flipping break!
Were we supposed to be sad because Adolf Eichmann was executed by Israel in 1961, Saddam Hussein was hung by a rope, or Hitler committed suicide in 1945? They were “human beings” too.
This is INSANE – Political Correctness gone positively amok. No wonder why we can’t stand this place anymore! If it weren’t for the havurah, we’d be out of there a long time ago.
Reform and Conservative Jews in America must have some kind of death wish!!
Boy, talk about political correctness, moral equivalence and hypersensitivity gone AMOK! We’re supposed to feel SAD that a so-called “human being” who was responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent people was taken out by our brave U.S. military? Was I supposed to feel sad over Adolph Eichmann, Hitler and Saddam Hussein!? I don’t think so – its hard to feel sorry for evil monsters with no souls.
You know – I just find this email from this Rabbi so incredibly insulting, coming less than a week after a Yom HaShoah where my oldest son David stood in freedom under the gates to Auschwitz I, where his grandfather survived almost 2-1/2 years of hell. I don’t weep or feel the least bit guilty when insane evil destroyers of innocent human life pay for their filthy deeds.
This morning, Phil added:
Last night, on the Smithsonian Channel, I was watching “The True Story Behind the Movie “Casino””. In it, Pete Clifford (the head of the Las Vegas police detail that was investigating “the skim” at the casinos, and was trying to bust the mob influence) said this about the 1982 torture murder of Tony Spilotro by the Chicago mob. Spilotro was a notorious, brutal mobster who killed a lot of people (the Joe Pesci character in the movie) and terrorized Las Vegas in the late 70s:
“In 2007, a Chicago mobster confessed to carrying out the murder. The law had lost a chance at putting Spilotro behind bars. But few mourned his grisly end.”
Pete Clifford:
“I cheered – I thought that was a great event, because he died just as he lived. He was not good for society. He was bad for society. He never did one good thing in his lifetime.”
“So should I be unhappy? No.”
“I thought it was good he died and went to Hell.”
I “slept” on all of this and I’m still almost as mad this morning as I was yesterday. I’m seriously thinking of call up that place today and resigning.
Right on, Phil. Hey, maybe Rabbi Berk thinks this will get him into the 72 Re-Virginized Club in the afterlife.
Memo to the rabbi: after the Islamic revolution, collaborators like you are the first ones they’ll behead. Have fun with it. Remember Daniel Pearl?
E-mail Rabbi Berk ( and let him know what you think about his “Bin Laden quandary.”
Tags: Beth Israel, Congregation Beth Israel, dead Bin Laden, human being, liberals, Michael Berk, Osama bin Laden, Phil Raimi, Rabbi Berk, Rabbi Michael Berk, Reform Judaism, San Diego, sympathy
While Bin Laden and other heinous murders are evil, they are – none the less – human beings. How you deny this is beyond me. Is not Ezekiel 18:23 in your book? It is the job of earthly governments to punish evil doers – including killing some. We may sense relief when such as Bin Laden is dead, but we should not rejoice nor deaden our conscience by claiming he was less than human. I leave you with Proverbs 24:17 – “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles”
Manfred on May 6, 2011 at 3:40 pm