October 17, 2011, - 3:32 pm
STFU: Robert Downey, Jr., Don’t Tell Me to Forgive Mel Gibson
Apparently, Robert Downey, Jr. thinks that if you have sex with a Jewish woman (his current wife is Jewish), you can tell the Jews what to do and whom to forgive. That, or his drug-induced life pre-rehab fried his brain permanently.

It was supposed to be Robert Downey Jr.’s night, but somehow Friday’s American Cinematheque Award ceremony became all about Mel Gibson.
When the evening’s honoree took to the stage at the Beverly Hills Hilton to accept his doorstop, he had a clear message for Hollywood.
“I urge you to forgive my friend his trespasses,” Downey said to loud applause. “Allow him to pursue this art without shame.”
It was Gibson who handed out the award to the “Iron Man” star. That was a choice Downey made clear he had made in part to help his friend rehabilitate his image.
Gibson has become something of an industry pariah in the wake of taped phone calls during which he had used racial slurs and threatened to beat his estranged girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva. Prior to that, Gibson was already on thin ice with Hollywood, having made anti-Semitic remarks when he was arrested in 2006 for driving under the influence. . . .
Downey, who had well-publicized bouts with drinking and drug abuse, said that by sticking up for Gibson, he was simply returning the favor. After his imprisonment and arrests on drug charges made him uninsurable and thus prevented him from being hired in Hollywood, it was Gibson who stepped up and paid his insurance bond on the 2003 film “The Singing Detective.”
A slew of rock stars, big-name actors and even political figures have already checked into celebrity rehabs to get the treatment they need.
“He kept a roof over my head and put food on my table,” Downey remembered.
He said that all Gibson asked in return was that Downey do the same for another person who was struggling.
Ah, so if an anti-Semite (whose own father denies the Holocaust and hated Jews) helps out a drug addict, all is forgotten? Hitler made the trains run on time. I suppose we should also forget that Gibson is a Vietnam War draft dodger.
Uh, I don’t think so. By the way, as for his plan to make a movie about the Maccabees, in another day, the Maccabees would have rightfully slit his throat. (You should note that Scamela Geller’s lawyer, the phony David Yerushalmi, defended and praised Mel Gibson and Pat Buchanan are the only ones who will save Western civilization from Islam. Riiiiight. Ask Scamela why she associates with defenders of Jew-hatred.)
Tags: Anti-Semite, anti-Semites, forgive Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson, Robert Downey, Robert Downey Jr.
I was subject to vituperation for weeks when I pointed out in my small town KY newspaper that “The Passion” was unfit viewing for 10 and 11 year olds. Unfortunately for my vindication, I had already moved from Kentucky when Gibson had his meltdown.
Incidentally, both my children are adopted from Guatemala. One is part Mayan, the other is full blooded. Apocalypto also pissed me off.
Screw Gibson twice.
That being said, I can understand Downey sticking up for a man who put food on his table at Downey’s lowest hour. At least Downey has the morals of a dog.
But Gibson tried to make my children’s life worse. He’s a worthless scumbag.
Occam's Tool on October 17, 2011 at 3:51 pm