December 7, 2011, - 2:13 pm
Baba Wawa Softpedals Her Friends, Syria’s Assads; Calls Them “Intelligent, Thoughtful, Lovely”
ABC News is pimping Barbara Walters’ interview with Bashar Assad as “tough” on him, and the press is eating it up. But, in fact, Baba Wawa was quite soft on him, didn’t press Assad much, and didn’t disclose how she has become good friends with the Assads, vacationing with them over July 4, 2008, as I pointed out on this site, making her far less than an objective, impartial interviewer. And this morning on ABC’s yenta hag-fest, “The View,” she and her fellow View hags defended her Assad friends as well-educated people who look like they belong in the Hamptons and praised Asma Assad, like much of the slobbering groupthink mainstream media does, for having lived and worked here, etc. So what? All of the 19 Al-Qaeda hijackers lived here. Some of the most despotic Middle East leaders are the finest dressers, far better than those who live in the Hamptons. Does that make them any less disgusting, any less human rights abusers? Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was educated here. Didn’t seem to stop him from orchestrating the 9/11 attacks or slitting Daniel Pearl’s throat. Wawa praises the Assads as “intelligent, thoughtful, lovely.” So, only dummies are bad people, and human rights abusers who host HAMAS and Nazi war criminals are okay if they are “lovely?”

As readers know, I oppose our intervention in Syria, unless there was a way–and there isn’t–to guarantee that the replacement of the Assads’ reign wouldn’t be Al-Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood as is the case, respectively, in Libya and Egypt, AND that the replacement was a pro-U.S., pro-Western government. But Barbara Walter’s pandering to the Assads is nauseating. As I’ve repeatedly pointed out over the years, Syria is a terrorist state, so designated by the State Department, because it gladly hosts HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and a variety of other terrorist groups. And it works closely with Iran and Hezbollah. That’s not to mention that Syria gives safe sanction to Nazi war criminals, like Alois Brunner, and those who committed the Munich massacre, like Jamil Al-Gashey. You can bet Wawa didn’t ask her “intelligent, thoughtful, lovely” friend, Bashar Al-Assad, about that. Because, hey, intelligent, thoughtful, lovely people would never do such things, right? Wawa also makes sure to call Assad, “the young President.” Um, he’s 46–not so young. But what does “young” have to do with the price of tea in China? Does being young make one more humane and change the fact that he helps Islamic terrorists blow up innocent people? Or that he hosts Nazi murderers?
Watch these two videos, below. The first is Wawa defending the Assads and soft-pedaling them to “The View’s” airheaded audience. The second is an excerpt of her interview with the Assads, which doesn’t include the pro-Assad background report I’m told will go along with the full interview when it’s broadcast. I’m also told the rest of the interview, which we haven’t been shown, isn’t so tough. There’s a reason the Assads picked their vacation buddy, Walters, for this gig. Ya think she’ll ask him about all the Al-Qaeda bombers Assad let into Iraq to blow up our soldiers over the last decade? Dream on, suckers. Check out the videos . . .
Tags: ABC News, Asma Assad, Assad, Baba Wawa, Barbara Walters, Barbra Walters, Bashar Al-Assad, Bashar Assad, Bashar El-Assad, Bashir Al-Assad, Bashir Assad, Bashir El-Assad, Interview, pandering softpedaling, Syria, The View, vacation, video
This whore would have had tea with Hitler, and reported how he is a kind man because he is a vegetarian and dog lover.
No wonder Harry Reasoner couldn’t stand her.
Let us also remember that she wrote a book boasting of with whom she committed adultery.
Jonathan E. Grant on December 7, 2011 at 2:32 pm