December 7, 2011, - 4:55 pm
OUTRAGE: UK Judge Frees Muslim Gang Who Kicked Woman’s Head b/c They’re “Not Used to Drinking”
It’s official: the British legal system is now the sharia legal system. I’ve already told you how UK judges allow vandalism and other crimes against companies that trade with Israel. Now, it’s worse. The Kingdom’s judges look for BS Muslim excuses to free Muslim women who kicked another woman’s head in. Even when Muslims engage in violent attacks against non-Muslims, after violating Islamic bans against drinking, the judges find an Islamic reason to excuse their violence–not being used to alcohol. And get this: the a-hole judge also said that the women needed to be violent to react to the woman’s boyfriend who was trying to defend her from their attacks. HUH???? This is outrageous. But this is what happens when Western authorities pander to Islam. Not just in Great Britain, but right here in America, too. THIS. IS. ISLAM.

Religion of Peace: British Muslim Gang Kicks Woman’s Head In, Judge Frees Them
A Feral gang of Somalian girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were “not used to being drunk” because they were Muslim.
The four girls — three sisters and their cousin — were told the charge of actual bodily harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years, against 22-year-old care worker Rhea Page would normally land them in custody.
But the judge handed the girls suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it.
Victim Rhea said Ambaro Maxamed, 24, Ayan Maxamed, 28, and Hibo Maxamed, 24, and their 28-year-old cousin Ifrah Nur screamed “Kill the white s***” while kicking her in the head as she lay motionless on the ground.
The support worker from Leicester was left “black and blue” with bruises and needed hospital treatment following the attack which came as she walked to a taxi rank with her boyfriend.
She was also left with a BALD patch after having her hair yanked out.
Rhea was left so traumatised by the attack that she lost her job due to repeated absences with stress and flashbacks.
Rhea had been walking home with her boyfriend after a night out when the drunken women attacked her, knocking her to the ground and taking turns to kick her in the head. . . .
“We were just minding our own business but they kept shouting ‘white b****’ and ‘white s***’ at me.
“When I turned around one of them grabbed my hair – she literally wrapped her fingers in my hair – then threw me on the ground.
“They were taking turns to kick me in the head and back over and over. . . .
Seventeen months on from the attack, which happened in Leicester city centre, she is still undergoing counselling and suffers from panic attacks and flashbacks.
The women all admitted actual bodily harm at Leicester Crown Court, but received six-month jail sentences, suspended for 12 months on November 22.
Sentencing, Judge Robert Brown said: “. . .Those who knock someone to the floor and kick them in the head can expect to go inside, but I’m going to suspend the sentence.”
He said he accepted the women may have felt they were the victims of unreasonable force from Rhea’s partner Lewis Moore, 23, who tried desperately to defend her from the attack.
Uh-huh. Violent thugs now apparently have an expectation that victims’ boyfriends are not allowed to defend them. Thanks to moron Judge Robert Brown. . . .
During the hearing, James Bide-Thomas, prosecuting, said Ambaro Maxamed, who started the violence, had called Rhea a “white b****” during the incident.
However, the women, who are all Somalian Muslims, were not charged with racial aggravation.
Why not?
Ambaro Maxamed had grabbed Rhea’s hair, causing her to fall on the ground.
Mr Bide-Thomas said: “Miss Page was repeatedly kicked on her back and head and was crying and screaming throughout.
“Afterwards, she was sick and was pulling her own hair from her mouth.”
Gary Short, mitigating for Ambaro Maxamed, said the attack was down to alcohol. . . .
“They’re Somalian Muslims and alcohol or drugs isn’t something they’re used to.” . . .
Rhea labelled the sentence “disgusting”. . . .
“The attack has had a devastating affect on my life and they have just been allowed to get away with it.”
Sadly, Muslims get away with it far more often than not. And, again, if you think this warped Muslim-dominated legal system isn’t coming to America, think again. It’s already here.
Tags: Alcohol, Ambaro Maxamed, Ayan Maxamed, England, Great Britain, hate crime, hate crimes, Hibo Maxamed, Ifrah Nur, Islam, James Bide-Thomas, Jihad, Judge Robert Brown, Leicester, Leicester Crown Court, Muslim, Muslim gang, Muslims, Racism, Rhea Page, Somalian, Somalian Muslims, suspended sentence, UK, violence
I wonder if the judge would feel the same way if he got this beatdown?
CaliforniaScreaming on December 7, 2011 at 5:05 pm