December 12, 2011, - 4:21 pm
You Stay Classy: The Response I Got For Tweeting About Alec Baldwin
Saturday Night, I watched Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update with Seth Meyers” and tweeted my annoyance with Alec Baldwin’s appearance. He posed as “Captain Steve Rogers” of American Airlines and went on to praise Alec Baldwin (yes, he praised himself). The guy wasn’t funny, and unlike anyone with class, he just refuses to apologize to American Airlines, despite the fact that he didn’t follow the rules that we all must follow if we fly. It’s incredible that an adult over the age of 50 acts like a child and insists on playing online games, disrupting an impending flight . . . and then continues to insist he’s in the right (regardless of his politics). But check out what I got in response to my tweet about Baldwin. You stay classy, “Rick Kujo.” Not sure what the Tea Party has to do with Alec Baldwin acting like a three-year-old spoiled brat on a plane, though.

I get Twitter abuse like this all the time, but this one and a few others bear mentioning. Follow me on Twitter. Read the tweets . . .
Tags: Alec Baldwin, American Airlines, Capt. Steve Rogers, Captain Steve Rogers, Rick Kujo, Seth Meyers, SNL, Tweets, Twitter, Weekend Update
Debbie, since I happen to be many of you’re fans/supporters/etc., I will say to this Rick Kujo jackass and here it is:
@RickKujo Shut the f**k up you Occtard moron!
And nice language Rick, is that how you talk to women, by calling them the “B” word? You have NO respect for women Rick, since I’m on facebook Rick Kujo, why don’t you try and go onto my facebook page and pick a fight with me, a “MAN” instead of picking on a woman like a coward.
And BTW Rick, DS is NOT apart of the Tea Party movement, she’s called them out on many occasions over the last few years. As a matter of fact Rick Kujo, Debbie is anti-organization/anti-establishment, the woman is an “INDIVIDUALIST” who’s NOT apart of any group!
“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”
Sean R. on December 12, 2011 at 4:33 pm