December 22, 2011, - 7:37 pm
Aisha Khan: Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxer Gets Away w/ It
For the last several days, news stories all over Kansas focused on the disappearance of Aisha Khan, a recently married Muslim woman. Khan made statements on her sister’s cellphone making this out to be some sort of hate crime by a drunk non-Muslim against Muslims, and it was reported that way by the dhimmi sheep in the media. Now, she’s mysteriously re-appeared with zero explanation about where she was and a whole lot more questions. Instead of a “hate crime” against Muslims, it appears the only crime committed here is her lies against non-Muslims. Apparently, Khan fled her Muslim husband from an arranged marriage. But no apologies to all of the non-Muslims this kalbeh [Arabic for “dog”] defamed. Oh, and Nancy Grace needs to shut her piehole, attacking police and the university for not doing enough to find this hate crime hoaxer.

Regardless of what happened, this woman (apparently of Pakistani descent) and her family wasted a ton of expensive and scarce law enforcement resources that could have been used in investigating a real crime. Usually, when an abduction is faked–as in this case–the person who pretended to disappear is criminally charged. After all, Khan lied on the phone about what happened to her, blaming it on some infidel drunk man, which isn’t what happened. But unlike in most cases, Khan won’t be charged for the fakery and accompanying circus because, hey, we can’t make Muslims face the same justice as everyone else, nor can we publicize that Muslim girls are forced into arranged marriages with Muslim men (many of them foreign aliens seeking a green card).
Instead, the impotent Overland Park police are closing the case without any further investigation into the hoax and fraud that wasted resources and much taxpayer money in the first place. And without asking her if she fears for her safety with her husband. Yes, Islamic ways of dealing with things have already taken over the mindset of American police when they deal with Muslims. It’s sharia of the mind.
Even though Aisha Khan, the 19-year-old Kansas college student who disappeared on Friday, has been found unharmed, many are still baffled about what led to her disappearance and where she is, including her own family.
“Right now, at this point, all we know is that she’s safe and sound and there are no further details,” Aisha Khan’s sister Faiza Khan, 21, told
Khan said that the family has not seen or spoken to Aisha Khan. The Overland Police Department notified them on Wednesday night that they had spoken to Aisha and confirmed that she was safe and not being held against her will.
Since Khan’s disappearance on Friday, her family, including her husband of five months, made tearful pleas for her safe return and expressed a strong belief that she had been abducted. Now, the family is waiting to hear from her and discover what happened. . . .
Many are still questioning what happened and wondering if Khan will face any punitive or monetary consequences for the search.
The Overland Police spent about 400 hours looking for Khan with around 60 law enforcement agents, including the FBI. But authorities are saying that Khan will likely not face any legal consequences. . . .
The formal police investigation has been closed and [Overland Park Police spokeschick Michelle] Koos said police have not released Khan’s location to her family. Koos said the cost of the investigation is not known at this time and may take a few days to determine.
“As an adult, all we need to do is verify that the person was not abducted or being held against her will,” Koos said. “That’s what we’ve done. Beyond that, it’s a personal family issue to deal with.” . . .
Khan was last heard from the morning of Dec. 19 when she left her sister a troubling voicemail, saying that while she was studying for finals at an outdoor picnic table, a drunk man had been harassing her and attempted to kiss her before she hit him and took off.
“Oh my gosh he was so scary. My heart is, like, pounding. I’ve never got this scared in my life,” Khan can be heard saying in the message. “Pick up your phones, I am freaked out right now.”
The Overland Police spent about 400 hours looking for Khan with around 60 law enforcement agents, including the FBI. But authorities are saying that Khan will likely not face any legal consequences.
Yup, committing a mass hate crime against three hundred million Americans who are not Muslim and defaming them for a fake kidnapping isn’t a crime. At least not on the books in Kansas.
I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. Expect more and more of this in America as we let more and more Muslims into the country and refuse to tighten our porous borders.
Reader John:
My parents are visiting from Kansas City, and they said this was about the only thing on the news for the last five days in Kansas City: the missing Muslim student “abducted.” The media was pushing it as some type of hate crime against Muslims.
Then, surprise! It turns out that the girl had run away and was found safe a week later (obviously to flee an abusive Muslim husband). Now, the family doesn’t want to answer any questions and is pleading for privacy. It seems like the media is not interested in asking any questions.
Of course, not. They are only interested in asking questions when it will make Muslims look like the victims instead of what they clearly are here and in many other cases: the perpetrators. And liars.
Reader R:
It does seem to fit a familiar pattern. Sounds like this toad might have had in mind to stage a bit more elaborate hoax but decided to chicken out, or maybe she’s just as dumb as she looks. I’ll bet they never find the “drunk man” because there never was one. There’s no mention of other witnesses to the dastardly “attack”. Studying for finals….hmm. Missing for a week…about the time finals would be over…..hmm. Nothing at all to be suspicious about here. She couldn’t call in a bomb threat because the disruption timeline would be insufficient, and besides, her ilk would never have aaaanythiiiing to do with bombs EVER. We need many more here like her – keep that visa lottery at full speed!
Tags: Aisha Khan, arranged marriage, Con Job, Faiza Khan, FBI, hate crime hoax, hate crime hoaxes, hate crimes, Islam, Kansas, Khan job, Michelle Koos, Muslim, Muslim Hate Crime Hoax, Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxes, Nancy Grace, Overland Park, Police, video
Deport her muslim lying ass!
Ed Feraco on December 22, 2011 at 7:57 pm