December 27, 2011, - 5:24 pm
HILARIOUS VIDEO: How Long ‘Til CAIR Puts a Fatwah on Denis Leary?
One of the few liberal actors who didn’t become a 9/11 truther and actually kinda/sorta gets it on Islam is Denis Leary of the recently canceled, “Rescue Me.” He put together this hilarious video, “It’s Jihad, Farley Towne,” a parody of the Charlie Brown holiday specials and what happens when Charlie converts to Islam. The last scene is the BEST! Must watch. (I tried to embed the code from Denis’ site but it won’t stop autoplay and can’t be fixed. Sorry, Denis, if you read this, please e-mail me.)

So, how long until HAMAS financier CAIR demands that Denis apologize and meet with them for sensitivity training while, at the same time, winking and nodding at foreign Islamic fatwahs against him? 3-2-1 . . . .
Watch the video . . .
Tags: 911, Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown Converts to Islam, Denis Leary, Islam, Islamic Charlie Brown, It's Jihad Farley Towne, Jihad, Muslim Charlie Brown
This is hysterical!!! and on point!!!
Jonathan E. Grant on December 27, 2011 at 5:33 pm