February 26, 2007, - 6:42 pm

Muslim in Cabbie Jihad Praised Hitler, “Cleansing” of Jews

Surprise, surprise. , the Muslim cabbie in Nashville who tried to murder his customers by running them over, is not just a jihadist, he’s an anti-Semite . . . and a fan of Hitler.
Jim of Menorah Blog sends me the link to this article in the today’s Tennesseean:

A Nashville cabbie made anti-Semitic statements and praised Adolph Hitler’s campaign against Jews during a religious argument that culminated when he ran over one of the passengers as he left the taxi, witnesses said during a hearing today.

The cab driver, Ibrahim Ahmed, said Hitler was “trying to rid the world of Jews,” the alleged victim, Jeremie Imbus, told the court.
“I just remember -(being)- I guess the word is ‘shocked,'” Imbus said of the Feb. 18 incident.

Well, I’m not shocked. Nor should anyone else be. The fact is that Jihad is here. Time to WAKE UP!

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35 Responses

Repeat after me…..never trust a Scuzlim. There is no such thing as “moderate Islam”…..there is only the dictate of the Koran to kill or enslave Christians and Jews. How many more Scuzlims like “Ibrahim Ahmed” will this country have to tolerate before we learn….again, reapeat after me…NEVER TRUST A SCUZLIM!

DDB on February 26, 2007 at 7:23 pm

Hitler lives in the heart of the Muslim Nation. Islam was Hitler’s favorite religion because he saw it as aggressive and warlike. Hitler had contempt for any religion that preached peace, brotherhood and love. Hitler was welcomed with open arms by the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s founder, an Egyptian named Hassan al Banna, was a great admirer of Hitler and Nazism. We’re always told by the Left that the reason Radical Muslims are on the warpath, is the existence of Israel. That is a lie since Israel did not exist in the 1930’s when “political Islam” was teamed with Hitler to exterminate the Jews. They had a blood hatred for Jews that pre-dated the state of Israel. Radical Islam is the greatest threat to freedom on the face of the earth. It is Hitler incarnate. The Jews war is every freedom loving peoples war. Americans need to wake up and smell the Jihad.

FreethinkerNY on February 26, 2007 at 7:50 pm

This sort of “indiscriminate” Muslim violence is happening all over the world (see my recent post) and we need to wake up and start taking it seriously. Good first steps would be to place a moratorium on Muslim immigration into this country, then weed out the radical mullahs and their followers, and then relax the rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan so we can start killing more of these sons of bitches.

Release The Hounds! on February 26, 2007 at 8:06 pm

Word, Hound Dawg! It’s the Religion of Perpetual Jihad. I’ve got your jihad right here, Haji. There’s nothing these scum-bags understand except for overwhelming, violent force. The U.S. Marine Corps and Army were designed to kill people and break things. You want to rebuild Iraq or any other Muslim hell hole?! Hire the Peace Corps.

Yiddish Steel on February 26, 2007 at 11:33 pm

A minor point but why do people such as the reporter refer to “Adolph” Hitler instead of Adolf Hitler? I wish I had a dollar for every time I have seen that mistake. Adolph is Swedish.

Ripper on February 27, 2007 at 8:49 am

Will this Scuzlim be charged with a hate crime? Me thinks not, with our PUSSY government.

ddhinnyc on February 27, 2007 at 9:53 am

All of these radical islamic hatemongers were and still are butt-kissers to Hitler’s ideology. No suprise there. Just learn about the Arab-Nazi ties as Freethinker eloquenty stated. No doubt about it we are witnessing a new uprising similar to the Third Reich but in the mid-east particularly Iran, another Hitlerite impersonator but with one of those lengthy unpronouncable farsi names. History is repeating itself again. Its only a matter of time till we are willing to prevent another catastrophy as such from occuring.

Jew Chick on February 27, 2007 at 12:11 pm

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the network and cable news stations (including Fox) to cover this story.
There are several forms of propaganda, one of which is NOT reporting what is happening in the world, and the media is guilty of it.
BTW, DDB, “Scuzlim”…I love it!

Thee_Bruno on February 27, 2007 at 12:26 pm

So when the police say it was a argument on religion, is Nazism a religion? I don’t understand why the media insists on protecting Islam.

MadMom on February 27, 2007 at 2:54 pm

“I don’t understand why the media insists on protecting Islam.”
I suspect it’s because they would then be tacitly identifying Islam as the root cause of murderous Muslim rage and aligning themselves with those against it: clear-thinking, patriotic Americans. To be identified as such would jeopardize their unbiased reporting…BWAAAHHHAAHHAAAHHHAAA!

DAL357 on February 27, 2007 at 6:39 pm

By the way Ripper, that is an interesting distinction Adolph vs. Adolf. What about Adolphus, isn’t that from somewhere up and out there?
Eric Erickson, one of WWII’s greatest spys, had a list of the Swedes who had cut a secret deal to support Adof after he won the war. He asked Eisenhower what to do with the list and was advised to just destroy it, lucky them, never prosecuted.

code7 on February 27, 2007 at 7:25 pm

Aren’t you guys missing the rather obvious point that while some Muslims did support the holocaust, it was Christians who actually carried it out?
Christians like Adolf Hitler, who wrote in Mein Kampf. “Ö I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lordís work.” (and who in 1941 informed General Gerhart Engel: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.”)
Or Christians like the Waffen SS who were sprinkled with Holy water before they went into action, or all the soldiers of the Wehrmacht who had “Gott Mitt Uns” embossed on their belt-buckles.
So in reviewing the Holocaust shouldn’t you be concentrating your vitriol on those who actually DID the torturing and mass-murdering, rather than those few Muslims who supported it?

The Purple Cow on February 28, 2007 at 7:49 am

The Purple Sow (most likely another muzlum stalker on this blog) tried to re-write history with his lies.
Here are the FACTS:
According to a press release from Catholic League President, William A. Donohue (2/4/99): “Hitler was a neo-pagan terrorist whose conscience was not informed by Christianity, but by pseudo-scientific racist philosophies. Hitler hated the Catholic Church, made plans to kill the Pope, authorized the murder of thousands of priests and nuns, and did everything he could to suppress the influence of the Church. In 1933, Hitler said, ‘It is through the peasantry that we shall really be able to destroy Christianity because there is in them a true religion rooted in nature and blood.'” The Catholic League also quoted Hitler, in a 4/23/99 Op-Ed ad in the New York Times, as saying, “Antiquity was better than modern times, because it didn’t know Christianity and syphilis.” Ouch!
Jehuda Bauer, Professor of Holocaust Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, describes the real “god” of Hitler and the Nazis in his article, “The Trauma of the Holocaust: Some Historical Perspectives,” by saying: “”They wanted to go back to a pagan world, beautiful, naturalistic, where natural hierarchies based on the supremacy of the strong would be established, because strong equaled good, powerful equaled civilized. The world did have a kind of God, the merciless God of nature, the brutal God of races, the oppressive God of hierarchies.” In other words, definitely non-Christian.
Historian Paul Johnson wrote that Hitler hated Christianity with a passion, adding that shortly after assuming power in 1933, Hitler told Hermann Rauschnig that he intended “to stamp out Christianity root and branch.”
As Hitler grew in power, he made other anti-Christian statements. For example, he was quoted in Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, by Allan Bullock, as saying: “I’ll make these damned parsons feel the power of the state in a way they would have never believed possible. For the moment, I am just keeping my eye upon them: if I ever have the slightest suspicion that they are getting dangerous, I will shoot the lot of them. This filthy reptile raises its head whenever there is a sign of weakness in the State, and therefore it must be stamped on. We have no sort of use for a fairy story invented by the Jews.”

Thee_Bruno on February 28, 2007 at 10:31 am

well don’t just take my word for it. Here are the words from the horses mouth…
ìMy feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.î
A.H. Munich 1922
ìWe were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.î
A.H. Berlin 1933
ìThe National Socialist Movement has wrought this miracle. If Almighty God granted success to this work, then the Party was His instrument.î
A.H. 1932
ìThe National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavour to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren ), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of to-day.î
A.H. in a speech to Catholic bishops 1934

The Purple Cow on February 28, 2007 at 11:22 am

Purple Sow a/k/a muzlum stalker,
I already quoted from Hitler’s mouth.
You’re quoting from the early speeches of Hitler where he was using faith as a stepping stone to power. He knew he needed to appeal to the citizens of Germany through religion in order to seize power later on. And, after he acquired power, he reverted to his paganistic and his demonic cult practices.
Research it, yourself. The Nazis were heavily into demonic cult practices and rituals along with their other pagan beliefs.
But, you conveniently left that out and decided to seize upon what an aspiring, young politician said in order to fool the people (much like today’s politicos). Try quoting what he said AFTER he came to power. Then, after that, go to your mosque and pray to Satan.

Thee_Bruno on February 28, 2007 at 12:49 pm

ìYou’re quoting from the early speeches of Hitler where he was using faith as a stepping stone to power. He knew he needed to appeal to the citizens of Germany through religion in order to seize power later on. And, after he acquired power, he reverted to his paganistic and his demonic cult practices.î
Sweet Jesus, what an idiot.
“Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children’s children, not only for ourselves but also for the other peoples of Europe, for this is a war which we all wage, this time, not for our German people alone, it is a war for all of Europe and with it, in the long run, for all of mankind.”
-AH, 30 Jan. 1942, – Berlin
May therefore God give us the strength to continue to do our duty and with this prayer we bow in homage before our dead heroes, before those whom they have left behind in bereavement, and before all the other victims of this war.
AH, in prayer at the end of a radio address on 15 March 1942.
ìGod the Almighty has made our nation. By defending its existence we are defending His work…î
AH ñ Radio address 30 January 1945
in the 1940’s 98.5% of Germans were Christians Thee boy. You do the math.
You haven’t explained the sprinkling of the holy water or the “Gott mit uns” yet either.
Do better.

The Purple Cow on February 28, 2007 at 2:32 pm

Purple Sow,
No matter what you post regarding this topic it’s irrelevant and I’ll tell you why.
Adolf Hitler can call himself whatever he wants to call himself. The truth of the matter is that what he practiced was NOT Christianity. You can pull quotes out of your ass all day long but the facts are that Christianity does NOT preach;
1. Intolerance,
2. Murder,
3. Thievery,
4. Deception,
5. Submission,
6. Violence.
The Nazis did all of those things and more but there’s yet another distinction – THEY DID NOT DO IT IN THE NAME OF CHRISTIANITY. AND, EVEN IF THEY DID, THAT IS NOT WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS ALL ABOUT.
Nice try, you muzlim swine.
BTW do you know what religion DOES promote;
1. Intolerance,
2. Murder,
3. Thievery,
4. Deception,
5. Submission,
6. Violence?
That’s right – islam. islam – the religion of barbarians and a swine who calls himself Purple Cow.
Typical muzlum tactic – deception – and that’s what you’re all about.
Nice try, fucktard!

Thee_Bruno on February 28, 2007 at 3:18 pm

Oh that’s weak Thee boy – very, very weak.
But you know that already, I can smell the fear.
You can always tell when conservatives know they have lost an argument. They became hysterical and launch into nasty ad hominem attacks like this.
Christians murdered 20 million jews. It’s as simple as that. Christians are responsible for the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever known. You know that, and for all your hysterical rantings, you know I am right – which if course is why you are so angry.
On a related note. Did you know that Joseph Stalin was a Christian too?
Oh yes indeed. He studied at a Russian Orthodox Seminary for seven years and had his first wife not died he would have become a Russian Orthodox priest. He even had a small chappel built near his office in the Kremlin.
It’s all in Simon Sebag Montifiore’s excellent book. Go read it, you might learn something.

The Purple Cow on February 28, 2007 at 4:26 pm

Purple Sow,
You’re correct. Every evil tyrant, including mohammad, was Christian. They were all Christians who murdered innocent people in the name of Christianity.
Stalin, et al, were atheists. Communism was a totalitarianistic, atheist state.
No matter what you post regarding this topic it’s irrelevant and I’ll tell you why.
Adolf Hitler can call himself whatever he wants to call himself. The truth of the matter is that what he practiced was NOT Christianity. You can pull quotes out of your ass all day long but the facts are that Christianity does NOT preach;
1. Intolerance,
2. Murder,
3. Thievery,
4. Deception,
5. Submission,
6. Violence.
The Nazis did all of those things and more but there’s yet another distinction – THEY DID NOT DO IT IN THE NAME OF CHRISTIANITY. AND, EVEN IF THEY DID, THAT IS NOT WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS ALL ABOUT.
Nice try, you muzlim swine.
BTW do you know what religion DOES promote;
1. Intolerance,
2. Murder,
3. Thievery,
4. Deception,
5. Submission,
6. Violence?
That’s right – islam. islam – the religion of barbarians and a swine who calls himself Purple Cow.
Typical muzlum tactic – deception – and that’s what you’re all about.
Nice try, fucktard!

Thee_Bruno on February 28, 2007 at 5:14 pm

Thee Bruno,
Maybe the Purple Cow should read the Front Page Magazine article “The Infidel Revolution”, February 21,2007.
The number of people killed by Islamic jihad is discussed. The total number is estimated at 270 million.
Check it out.

Theawakenedone on February 28, 2007 at 6:58 pm

Thee boy is just weak isn’t he?
i mean clearly he’s no intellectual heavy-weight, but jeeze-louise this latest rant is laughable.
“The Nazis did all of those things and more but there’s yet another distinction – THEY DID NOT DO IT IN THE NAME OF CHRISTIANITY.”
errr, yes they did, as I proved earlier in this very thread.
“Maybe the Purple Cow should read the Front Page Magazine article…”
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Yeah right ‘Front Page Magazine’ that well-known source of reliable journalistic information!!!

The Purple Cow on March 1, 2007 at 2:36 am

Well Purple Cow, Rosie O’Donnell was baptized a Catholic too, so was Madonna, that doesn’t mean they stayed Catholics.You really need to study some history.
SO Stalin went to a seminary school in his early years, that was a viable way to earn a living during the time of the Czar. At some point he became very anti-religious, he sent many Christians and Jews to the Gulags. Hence, Communists hate religion because it gives a higher power to someone other than the totalitarian ruler. Don’t take my word for it, take Solzhenitsyn’s word. He was there for 10 years he should know. His book is called Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956.
As for Hitler, parts of Germany are very religious, he used this to motivate them by using ignorant stereotypes. Hitler was trying to create another Roman Empire, hence all the roman like structures built by Speer, he has book too that talks all about it. Hitler’s goal was to create his own secular like religion for the “dumb masses” because he thought they needed some sort of religion. He was going to base it off of Protestantism but take most of the important teachings out of it. Kind of like agnostics today. Don’t you ever watch the history channel?
Enlighten us where Hitler used a quote from Jesus that said kill all the Jews and then quote the Bible passage. Hmm, can’t find can you. Maybe you need to aks for your money back from your professor that tought you this revisionist history.
Thee_Bruno, I love it when you call people fucktard, I find that so hilarious for some reason.

Minnie Mouse on March 1, 2007 at 9:30 am

Hey Purple Cow,
Why don’t you just go and tell us what your beef is. Get to the point. What would your perfect world look like? Can’t tell from all that stuff you’re spewing. You’re always so ANGRY!!!!
Minnie Mouse,
I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read “fucktard”. Yes indeed, very funny.

Theawakenedone on March 1, 2007 at 12:23 pm

The Purple Sow truly is a fucktard! His mug is next to the word in the dictionary.
This muzlum swine loves to engage in revisionist history, distortions, deception, half-truths, and blowing smoke (like all muzlums). He’s got a real problem with Christianity because, as a muzlum, he knows that Christianity was responsible for the birth and growth of western civilization that was responsible for innovation, education, and wealth while his people were mired in ignorance and poverty, and wallowed in streets filled with raw sewage.
In all of his posts, he vehemently describes Christians as blood-thirsty, irrational savages, yet not a peep about muzlums and islam. He’ll pull all kinds of quotes out of his ass, taken out of context, and never discloses the true intentions and the agenda of the people who he describes in those quotes.
THEN, when you finally have his back up against the wall, and you point out all of his lies, bullshit, hypocrisy, and duplicity, will he say that he’s an atheist and islam is no good. That’s his M.O., and that’s the same M.O. of all those other so-called self-professed “athiests” who post on this blog.
Remember, muzlums are taught to lie and to deceive the infidel. He knows it, and so do we. In islam, it is also permitted to lie about the religion, itself, if it furthers the islamic agenda. He knows it, and so do we.
But, what else can you expect from a complete fucktard?!

Thee_Bruno on March 1, 2007 at 1:36 pm

ìWell Purple Cow, Rosie O’Donnell was baptized a Catholic too, so was Madonna, that doesn’t mean they stayed Catholics.You really need to study some history.î
Oh I have, in 1943 Hitler told one of generals that he would be a Catholic until the day he died.
ìSO Stalin went to a seminary school in his early years, that was a viable way to earn a living during the time of the Czar. At some point he became very anti-religious, he sent many Christians and Jews to the Gulags.î
This is weak even by your own low standards thee-boy. Stalin murdered 400,000 people, the majority of them were communists.
ìHence, Communists hate religion because it gives a higher power to someone other than the totalitarian ruler.î
No, they hate religion because God is a ridiculous concept.
ìDon’t take my word for it, take Solzhenitsyn’s word. He was there for 10 years he should know. His book is called Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956.î
Iíve read Solzhenitsyn thank you very much – mad as a box of frogs.
ìAs for Hitler, parts of Germany are very religious, he used this to motivate them by using ignorant stereotypes.î
Iím sorry, Iíve read this sentence about twenty times, and Iíve absolutely no clue what you are trying to say. He used the fact that Germans are religious to motivate them by ignorant stereotypes?
I mean WTF???
There will be a Ä100 Euro prize for the first person who can explain to me what point thee-boy is trying to make there.
ìHitler was trying to create another Roman Empire, hence all the roman like structures built by Speer, he has book too that talks all about it. ì
Youíre a funny guy thee-boy, you should be on TV, Iíll be your agent if you like. You make all this shit up, and then pretend youíve seen it all on the history channel!
ìHitler’s goal was to create his own secular like religion for the “dumb masses” Öî
Stop, stop, your killing me! my sides, my sides ñ I havenít laughed so much in years.
ì..a secular like religionÖî
Thatís one for the scrap books.
ìHe was going to base it off of Protestantism but take most of the important teachings out of it.î
Errrrr, riiiiiiiight. Like Protestantism, but with all the religious stuff sort of taken out.
Sure, I believe you.
No, really I do.
ìKind of like agnostics today.î
Well I wouldnít know, I donít know any agnostics.
ì Don’t you ever watch the history channel?î
Sure, do you ever watch the Disney Channel?
ìEnlighten us where Hitler used a quote from Jesus that said kill all the Jews and then quote the Bible passage. Hmm, can’t find can you.î
Minnie Mouse, youíre a confused human being arenít you? Well either that, or you are even dimmer than dim-bulb thee-boy here. Which would be kind of hard. Leaving aside the fact that you have totally mangled the English language, even you should be able to see that this question has no basis in logic at all.
I mean what are the thought processes that lead you to type a question like that? Jesus Christ didnít say kill all Jews. Adolf Hitler did. Sorry if this is difficult for you Minnie. Are you saying that there has to be specific quote in the bible saying ìkill peopleî otherwise Christians wonít kill people?!?!
ìMaybe you need to aks for your money back from your professor that tought you this revisionist history.î
Well Minnie I donít have to AKS for money back from my professor, because over here we donít have to pay for our education. Itís one of the joys of living in a welfare state, you see.
But while we are at it Minnie, perhaps you should ask for your money back from the professor who taught you to spell taught, t-o-u-g-h-t
Just a t-h-o-u-g-h-t.
ìThee_Bruno, I love it when you call people fucktard, I find that so hilarious for some reason.î
Yes Minnie it IS hilarious isnít it? How proud you must be that you share a country from someone who is able to borrow words from other people on the internet. Fucktard, It shows such wit, such intelligence, such charm, such CLASS. As I say, you must be very proud.
ìHey Purple Cow,
Why don’t you just go and tell us what your beef is. Get to the point. What would your perfect world look like? Can’t tell from all that stuff you’re spewing. You’re always so ANGRY!!!!î
Well firstly theawedoneeak, Iím not the angry one here. Check the threads dude, all the hate, and bile and vindictiveness comes from you people, and is directed at a world that you no longer understand.
I come here for amusement, really. Though debating with you guys is a bit like taking candy from a baby. When Iíve finished typing this Iím going outside to look for a puppy to kick.
So I donít actually have a beef as such. As for perfect worlds, well I donít really believe in those, but would the world be a better place without you guys in it? Absolutely. Iíd also like to see the back of all religions, wars, hunger, disease, pestilence and golf. Yíknow, the usual stuff.
Oh and if we could have every Friday off to play cricket, that would be great.
*** _
ìMinnie Mouse,_I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read “fucktard”. Yes indeed, very funny.î
Yes, hilarious ñ funniest thing Iíve read in years. Roll over Seinfeld, Monty Python, that bloke that wrote ëThe Officeî, and Woody Allen. Thereís a new hot comedy gunslinger, heís called thee-boy and he uses the word ëfucktardí.
Iím laughing, Iím laughing, Iím laughing.
No, really.

The Purple Cow on March 1, 2007 at 2:28 pm

OK, OK, you’ve convinced me. You’re TOTALLY right and world history is wrong.
You’ve convinced me that UP is Down, LEFT is RIGHT, DAY is NIGHT, SKINNY is FAT, and ISLAM is, well,….no….no…I can’t say it.
Listen to me very carefully….
Take your medications, stay away from sharp knives and open windows. There’s absolutely no hope for you because you’ve been brainwashed (actually, your two brain cells have been “cellwashed”) from birth into believing that only the “true believers” (Satanists) are the only ones to be trusted and revered…everyone else is a piece of shit and must be lied to, enslaved, or murdered.
So, take you unholy book, the qur’ an, head to your nearest mosque, and quote from the passages from Satan.
As your fellow co-Satanists say to each other: Ass Alarm I Lick’em!

Thee_Bruno on March 1, 2007 at 3:06 pm

Oh that’s so sad thee-boy, I suppose it was naive of me to think that you were capable of actually defending your own position – but clearly you are not. Instead all I get is this juvenile name-calling.
The point is that you are lying even to yourself. If you are honest with yourself, you would admit you know I’m not a Muslim, but it suits your nasty, embittered little mind-set to portray me as such.
I think you are a very sad little man, thee-boy.

The Purple Cow on March 1, 2007 at 5:00 pm

Purple Cow,
You got me on the spelling. I am spoiled with this lovely invention called Microsfot word that gives me a red squiggly line for a spelling error and a green squiggly line for grammar. Responding on a blog obviously does not have this wonderul invention so I just keep on typing. I’m not writing a thesis here.
Anyway, so Stalin killed 400,000, what in one purge? No one really knows the exact numbers, I’ve heard as high as 16 million but it’s definately higher than 400,000. As for who he killed, he was an equal opportunity murderer. Many were Communists and anyone else who he deemed threatening to the state, Jews, Christians and even people that arrived late to work. One of THE main pillars of communism is that religion is the opium of the masses. Perhaps you have heard of that quote. So Solzenisthyn is an idiot? Who would you suggest I read about the Gulags, Kruschev?
As for your many quotes on Hitler, there was this thing called propaganda. It’s where a person tells people things they want to here that are either exaggerated or outright lies. Two people Hitler studied and admired was Nietsche, “God is dead” and Darwin who believed in survival of the fittest. Hitler used some of Darwin’s theories for his idea of the master race.
On my comment regarding Germany and the religious people, you got me there, that didn’t sound right so I will explain, although I’m sure you still ignore me anyway. Hitler used sterotypes such as the jews killed Jesus to rile up christians who were maybe not so familiar with their own faith. The Romans actually killed Jesus. During WWII, many priests and nuns were killed for hiding Jews. Many churches were burned to the ground to help demoralize the people.
As for Hitler creating his own type of religion, it would be like people who celebrate Christmas and Easter but only with a tree or the Easter Bunny. Like athiests, who put up a Christmas trees but don’t believe in Jesus.
As for Hitler being Catholic, you have to be an active member to be Catholic, you have to go to mass, at least most of the time. You have to live your life a certain way, or you are just a hypocrite. Hitler used propaganda to get what he wanted. Hitler said lots of things. Hitler lived in his own fantasy land. At the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, he ordered non-exsistant units to save the German Army.
As for the Jesus quote and Hitler, if Hitler was a practicing and devout Catholic as you say, where did he get the idea that it was ok to kill all the jews? That’s my point. He didn’t get that from the Bible. You won’t find lebensraum in the Bible. You won’t find gassing disabled people in the Bible. You will find that Jesus healed many lepers and other handicapped people and you will find that he said “Love thy neighbor.”
Yes I like stupid toilet humor, such as “fucktard”, I also like Monty Python. Did I clear these things up for you or are you still confused?

Minnie Mouse on March 1, 2007 at 5:57 pm

The reason I came to comment in this thread to begin with is I have a lot of Muslim taxi drivers in my city as well. One night I grabbed a taxi but before I got in I asked how much it would be. Many times late at night, taxi drivers will try to charge you double thinking you are a tourist or too drunk to notice.
So anyway, I get in the taxi and I notice he has the Jihadi beard. I was polite and I said, “Sorry I had to ask how much you charge but people try to gouge you at night.” He just started on this rampage and he said, “I know the Jews do this, they steal your money.” HE was almost shouting. I just couldn’t believe my ears. I just quickly changed the subject. I expect him to blow himself up some day. He was scary.

Minnie Mouse on March 1, 2007 at 6:02 pm

The Purple Sow bloviated the following,
“The point is that you are lying even to yourself. If you are honest with yourself, you would admit you know I’m not a Muslim, but it suits your nasty, embittered little mind-set to portray me as such.”
Tell me…is it true that you converted to islam while in prison? Who corrupted your mind? Was it the government-sanctioned imam, reading the qur’ an, listening to old Calypso Louie tapes? Or was it the 72 virgins-in-paradise thing?

Thee_Bruno on March 1, 2007 at 6:40 pm

ìOne of THE main pillars of communism is that religion is the opium of the masses. Perhaps you have heard of that quote. ì
I have, but itís got not mutch to do with communism. Itís a quote from Karl Marx who was scared of the eventual onset of communism. He called Communism ìthe dark specter that haunts all of Europe.î
ìSo Solzenisthyn is an idiot? Öî
Not what I said.
ìTwo people Hitler studied and admired was Nietsche, “God is deadî..
Well not really admired. Nietzsche was adamant in his detestation of anti-Semitism, which didn’t go down well with our Adolf.
Öand Darwin who believed in survival of the fittest. Hitler used some of Darwin’s theories for his idea of the master race.î
No, this is not true. Hitler never mentioned Darwin nor did his view of nature reflect any substantive understanding of evolution. In fact, Hitler’s racism was based on the view that “races were created distinct by God” and he frequently cited works such as Martin Luther’s “On the Jews and their Lies” as guides to his policies. ñ See wiki for details.
ìHitler used sterotypes such as the jews killed Jesus to rile up christians who were maybe not so familiar with their own faith.î
Yes I know, but this is not relevant to our debate.
ìAs for Hitler creating his own type of religion, it would be like people who celebrate Christmas and Easter but only with a tree or the Easter Bunny. Like athiests, who put up a Christmas trees but don’t believe in Jesus.î
Thereís nothing wrong with atheists putting up Christmas trees, because that is an old pagan ritual. Jesus youíll remember was born in the autumn.
ìAs for Hitler being Catholic, you have to be an active member to be Catholic, you have to go to mass, at least most of the time.î
Wow. Iíll have to inform my wife of this shock news. Sheís a Catholic but hasnít been to church since her Dad died.
ìYou have to live your life a certain way, or you are just a hypocrite. Hitler used propaganda to get what he wanted. Hitler said lots of things. Hitler lived in his own fantasy land. At the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, he ordered non-exsistant units to save the German Army.î
Again, true but irrelevant.
ìAs for the Jesus quote and Hitler, if Hitler was a practicing and devout Catholic as you say, where did he get the idea that it was ok to kill all the jews? That’s my point. He didn’t get that from the Bible. You won’t find lebensraum in the Bible. You won’t find gassing disabled people in the Bible. You will find that Jesus healed many lepers and other handicapped people and you will find that he said “Love thy neighbor.”
Good grief. I didnít say Hitler was justified in using Christianity for doing what he did, but never the less he did use Christianity to justify what he did.
Hitler was like that ñ a bit deranged.
ìYes I like stupid toilet humor, such as “fucktard”, I also like Monty Python. Did I clear these things up for you or are you still confused?î
Iím not the one that’s confused.
ìHE was almost shouting. I just couldn’t believe my ears. I just quickly changed the subject. I expect him to blow himself up some day. He was scary.î
There you go Minnie, just like I said. The Power of Nightmares.
ìTell me…is it true that you converted to islam while in prison? Who corrupted your mind? Was it the government-sanctioned imam, reading the qur’ an, listening to old Calypso Louie tapes? Or was it the 72 virgins-in-paradise thing?î
The only virgin I know is you, thee-boy.

The Purple Cow on March 2, 2007 at 7:46 am

Purple Sow,
BTW, Purple Sow, don’t forget it’s Friday. Go down to your mosque (ammo dump), take off your shoes, pull out your prayer rug, get nice-n-comfy with they guy next to you, get on all fours – bottoms up, and recite the jumu`ah prayer. As for the sermon, well, you could get into the specifics of what is considered rape under sharia law, honor killings, hating whitey, and bashing Christians. You could even expound on world revisionism and really get the crowd riled up with talk about how western civilization is to blame for how muzlums lead such miserable existences. You could even make up a couple of quotes about how Jesus instructed his disciples to kill the unbeliever and loot his fellow man. Who would know the difference?

Thee_Bruno on March 2, 2007 at 8:25 am

I’ll take that as an admission of defeat on your part, thee_boy.

The Purple Cow on March 2, 2007 at 8:50 am

The Purple Sow bloviated;
“I’ll take that as an admission of defeat on your part, thee_boy.”
Oh, yeah…I raise the white flag.

Thee_Bruno on March 2, 2007 at 4:05 pm

Thee-Bruno is like a comedian who stands on stage and rather than tell jokes just says “I am funny, I am funny, I am funny, I am funny, I am funny, I am funny, I am funny, I am funny”. Until the crowd get bored and go home.
All hyper-macho arrogance (compensating for something?) but no actual content.
Being attacked by thee-bruno feels like being savaged by a dead fish.
No intellectual nitty to his gritty.

The Purple Cow on March 3, 2007 at 5:17 am

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