February 8, 2012, - 3:14 pm
The Muslim False Rape Accuser Dividend: NYC Hotel Maids Get “DSK” Anti-Rape Buttons
Remember Nafissatou Diallo, the Muslim immigration defrauder and false rape accuser against Dominique Strauss-Kahn? She not only lied about being gang-raped, so she could get asylum in the U.S. and a green card, but she also lied about the rape, so she could shake down Strauss-Kahn for money, as she said in recorded telephone conversations with her drug-smuggler boyfriend, who was in an Arizona prison. Well, despite the fact that her story was phony, 30,000 New York hotel maids and their union used the whole false rape accusation scam against DSK to shake down New York City hotels to pay for rape panic buttons with, which each maid will be equipped in the next year. And if you visit New York, you’ll pay for it with jacked-up hotel room prices (for chain hotels, I’m sure they’ll jack up the room prices everywhere to pay for this).

But there are several buttons missing from this scheme. Where are the false-rape panic buttons when an immigration-fraud-perpetrating, “devout Muslim” maid falsely accuses a hotel guest of rape to shake him down for money? Why don’t the hotels spring for that, too, since it seems to be more necessary given the circumstances of what eventually panned out? I also wonder whether–when the buttons are actually used against Muslim hotel guest rapists–if the allah-worshipping perpetrator will merely get five days of community service at a soup kitchen, as opposed to what prosecutors were seeking against DSK.
Oh, and where are the rape panic buttons for maids brought into this country and repeatedly raped and tortured by their Muslim masters?
None of those, either. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
Tags: 30000 New York Hotel Maids, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, false rape accusations, Immigration, Islam, Jihad, maids, Muslim, Nafissatou Diallo, New York, New York hotel maids, New York hotel maids union, New York hotels, panic button, rape accusations, rape button, unions
Remember those silly people back in the Clinton years who thought that with WJC’s sexual harassment of women there would be an easing up on the part of the feminizes?
Remember the naive people who thought the same thing when the Duke frame-up was exposed a few years ago?
Or who thought race-baiting would stop when BO was elected?
It just keeps getting worse and worse regardless of how reality intrudes.
Little Al on February 8, 2012 at 3:29 pm