February 22, 2012, - 1:20 pm
WTF?! Israel Frees Islamic Jihad Terrorist to Avoid Palestinian Anger
If you need any further evidence that Israel is now officially a wimpy nation without the resolve to fight terrorists–much like the U.S.–Khader Adnan a/k/a Khader Adnan Mohammad Musa is Exhibit A. Adnan is a top official of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who served as the group’s spokesman and urged Palestinians to put on suicide belts and kill Israelis by blowing up body parts. He’s also reportedly involved in the planning of PIJ terrorist activities. PIJ is responsible for numerous homicide bombings and attacks on innocent civilians in Israel. A PIJ bus-bombing murdered New Jersey college student Alisa Flatow. But Israel announced it will release the Islamic Jihad terrorist “out of concern about unrest in the West Bank if he should die” because Adnan is now on a hunger strike.

Khader Adnan: Nothingyahu Released Islamic Jihad Terrorist b/c of Palestinian Public Opinion
Can you imagine if America released hunger-striking Gitmo terrorists out of concern for Al-Qaeda and Muslim world outrage? Well, I guess we can all imagine it, since America has released hardened murderer Guantanamo detainees to the free world for a lot less. See, I told you America and Israel were a lot alike (and, now, in many ways that aren’t so great).
Oh, and Israel also wanted to avoid allowing its far-left Supreme Court from ruling on its emergency provision permitting administrative detention of Islamic terrorists without trial or formal indictment. Hey, just like America, again! Remember how the Bush Administration wimped out on the same issue, when it dropped having courts review the identical American provision in the case of Jose Padilla a/k/a Abdullah Al-Muhajer?
A Palestinian militant jailed for more than two months without trial forced Israel to agree Tuesday to release him after a hunger strike spurred concern about unrest in the West Bank if he should die.
Khader Adnan, a member of Islamic Jihad, deemed a security threat by Israel, ate after abstaining for 66 days, a protest that turned him into a cause célèbre among Palestinians and among human-rights activists.
I love how “human rights activists” are always the ones who support the terrorists that openly try to take the ultimate right–life–away from other humans.
Mr. Adnan’s petition to Israel’s Supreme Court had highlighted Israel’s controversial use of administrative detention, a decades-old emergency provision permitting the imprisonment of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza without a formal indictment or trial.
But hours before a High Court hearing Tuesday that was moved up because of his medical condition, Israel relented by reaching an agreement with Mr. Adnan’s lawyers allowing him to go free April 17 in return for ending the hunger strike.
Defending Israel’s actions, an official there said Mr. Adnan has been jailed seven times for his involvement in an Iranian-backed organization considered a terrorist group by the U.S., Canada and Israel.
But the official said there was concern about the fallout if Mr. Adnan died. Israel also faced protests from foreign governments and other groups.
“We faced a serious dilemma,” the Israeli official said.
HUH? What dilemma? The world hates Israel no matter what the country does. You cannot maintain adequate national security if you run it at the whim of the international community of Jew-haters, Third-World despots, and leftists. (I guess I could’ve just used “Jew-haters,” since the rest is redundant.) If America ran itself according to protesters, the Occupy Wall Street Crowd would be living in the mansions (though some of ’em, like Kanye West, Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons, Barack Obama, and Alec Baldwin already are). It’s absurd.
Palestinians demonstrating in solidarity with Mr. Adnan clashed with Israeli soldiers Tuesday outside the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Palestinians and Israeli rights activists said it was the first time they could recall Israeli authorities being pressured into committing to end a term of administrative detention.
And, sadly, with this boneheaded precedent, it won’t be the last.
Mr. Adnan’s four-month term was scheduled to end May 8, but Israeli military courts could have renewed the administrative detention for an additional time period. Israel’s justice minister said it agreed to shorten the term to account for the weeks he was detained in interrogations by security authorities.
“It’s an interesting development,” said Kadoura Fares, a former Palestinian cabinet minister who helped fund the legal aid for Mr. Adnan. “Just a couple of days ago, he was considered a dangerous prisoner who couldn’t be released. Now they’re saying that he’s not dangerous.”
Well, for once, I agree with a Palestinian a-hole. This guy is dangerous. He’s a terrorist. Now, you release him into the general population–as if he’s not dangerous and not a terrorist–because you’re worried about what the Judenrein neo-Nazi Palestinians think?!
Disgusting. Israel has lost its moral imperative. Lost its will.
Once again, tough-talking Nothingyahu speaks loudly and carries a toothpick.
Tags: administrative detention, Alisa Flatow, Benjamin Netanyahu, Binyamin Netanyahu, IJ, Islam, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Terrorism, Israel, Khader Adnan, Nothingyahu, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ
Some may question the law Israel used to hold this scumbag terrorist. Well, it is a holdover from British rule, and the British still have this law on their books. It is not a law Israel created, but inherited, and what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Besides, what law was Shalit held under? Under what law were the Fogelman’s butchered? Under what law was Meir Kahane murdered? Under what law is the rocketing of Israeli civilians allowed?
Israel is heading down the path of destruction, and it is the liberals within, not the Arabs, that are the biggest enemy.
Remember the Passover Seder, where it is stated that Laban, the enemy within, is more dangerous than the enemy without.
Jonathan E. Grant on February 22, 2012 at 1:33 pm