March 13, 2012, - 2:08 pm
Bingo: Ibrahim Kassim Saleh Charged w/ Shooting Black Dude in the Back Over Condoms
Yesterday, I told you what’s really behind the murder of a Black thug at a Detroit gas station in an argument over the price of condoms: Islamic racism against Blacks. As I told you, there’s a history of racism and violent attacks, including murder, against Black customers by Arab Muslim gas station owners and clerks. I told you I’d bet my bottom dollar that the man who shot Michael Haynes would have an Arab Muslim name. And whaddya know? Today, Ibrahim Kassim Saleh, age 23, was charged with first degree murder for shooting Haynes in the back as he was leaving the gas station.
While no one defends the behavior of Haynes, who pushed over shelves of merchandise during an argument about the price of condoms he’d just purchased, that is no excuse to shoot him in the back as he was leaving. While Haynes was a scumbag, had a criminal record (for home invasion and cocaine possession), and the streets are probably a little cleaner with his loss, the fact is that–as I’ve told you–there have been many like him who were attacked by Arab Muslim gas station workers and owners, who did not have criminal records and did not throw merchandise on the ground. Yet, they met the same fate. This is about Arab Muslim violence and racism against Blacks that spans continents. It’s part of Arab Muslim culture that refers to Blacks as “abed” (slave) or “abeed” (slaves), a vernacular that is the Arabic equivalent of the N-word.

Is Saleh a U.S. citizen? Or is he an illegal alien or green card holder? It will be interesting to see just who he is, but don’t hold your breath for the mainstream media to answer these questions, let alone ask them in the first place.
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy announced charges against a gas station attendant who is accused of shooting and killing a customer after a dispute over condoms.
Ibrahim Kassim Saleh, 23, has been charged with First Degree Murder and is also facing a Felony Firearm charge in the death of 24-year-old Michael Haynes.
The shooting took place at the BP gas station on Fenkell on Saturday, March 10 around 1:00 a.m.
Saleh was working when Haynes came in to purchase condoms. A verbal argument broke out. Haynes reportedly pushed over shelves of merchandise.
According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Saleh came out from behind the counter and shot Haynes in the back as he was leaving the station.
You play by allah’s rules in America, you will hopefully face Uncle Sam’s justice.
Tags: Arab, Arab Muslim, argument over condoms, BP, BP gas station, BP gas station at Fenkell and Meyers, cocaine possession, condoms, Detroit, Fenkell and Meyers, first degree murder, gas station murder over condoms, Home invasion, Ibrahim Kassim Saleh, Ibrahim Saleh, Islam, Islamic racism against Blacks, Jihad, Kim Worthy, Kym Worthy, Michael Haynes, Michael Haynes criminal record, murder, Muslim, Muslim racism against Blacks
Sure he was charged. I wouldn’t expect anything less from black-run Detroit. BTW, counselor, DAs typically over charge to get a confession or plea deal. This is not first degree murder.
DS said: The guy was leaving the store and the Arab Muslim left the booth to shoot and kill him. That’s called murder. And that’s why the murderer was just charged with 1st Degree Murder. Wake up and stop justifying Islamic racism. Messing up a store is not grounds for murder. Your spin is what’s pathetic. DS
Really? You know the guy was leaving the store? You know he didn’t have a gun in his possession? Everything to you IS islamic racism. This is called defending your property and life. I’d say Holder should investigate the civil rights violations of the defendant. Oh, that’s right, Holder only protects “his people”.
FK: Um, it’s called video. The video shows he was leaving. He was shot IN THE BACK. Wake up. DS
FrenchKiss on March 13, 2012 at 2:16 pm