March 27, 2012, - 4:07 pm
Shaima Alawadi: Murder of Muslim Woman Sounds Like Hate Crime Hoax … & Honor Killing
Muslim grievance theater actors across America are “outraged”–“outraged!”–by the murder of Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi Muslim woman who lived in San Diego. And ever since I first heard about it on Sunday, I’ve believed it was a hate crime hoax . . . likely to cover up a Muslim honor killing. That’s how I’ve responded to the many readers who’ve asked me about this case. It’s all too obvious. And I believe that even the shrieking Muslims wearing it as an artificial chip on their shoulders know this–that the claim is phony.

It’s just all too convenient that a Muslim woman was found badly beaten–and later died–with a note that read, “You’re a terrorist. You should move back to your country.” People who commit hate crimes don’t leave notes like that. People who commit crimes against people they know and want dead–a/k/a Muslim relatives, like a husband, perhaps–leave notes like that in a way too obvious attempt to deflect attention away from themselves as suspects. Oh, and the first preliminary note was taped to the front door a few days before, a sure sign that the actual murderer had no fear of anyone seeing him because he was probably a regular resident of the home or regular visitor, not a hate crime perpetrator. That there was a second note, days later, found near the victim tells me that a hate crime hoaxer (again, probably a close relative) carefully planned the ruse. It just doesn’t pass the smell test.
Sadly, there was no backlash after 9/11, after the Fort Hood Massacre, after the attempted Times Square Bombing and the attempted Underwear bombing–ALL perpetrated by Muslims–when there should have been. Instead of Americans recognizing the Islamic threat against this country, they recognized how to bend over forward and backward and do somersaults to please, placate, and appease Muslims in America, with no positive consequences. Americans don’t generally commit hate crimes against Muslims. (As I’ve repeatedly noted, the FBI hate crimes stats each year show that the majority of religion-based hate crimes are against Jews, very few against Muslims even including the hate crime hoaxes that Muslims get away with because they are never caught.) But Muslims have been caught perpetrating plenty of hate crime hoaxes against themselves and their fellow co-religionists. And that’s, in all likelihood, what went on here . . . again, to cover up an honor killing.
It’s even more convenient that Alawadi’s husband, Kassim Alhimidi, and children were not there when she was beaten. He’s suspect number one in my mind. Maybe he hired someone to do it or solicited a Muslim friend. And it’s very convenient not to have his kids there as witnesses. The family had lived in Saudi Arabia until 1995, and are probably very extreme, even beyond “normal” Muslim extremism. Her own father, Sayed Nabeel Alawadi, is a prominent Shia cleric in Iraq and very extremist. She probably did something un-Islamic and “too American,” which pissed him off, like buying an evil infidel gangsta Captain and Tennille CD (Muskrat Love–NOT halal). Maybe the husband complained about some papercut-level grievance to the father, and he gave the okay. We’ll never know. But any of these scenarios is far more likely than the hate crime BS.
I don’t believe that claim for a second. And you shouldn’t either. The police clearly don’t, as they are not calling it a hate crime and say that the investigation needs to continue. More than likely, they are looking at the hubby very closely and think he had something to do with it, as I do. San Diego has been swimming with Arabs and Muslims for the last two decades, and there haven’t been any hate crime murders against them, not even after 9/11. Why now? Maybe because now was the time a fellow Muslim needed her gone and had a convenient way to disguise the murder for what it really was, an honor killing.
An odd statement eerily hints that Shaima Alawadi’s own 15-year-old son, Mohammed, knows this isn’t a hate crime:
“There’s only three people that know what happened,” he said. “God, my mom and the guy who did it.”
But the killing probably killed two birds with one stone for the Muslims: 1) some Muslim relative or associate eliminated an unwanted female relative from existence; and 2) now Muslims from HAMASCAIR and other Islamic grievance theater merchants get to whine, whine, whine about how they are the victims, victims, victims.
Don’t believe the hype. You’ll just get burned.
Tags: hate crime, hate crime hoax, hate crime hoaxes, hate crimes, Honor Killing, Honor Killings, Islam, Kassim Alhimidi, Mohammed Alhimidi, Muslim, Muslim Hate Crime Hoax, Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxes, Muslim honor killing, Muslim honor killings, Muslim honor killings in America, Nabeel Alawadi, Sayed Nabeel Alawadi, shaima Alawadi
Yup. I’d probably say its her husband. Or her son. In “honor killings” of Muslim females, the perpetrator is usually a male relative.
I have to laugh at CAIR’s misdirection. It hardly looks like a “hate crime.” And if they’re trying that hard to convince you it is one, the truth is a lot closer to home.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Willis Dawud and Dearbornistan to acknowledge it.
NormanF on March 27, 2012 at 4:45 pm