April 2, 2012, - 2:00 pm
SCHMUCK: John McCain Encouraged Muslim Bro’hood’s Al-Shater to Run for Egypt Prez, Said US Didn’t Object
It’s no surprise that–after repeatedly saying they would not seek to take over the Egyptian government and seek its presidency–the Muslim Brotherhood is now seeking exactly that. But what’s absolutely disgusting (and also no surprise) is that John McCain discussed this power quest with Khairat Al-Shater a/k/a Khairat El-Sharit a/k/a Khairat Ash-Shater, the group’s former chief financier and second in command, and encouraged him to run. McCain, according to Egyptian Arabic media reports, also told Al-Shater that the U.S. had no objections to the transfer of power in Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, birthing organization to HAMAS, Al-Qaeda, and Yasser Arafat, nor to Al-Shater leading Egypt as its President.

As I’ve said before, we would be no better off with this utter a-hole as President instead of Barack Hussein Obama. (The only difference is that we would have a fat first daughter drag queen wearing ugly clothes that are too tight on her, instead of a first lady drag queen wearing ugly clothes that are too tight on her.)
Shorouk News (“shorouk” means “sunrise” in Arabic) reports that McCain met with Al-Shater, advised him that the U.S. had no objections to his candidacy for the Egyptian Presidency, and that he said the U.S. government was not opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood assuming power in Egypt. Here’s just an excerpt from the story (my translation):
Muslim Brotherhood sources tell “Sunrise News” that the deputy leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Khairat Al-Shater, discussed his decision to declare his candidacy for the Presidency of Egypt with U.S. Senator John McCain two months ago, and that the latter had assured him there was no objection in the U.S. administration toward the Brotherhood assuming the Presidency.
See, John McCain is Obama’s twin Secretary of State and doing his bidding. Hillary Clinton is busy giving your money to Al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood terrorists so they can take over Syria from Assad (she pledged at least $12 million over the weekend). And John Al-McCain is doing the same in Egypt.
The story goes on to say that McCain and others in the international community continue to pressure the Egyptian military to give up power to popular democratic movements, the most powerful of which is the Brotherhood, and that a package of economic aid has been guaranteed in the event of the arrival of the Muslim Brotherhood to power, via the Egyptian Presidency.
And I voted for John McCain, WHY….?????
I don’t care what this moron did in Vietnam. It’s all more than negated by his aiding of America’s enemies in their assumptions of power throughout the Middle East. Whatta Schmuck!
Score another one for the ghost of Bin Laden. He might live under the sea, but he’s having the last laugh. And we’re doing his bidding.
Tags: Egypt, John McCain, Khairat Al-Shater, Khairat Ash-Shater, Khairat El-Shatir, McCain Encouraged Khairat Al-Shater to Run for President, McCain Encouraged Muslim Brotherhood, McCain Met with Khairat Al-Shater, Muslim Brotherhood, Shorouk, Shorouk News, Sunshine News
We’re giving arms to the Muslim Brotherhood, too.
It’s pretty sad when the people on our side (McCain, Romney) aren’t really on our side.
Barry Popik on April 2, 2012 at 2:15 pm