April 5, 2012, - 5:07 pm
WWE & GOP Senate Candidate McMahon Hire Miss Hezbollah, Drunk Driver Rima Fakih
Why did Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Linda McMahon, hire a supporter of Islamic terrorists who murdered hundreds of Americans and worked with Al-Qaeda to murder hundreds more?

Former Miss USA, Rima Fakih, supports Hezbollah, the Islamic terrorist group that murdered hundreds of Americans and works with Al-Qaeda. She also has family members who are prominent officials and terrorists in the group and its ally, Harakat Amal–the Shi’ite Amal Militia. An Islamic terrorist, Imad Hamad, who committed immigration and marriage fraud–and whose deportation the U.S. sought for decades–financed her bid for Miss Michigan and Miss USA. And now WWE–World Wrestling Entertainment–has embraced the terrorist-supporting sharmutah and drunk driving alcoholic. She told a German news outlet that she has signed with WWE. Thank Linda McMahon (so-called Republican and certified fraud and charlatan), who was CEO of the company and is running (again) for the Connecticut Republican U.S. Senate nomination, fraudulently claiming she’s a “conservative.” Apparently, Mrs. McMahon–who still owns a great deal of stock in the company, along with her husband and children who run it–is whoring herself and her business out to the America-hating Muslim world. And her new employee, Fakih, refuses to condemn Hezbollah, making it a ground rule that no press interviews can even include questions about the terrorist group. (Dhimmi FOX News agreed to the ground rule, too.)
As you know, Fakih was arrested for drunk driving, then lied about it on Twitter. And she recently lied in the Arabic media in Lebanon, claiming that her arrest had nothing to do with alcohol. Really? Then, why did she blow a .21 in blood alcohol tests (a sign she’s an alcoholic), and why is she standing trial on April 11th? Because it had everything to do with alcohol. And she could have killed someone. (She also lied when she told the Lebanese media that she is working on two movies. IMDB, which lists even the most Z-list of projects, shows she is working on nothing, which is why she had to sign with the WWE, an organization as sleazy and fake as she is.)
2010 Miss USA Rima Fakih was on hand for many of the WrestleMania week events in Miami, Florida, prompting speculation that she had signed with WWE. The beauty queen confirmed to German celebrity gossip website Promiflash.de that she has signed a contract with the organization.
When asked if she is under contract to WWE at Thursday’s WrestleMania Premiere Party at Sun Island, she responded, “You are the first to respond to me, but I can now tell you that I will definitely be part of WWE.”
I put in a call to WWE’s press people asking them why they would hire a supporter of Hezbollah, whose family members are officials and martyrs of the Islamic terrorist group. For an organization with shows, like “Tough Enough,” it’s actually a wimpy, weak, spineless company . . . with an equally spineless CEO in Mrs. McMahon. I hope her rivals for the Connecticut GOP U.S. Senate nomination use this against her. She’s a hack and a fraud.
There’s nothing “tough”–or even patriotic–about the WWE.
McMahon has bragged about how she’s created hundreds of jobs. It would be nice of those jobs were not created for the express purpose of promoting supporters of Islamic terrorism.
The signing of Rima Fakih, a supporter of mass murderers of hundreds of Americans, is Exhibit A that WWE is just anti-American.
And so is Linda McMahon.
Contact WWE to express your outrage at the hiring of this terrorism-sympathizer skank:
WWE Corporate Headquarters
1241 East Main Street
Stamford, CT 06902
Contact Linda McMahon’s Connecticut U.S. Senate campaign, too:
556 Washington Avenue
North Haven, CT 06473
Tags: Connecticut, Connecticut Republican U.S. Senate race, drunk driving, Hezbollah, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, Lebanon, Linda McMahon, Muslim, Rima Fakih, World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE
Scum calls out to scum across the malodorous swamp.
Occam's Tool on April 5, 2012 at 5:28 pm