April 25, 2012, - 4:55 pm
She’s BAAACK: Jew-Hating HAMASnik Jihad Cindy Runnin’ For Congress
I’ve been following racist, Jew-hating wacko Cynthia McKinney a/k/a “Jihad Cindy” for at least two decades. When my friend, Jewish Republican John Mitnick, ran against her in 1996, he had the best chance of any Republican to beat her. But, predictably, the Jewish community in the Atlanta area supported the Black neo-Nazi-ette and helped re-elect her, even though she referred to Mitnick as “that racist Jew.” And, although she was ousted in a Democratic primary in 2002, she came back in future elections, getting ousted again in 2006. McKinney was on the HAMAS flotilla trying to help terrorists in Gaza, and she appeared (wearing a weird superhero cape) on Libyan TV to back Muammar Qaddafi (because he was giving millions to her patron, Louis Farrakhan). Well, now, like an annoying mosquito you just can’t swat away for good, she’s back, running for Congress again.

And I’m sure McKinney’s friends in HAMASCAIR and the Islamic nuthouse will support her latest Congressional bid. The group supported McKinney, even after her father blamed one of her Congressional losses on “the J-E-W-S.” And by the way, when she lost, that was despite the personal help of her friend, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and his minions. This time, though, things might be different. She’s had previous comebacks to Congress, and she may do it yet again.
As you may recall, after 9/11, McKinney wrote a letter to anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Saudi Prince and FOX News owner Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, apologizing for America and claiming that a Black baby born in the U.S. is worse off than a baby born in Afghanistan under Taliban control. McKinney–who is sort of a less successful Al Sharpton in a skirt–also staked her reputation on demanding reparations for American Blacks. And she had a temper tantrum on Capitol Hill when former government officials wanted to testify truthfully about HAMAS CAIR and the extremism of Muslims in America.
Oh, and then there’s the issue of her then-staffer Rayed Tayeh who wrote a letter to a Capitol Hill newspaper, questioning the loyalty of America’s Jew. Tayeh, a Muslim activist, previously worked for a Muslim group connected with Al-Qaeda, which was founded by a man who brought Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri into the U.S. to raise money at mosques. I debated Tayeh on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor” and MSNBC’s “Hardball,” when he was leading the boycott of Starbucks because it has a Jewish CEO who dared condemn anti-Semitism.
Will the many liberal Jews (and liberal White Gentiles) who voted for Jihad Cindy in the past finally give up on her and support her Democrat primary opponent as they occasionally have in the past? Or will they look the other way because they can’t be bothered in repelling this modern day Third Reicher?
Don’t hold your breath for the former. Jihad Cindy may be back in Congress, come January 2013.
Tags: Anti-Israel, anti-Israel politicians, anti-Semites, Atlanta, Cynthia McKinney, Cynthia McKinney running for Congress again, flotilla fools, Georgia, Hamas, HAMAS Flotilla, Israel, Jew-haters, Jihad Cindy, Jihad Cindy #1, John Mitnick, Louis Farrakhan, Muammar Qaddafi, Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, Rayed Tayeh
“Will the many liberal Jews (and liberal White Gentiles) who voted for Jihad Cindy in the past finally give up on her and support her Democrat primary opponents as they occasionally have in the past?”
Debbie the answer to you’re last sentiment in you’re sentence is unfortunatley and sadly, “NO”! No matter what, they’ll vote Democrat and vote for this anti-semtic skank, because their “LINOs” (Liberals In Name Only) and they are programmed like zombies. Now to the first sentiment in you’re first sentence, you could’ve put “liberal Black Gentiles” that’ll more likely vote for this lunatic again, and as a black person, I’m sorry to say, some of us black folks vote for a black elected official because of the color of their skin rather than their policies and politics, etc. This happens with every ethnic and racial group DS!
“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”
Sean R. on April 25, 2012 at 5:30 pm