April 30, 2012, - 2:53 pm
Another Great Sign of Islamic “Democracy”: Former Libyan PM “Drowned” to Death in Austria’s Danube
When the Mossad isn’t doing the assassinations, nobody cares. Because, per usual, when Jews aren’t the perpetrators–but Muslims are–the life isn’t worth the outrage and lack of political football against Israel.
And so it goes with Shokri Ghanem, Libya’s former Prime Minister and Oil Minister. Don’t believe the hype that he committed suicide. He was definitely assassinated. The question is by whom? The man, for a long time part of the Qaddafi government and a confidant of Qaddafi son, Seif Al-Islam Qaddafi, later backed the Libyan rebels–you know, the savage “democrats” we helped bring to power not long after engineering a no-nukes treaty with Qaddafi, which he kept (and then we betrayed him). Either way–whether Ghanem was murdered by the Libyan rebel “democrats” as I believe and as it seems he was, or by the Qaddafi loyalists, who seem to have taken their marbles and gone home–the fact that the man was apparently murdered in Austria should tell you a lot about the long arm of Islam and Islamic assassins. That arm stretches, as we know, into U.S. borders.

Austrian police said Libya’s former oil chief and prime minister, whose body was found in the River Danube in Vienna on Sunday, had drowned, but it was unclear whether he killed himself or was the victim of an accident or foul play. . . .
Mr Ghanem defected from the Gaddafi regime during the Nato-backed armed uprising in May 2011, eventually finding his way to Europe. Libya’s interim authorities had issued a warrant for his arrest. . . .
Libyan investigators say Mr Ghanem played a key role in skimming the country’s oil profits to benefit the Gaddafi family, acting as a dealmaker between Tripoli and companies in Europe and the Arabian Peninsula. . . .
He was last seen alive by his family on Saturday night. Passers-by spotted his body floating 20 meters from the shore on Sunday morning, not far from his home, according to Austrian media.
I don’t believe for a second that this guy went on a Saturday Night swim alone in the Danube. Who does that? Certainly and especially not a guy in his position.
While there is some speculation that someone with whom he skimmed oil profits for the Qaddafis was trying to silence him, I doubt it. I think it’s more likely that it was the rebels getting revenge. The first ones they kill are the turncoat useful idiots.
And if he lived here, we’d find him drowned somewhere in the Detroit River.
Again, since this isn’t a Mossad hit, no one cares or will condemn it. And there will be no incompetent Inspector Clouseau-esque police chiefs getting accolades from the Wall Street Journal for their non-existent “investigations.”
The bloodbaths of newly-liberated, “democratic,” “Springtime” Arabia continue without outrage. Because, hey, if the Jews didn’t do it, it doesn’t count. Right?
On the other hand, if they keep killing each other, I’m happy to let allah sort it out. Still, we should have supported both Mubarak and Qaddafi. That we supported the rebels was absolutely unconscionable and helped further destabilize the Middle East and Muslim world in favor of our enemies.
Tags: Austria, Danube, Danube River, Libya, Libyan Minister drowned in Austria, Libyan Oil Minister, Libyan Prime Minister, oil, Oil Minister, Qaddafi, Seif Al-Islam Qaddafi, Seif Qaddafi, Shokri Ghanem
“He was definitely assassinated.”
That would imply that you have a shred of evidence.
The word you want is “possibly”.
Try it out.
London Spy on April 30, 2012 at 3:54 pm