May 10, 2012, - 6:20 pm
Toronto Muslim School Issues Phony “Apology” for Teaching Jew-Hatred
I frankly don’t want, don’t need, and would never accept any such phony “apology” from Muslims who said what they really believe in the first place and haven’t changed, in this case of a Toronto Muslim school . . . which is NOT unique to that school but common to Muslims all over the world, including all over North America. And “opening the doors” of a Muslim school to the Jewish community won’t change a thing–it will only be a PR opportunity for the Muslim haters to pretend they don’t hate, when we all know the Jew-hatred is an inherent teaching of Islam. As you read this story, note that the mosque is a Shi’ite mosque that supports Iran and Hezbollah. Given that, there is no point in even considering any apology for their very real and eternal Jew-hatred of which there will be more because there are more and more of them coming into North America. Complaining about their Jew-teaching hatred once they are here is too little, too late. It’s like complaining about the effects of cancer, after you’ve willingly contracted it.

Jewish community leaders say an apology from an east-Toronto Islamic school which taught Jews are “treacherous” and “crafty” is a good start, but not nearly enough.
Avi Benlolo, president of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre of Toronto, said Tuesday that East End Madrassah (EEM), which teaches courses on Sundays from rented space at an east-end public school, should open its doors to the Jewish community and Ontario’s Ministry of Education so the groups can oversee the reworking of its teaching curriculum.
Benlolo’s reaction came several hours after the EEM school issued a statement apologizing to the Jewish community for a lesson in its curriculum that was teaching young Muslim students that Jews are “crafty,” “treacherous,” comparable to Nazis and allegedly plotted to kill the Prophet Mohammed. According to the apology, the inclusion of the offending content in the curriculum was “unintentional.”
Funny how the Nazis call others Nazis. Pot. Kettle. Black. Islam. Nazism.
Links on the EEM website to its lesson plans have since been disabled, and the York Regional Police Hate Crimes unit is investigating following a complaint filed by Benlolo last Thursday.
The chief Imam of the Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat of Toronto, the EEM school’s parent organization, said late Tuesday that the offensive content came from information taken from two websites without the permission of the “scholars” designing the school’s lesson plans.
Oh, please. This is absolute BS. They knew exactly what was in their curriculum and they taught it, no problem. It’s only after they got caught that they are suddenly “so sorry.” Crocodile tears. Complete fertilizer.
“There has been a lack of scrutiny and communication between the people who update the curriculum,” said Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. “When we express our (religious) differences, it has to be done in a civilized way … (and) this was unacceptable.”
Ha. I think I could grow some really lush grass with that fertilizer. Shi’ites hate Jews. It’s not about “a lack of scrutiny.” It’s about–THAT’S WHAT THEY THINK. THEY. HATE. JEWS. Period.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Rizvi could not immediately say what websites the offensive language came from, and refused to identify who at the EEM was responsible for adding it to the school’s lesson plan, adding only that he’ll let the police investigation take its course.
As for Benlolo’s call for the EEM to allow Jewish and government officials to oversee the redesign of the school’s curriculum, Rizvi said that will not be happening.
Sure, because they will be teaching Jew hatred and don’t want to take time out of their Judenrein/Judenrat lessons to fake it for others in a PR opportunity. He won’t identify websites b/c it’s not about that. It’s about how Muslims hate Jews and that’s what they teach in most schools, mosques, and “charities” they run.
Premier Dalton McGuinty said he was pleased that police are looking into the matter and added “there’s no room for hatred or intolerance” in Ontario.
WRONG. There’s plenty of room for hatred and intolerance in Ontario. Look at any mosque, any Muslim community, any Muslim school. And Canada has largely turned a blind eye to it. This one school is just the tip of the iceberg. Sadly, Premier McGuinty won’t point out that this is most common and prominent in Islam.
And, again, there will be more and more of this as Muslims continue to multiply geometrically in our midst. The problem has metastasized beyond repair. Too late.
Tags: anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, Avi Benlolo, Dalton McGuinty, East End Madrassah, EEM, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Islam, Islamic anti-Semitism, Islamic hate, Islamic Ithna Asheri Jamaat of Toronto, Islamic Jew-hatred, Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat, Jew-hatred, Jihad, Ministry of Education, Mohammed, Muhammad Rizvi, Muslim, Muslim anti-Semitism, Muslim hate, Muslim Jew-hatred, Nazis, Ontario, Premier Dalton McGuinty, Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Shi'ite, Shia, Toronto, York Regional Hate Crimes unit
If they didn’t want to teach anti-Semitism, they knew about the rules BEFORE they opened their school doors. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, even in Ontario, Canada.
They were only sorry they got caught. If they had said they hate Jews, at least they would be telling the truth. Lying only compounds the offense.
The Jewish community shouldn’t buy their “apology”. Words are cheap and are a form of taqiyyah. Besides, how can Muslims really change their stripes?
Lets face it: our society is incapable of civilizing them and bringing more of them here will only endanger the rest of us.
Societies can die from those who administer the poison to them as well as from the poison itself. We stand duly warned.
NormanF on May 10, 2012 at 6:40 pm