May 31, 2012, - 10:15 am
Conduct Unbecoming: If You’re Breastfeeding, You Shouldn’t Be in US Armed Forces . . . Esp if You Pose Topless
It’s official: we are Girlieman Nation USA. And it’s infected our Armed Forces.
It was bad enough when male U.S. soldiers were forced to wear fake wombs to feel what it’s like to be pregnant. But now we have breastfeeding chick “soldiers” posing topless, and somehow this isn’t conduct unbecoming? Now, I’m starting to see why gay soldiers wanted the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. They had to do their biz in secret, while these women–who have zero sense of decency or modesty–are letting it all hang out . . . while in uniform. As I’ve said before, if you are a woman with kids, you shouldn’t be in the U.S. Armed Forces. If you are nursing, you definitely shouldn’t be. And if you pose topless–whether you are nursing or not–while in the U.S. Air Force uniform, you should be court-martialed. Male soldiers have been dishonorably discharged for a lot less.

Conduct Unbecoming: US Air Force Natl Guard Exhibitionists Terran Echegoyen-McCabe & Christina Luna Should be Court-Martialed
If I were Al-Qaeda’s chief of propaganda, I’d e-mail the photo below far and wide to show how weak and silly America is. The woman on the right is at least a tad modest. The one on the left–nursing twins–is clearly an exhibitionist ho, and more important, there is absolutely NO way she can be nursing and raising twins and serving our military at the same time. Someone loses, and its probably the Air Force AND those kids. Everyone’s shafted but she gets her slutty exhibitionist fix satisfied. Their names are Terran Echegoyen-McCabe and Christina Luna, and they deserve to be named so that they can be shamed by Google forever (and constantly seen by weirdos with the sick fetish they just satisfied). Sadly, they also shame our brave U.S. men on the front lines. With women like this, I now understand why some people call it the Air Farce. We just got through Memorial Day, remembering the men who died for our freedom and . . . for this???
I’ve already figured out the problem with the chick with the twins and her boobs in full display, Terran Echegoyen-McCabe. She has two last names either because her own father had no testicles and agreed to his daughter’s hyphenated surname to please his masculine, shrewish wife. Or it’s because Ms. Echegoyen-McCabe, herself, is married to such a ball-less “man” and he gave in when she refused to take his surname without a silly hyphen.
These attention-whore chick “soldiers” claimed they did this as a public service promoting breast-feeding awareness. Riiiight. More like they did it to say, “Me-me-me-look-at-me-look-at-my-t–s.” Does anyone think that even one mother who wasn’t going to breastfeed is going to see this picture and say, Okay, I’ll do it. Nope. Won’t happen. We are already aware of breast-feeding. We don’t need your absurd public display to make us more aware. This is nothing more than a vanity photo. Period. But it will inspire more of the continued La Leche League breastfeeding-in-public terrorism that we don’t need. And it’s not the display becoming to anyone wearing the uniform of the United States Armed Forces.
Public displays of affection–even hand-holding–are forbidden while wearing the uniform. If a male soldier gets arrested for exposing himself while in uniform, he now has a precedent for claiming sexism, unless these women are disciplined.
The feminization and chickification of our soldiers’ ranks isn’t anything that’s made us stronger. Photos like this just make us a joke. But they are great for some sicko with a fetish for topless breastfeeding women to masturbate to. So, what makes these women different than those who pose for weird fetish magazines? Nothing.
And that’s the thing: these women have reduced the U.S. Air Force uniform to an accessory in a sexual fetish photo shoot.
Here’s more on this absurdity:
The picture shows two mothers, Terran Echegoyen-McCabe and Christina Luna, both in active service, nursing their babies on an Air Force base.
The striking image has seen a flurry of comments, from supporters who say breastfeeding is a ‘fundamental right’ to another who compared it to ‘defecating in uniform’.
The photos were taken for the Mom2Mom Breastfeeding Support Group, set up by a military wife and mother-of-three to raise awareness of all women’s rights to breastfeed in public. . . .
Robyn Roche-Paull, a lactation consultant and a U.S. Navy Veteran wrote a book and has a blog called Breastfeeding in Combat Boots which aims to make women’s position clearer while breastfeeding and serving their country.
As she writes: ‘There are NO polices or regulations in any of the military branches that either approve OR disapprove of breastfeeding in uniform.’
Well, that’s sad. Even sadder, they don’t have the guts to make this illegal.
The public affairs department at Fairchild Air Force Base did not respond to messages for comment.
Of course the Air Force didn’t respond. They are too wimpy to denounce inappropriate behavior while in uniform. We’ve become a nation of wimps where anything goes, especially if it surrenders to the feminist ridiculous.
Congrats, America. We’ve sunk to a new low. The ghost of Bin Laden: still having the last laugh.
Read these absurd Air Force regulations on breastfeeding from the site, “Breastfeeding in Combat Boots.” (Here’s a tip: if you have combat boots, you shouldn’t be a mom . . .and probably shouldn’t have a vagina.)
AF members who are breastfeeding or pumping remain eligible for field training, mobility exercises, and deployment. However, AFI 36-2110, Assignments, supports deferment from deployment for 6 months post partum. AF commanders may consider supporting deferment of deployment for breastfeeding mothers for 12 months post partum to ensure the full medical benefits of breastfeeding.
The AFMS encourages commanders’ modifications of these activities and/or work conditions for Airmen who are breastfeeding, when possible. Nonetheless, duty requirements may not always be compatible with exclusive breastfeeding. In these cases, the AF member must decide in consultation with her medical provider whether to attempt to continue breast-feeding and/or pumping breast milk. AF Form 469 is not the mechanism for documentation that an AF member is breastfeeding.
Getting a deferment because you are breastfeeding? Um, maybe you shouldn’t be in the Air Force. Do men get deferments like this? No. This is a military organization, not a spa or a nursery. These women clearly cannot serve AND breastfeed at the same time, especially when we are at war.
With BS like this, in the long run we will lose to the Islamic threat we face. The enemy doesn’t engage in this idiocy.
Tags: Air Farce, Air Force breastfeeding, breastfeeding, Breastfeeding in Combat Boots, breastfeeding in uniform, breastfeeding terrorism, breastfeeding terrorists, Christina Luna, conduct unbecoming, exhibitionists, Fairchild Air Force Base, military moms breastfeeding, military moms breastfeeding in uniform, Mom2Mom Breastfeeding Support Group, Robyn Roche-Paull, Terran Echegoyen-McCabe, U.S. Air Force, US Air Force National Guard
It you want to start building your family, you should not be in uniform. There are plenty of private and public sector jobs that will accomodate you. A woman who has a young child must decide whether to neglect her child or her duties if she is actually a soldier, and not a disguised civillian in uniform. I consider this child neglect, if not abuse.
Worry01 on May 31, 2012 at 10:37 am