June 4, 2012, - 2:03 pm
VIDEO: Are Arabs, Muslims Selling Your Kids K2/Spice? Highly Addictive Drug Sold in Gas Stations Led to Murders
You probably heard about the Detroit-area grandmother, Sandra Layne, who shot and killed her grandson, Jonathan Hoffman. But what you probably didn’t know is that the grandmother felt her grandson was a threat to her life as did a probation officer in a report on him. She bought a gun because her grandson was apparently addicted to K2/Spice, a synthetic form of marijuana that is supposed to be 10 times more addictive than pot and causes addicts to engage in violence.
It is a type of addiction that is gradually becoming more widespread, and the fact that private treatment options for spice addiction are now available is proof of that.
One Detroit-area addict, Tucker Cipriano, murdered his father with a baseball bat and tried to do the same to his mother and brother. And, then, there is Hoffman. There have also been many suicides from the drug and kids with strokes and other severe health problems after using the drug. It’s the drug actress Demi Moore reportedly smoked when she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. It is illegal in some states, but not in Michigan and some others. And it’s legally sold–primarily by Muslims and Arabs–in gas stations and convenience stores. So your kids and grandkids can get it without your knowledge and quickly become addicted. The unregulated drug is made in China and has been deemed unfit for human consumption in Europe. The long-term effects of the drug are not known and haven’t been studied because the drug is so new. So, why is it allowed in some of the United States?

Watch this video report, below, by Detroit’s FOX News affiliate and note the reprehensible behavior by owners of the gas station and smoke shop, who don’t care about the lives of the kids they are helping to ruin. Whether or not something is legal, does not mean a store owner should not take any civic responsibility and continue to sell it. Fast forward to 1:38 into it. It’s disgusting to hear the Arab gas station employee tell the television reporter that he doesn’t care and that if she were dying, outside he wouldn’t even call for help. But, hey, at least this guy is he is honest enough to tell us he doesn’t care about us. Reader D: “Must have forgot his teachings on how to deceive the non-believers.
I will continue to only buy gasoline at Kroger and Meijer (and other corporate-owned) gas stations, not privately-owned ones.”
Note that the reporter, Taryn Asher, will not identify the owners of the Citgo and Woodstock Smoke Shop in the story. Not sure why she is protecting these people (other than that they are Arabs). But I looked up the shop, and it appears to be owned by a man named Anthony Koza, a Chaldean Arab–a Christian Iraqi. Most of the stores, though, that sell K2/Spice are owned by Muslims, FYI. And these gas station and convenience store owners have one thing in common: they don’t care about your kids. It’s all about the money, honey.
Check out the video . . .

Tags: Anthony Koza, Arabs, Chaldeans, China, convenience stores, Demi Moore, Drugs, gas stations, Jonathan Hoffman, K2, k2 spice, k2/spice, legal, legal drugs, Muslims, Sandra Layne, spice, Taryn Asher, Tucker Cipriano, video
It’s awful. I’ve seen the stuff working on people on Youtube. I can’t believe this stuff is so readily available. The information is just now getting out about this menace. I believe it was formerly known as Salvia. Same type of poison.
samurai on June 4, 2012 at 2:29 pm